12 THE RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1970 (D EMPlGtMEKT iY EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT DOLLY By Bill Williams fY EMPLOYMENT IV EKPLOYMEHT jiY EMPLOYMENT Iff EMPLPYMEHT Help WateMemaig 32 Help Wanted Female 32, Help WanteMemaie 32, Help Wanted. Femali 32-a! Kslp WaiiteMUle 33! Help Wanted-Hali 331 Help Wanted Male 1 HXiSEAi Earn easn tor Cnnsi-i Aff flliHIS'sT AuTO Criitf INSPECTOR tftwMcS Lo Tcn.CiA Fw.i i.fr-s. OPEN fnt Sats. Busy internists' crflce. En- Returning to work? Do You want a area, Know, ECG, x-ray, career rather tnen merely a lets? We; FULL TIME se unq wve LosTume jewelry' PARTS COUNTER PARCEL POST eves.
Sjs wss tan orders 1-J YRS. EXPERIENCE, OYH4MIC! Maciiln shoo experience msndaorv. F.r eaatv. for ouaiified inoiviauai. vena-aufwure yaurw vn a waniu see, a lasi ana maTcra mintfirva nai wait, fca investrnt.
342-43V5. COMPANY EXPANDING OP6RA- iBo Tne Record. io manage a seoment erf a proes- ICacabl tor promet on to mgr. VH ereduetie we-'k nor hi v.riiATX Su itAKLii tt4j LADIES Full or part tim or 2 ev-i ocporiunity fOK right, ninqs i Sat. sTeJ Stl'f WRITE BOX MM RECORD LOB ELS YOUTH CENTER.
Eim-CCTG FEE PAID TO BflOO necessary, HH Good mv Unfits. i MITT Rt. I Goshen, Kew York (914) 9Q4-5733 mooa inoppwt Lemer, 4. East wor co'xitifons tooo pay ana Dene-i Parerson. teekin for better here's your chance to me.
aread. We need yeu and offer good sa.ary us incentives; fcnuses. All company benefits paid ai full ucn as vacations, sick days, hospitalization, major medical, etc. Ail replies confidential. Ask for Mr.
Drasher 867-6044. CENTER FORD s. adov in person nana a Neck- LABORATORY TECHNICIANS NO DEGREE? MANAGER'S ASSISTANT Susan Ives at Garden Stat 7a Param.K CLEANING 123 Tryssn Ave. leanecs (hospital trained, isacK. ANO RECEPTIONIST TYPIST nas immeaiafe opening for an experienced woman to assist Opportunity tor ranid MtvMrwnMil FULL TIME G'Ris wco iTECHNOLCGISTS (MI ASCP) Needed for Enoiewood Business office.
Must be high school orad ana S-arting salary $US eer wk. Acpiy Very large local firm seeks mbi person oniy. tioos ntgnt student, or non-oesree ac- Several openings for peeol to clean 'r u. Am Cnr. rtaalr pay and WE TIWN'Part time.
3 to ll PM and Tl PM to nave' i 38th st. Kennedy Blvd. Norm Bergen modern plant. Excel.en! HO EXP NEC Li interesting pru rnritr n.i 'cowflfant. cost exsenenc helpful.
Production Work 1 AM. Modern lab. Toe salary. at Rt 3 entrance to Lincoln lunneuiimnwwv hiu iwicii nLrU. tolnlt oALt uAL AAA.
Excelient benefits. Prosperous fu-i neta you. CALL MR. HARRISON AVBITIOUS. ALERT.
N. j. 1 1 Vfc. PLEASANT mNrtFNIA selling SMrca -or OFFICE. 568-3311 Beneficial Finance Co.
Of Enclewoad RECEPTIONIST TYPIST Excellent opportunity. Permanent position with growing apohance distributor located in new building South Hackensack. Tn pxprc dp i ir Ann flr.a.n at. Excellent fringe benefits. Apply 652 Hackensack NJ 07601 665 as tor Mr.
rensa or Mr. snui NEC. YOU. ASK FOR LEGAL SECRETARY TIME. 343-4545 man.
OIU. tUMtN 5S-V242 See Our Ad Under ASSEMBLERS SPRINGFIELD INSTRUMENT CO. ADMINISTRATIVE Aooiv at 123 Tryon Ave. Teaneck CREDIT REPRES. Light college background pref but wouid consioer trainees interested in banking career.
Diversf positions in Personal Credit Dept. All benef. Hack area. Call 487-5440 Peoples Trust of NJ Knone y45-si EXECUTIVE REALTY CREDIT MGR. $13000: AUTOMOBILE PAINTER 1st class, too pay.
Phon 567-6977, Ask for VR. HERZOG LEGAL SECRETARY EXP'D FULL TIME. 343-4545 128 GRAND AVE, NGL EWD. N.J. Mtg ina oct9 Siu aim Too onus.
RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST $95.00 ZENITH AGCY 250 Main Hackensack nrnrnriAntnT -r GIRLS-WOVEN Light factory work, no PXDPr npi- AAira Fanriraf- tlOOOO LEGAL. SECTY experience nec. fuil OFFICE MGR. Supyr small ofc REAL ESTATE Pll rpmniiru and ina 53 Tpntrl Su. Pnrhplip time.
snip oept. Liuerai nouaays. pleasant, KLUtniUillu I IU 1U3 Park. iRiosewood law firm. 445-4730 local No transportation problem jHLCorVUAfiCn FOREMAN WAREHOUSE tlO.500 HAIRSTYLIST Exo'd.
New beauty'LIGHT Industrial First Shift, 250 Main Hackensack CLERK saion now opening in mo area. M.ni-:'r person, warn riasnc ttooucts, 13 Trainees considered. You must have "itfl automoiiv supvr snip's Dons the talent, drive and office manager I potential for expanding firm. Career SERVICE REP tU.OOoCarBonus, For rpreivina Dent. v.O Beech Hack.
186-8552, curisr dibo wanrea. piease call 4av- 3014 or 773-1777 For Receiving Dept. Excellent benefits. 5 day base week plus overtime. RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST $90 Doctors Lab Interesting Spot ZENITH AGCY 250 Main Hackensack RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST 9:30 AM opportunity, liberal draw avail.
Can Au' Mtg txp car sve local trvl for annt AAww DCll TV rn I MACHINE OPERATOR working conditions. Apply in person 2-4 PM at Garcia Corpora- TRANSMISSION MAN We need an additional transmission specialist in our Service Department due to our tremendous expansion. Our top transmission specialists have earned over $350 per week during the past year. All company benefits paid in full such as vacations, sick davs, hospitalization, maior medicaldental, etc. All re-Plies confidential.
See Mr. Chonka or call 867-5311 CENTER FORD No. One Ford Dealer HIGH SCHOOL Graduate, oirl friday to assist in the advertising department of major building products manufacturer. Must know typing, steno and have a pleasant voice to Broker 256-5700 or 345-1126 banking A55T cashier pfa! ptatcIIeTTii Local bank exo consumer credit So1 TRAINEES to 5 P.M. Bergenfield.
384-4517 for! tion, 329 Alfred Av, Teaneck FULL-RART TIME CLERK-DRIVER Steady part time work, flexible hrs. 9 A.M. to P.M. nynaie telephone calls. Salary corp.
jeeks operators for 5iAI iSaic Cnrr dppimi. RECEPTIONIST tel. operator, typist small office in Ramsey. Steno. desira-ble but not nec.
327-9100. RECEPTIONIST TYPIST Related clerical dutiev fienefit. Sn a p. An. to iu p.m.
won tnru sat. Bondable. Over 21. H.S. orad.
Retail Full time, exoer ttmce zaartswAr All AflfiVF FFP PA If store. Resume 568-7576 CALL JOHN JOHNSON aresses. quired." Hours :45 to fi? JS? benefit program, including 550,000, PS- pnS r'y Maior Medica program, dental pro-1, hf' v-51- Mj sn anri i t.i.. w- to start steady overt me and COLLECTOR Exp. $125 plus, Co.
car FAMOUS FAIN Main Hackensack Hackensack. 489-4646 SNELLING SNELLING bergen area, t-ee pd. MrGene Brown, 473-2100 UHbenef LtsCa nSAS-e321 exJ7 RECEPTIONIST PBX SALESGIRL for ladies specialty! shoo, full time. Must bA oyq Star: 30th St.Kennedy Blvd. North Bergen! MACHINt OrtRATOR HOSTESS Full time nights.
Exper. pref. Paid vacations. Blut Cross, ACME AGCY 214 Main Hackensack tat Kt 3 entrance to Lincoln mnneii falUBt, 1HL WUKLULY AbtNUY E. Pal.
Englwd, 567-8704 "CHANGE DULL JOB" Open nightly by appointment nrs y. nq eves. MV-4iHt) PARAMUS 843-1900 RACKHOF OP FR ATOP SALESGIRLS Retail childrens wpi Blue Shield, Maior Medical. Please! RECEPTIONIST TYPIST $90-2110 Exp'd $74 week to start. 1st shift; 7:30 AM-4 PM ALL-RITE PEN COMPANY Full time.
Drm Dnttion. ftrwl ul. knowledge of carpentry. Year round pDiy in person ro Howard Jonnsons, 393 Rt 17, Paramus, N.J. GARDEN STATH PLAZA AGENCY OPEN WEO.
'TIL 9 P.M, ACME AGCY 214 Main Hackensack COLLECTOR' Work Jersey area, employment can aryr some exp. tngiewooq. 569-0142 "Don't tip it or it might spill. I couldn't find a lid." Banta Place, Fair Lawn 791-5500 SALFSLAD! lull er cart tim inr RECEPTIONISTS omens rrom way. iKt.
4) musr pe Aiert Aggressive ivpe. All Benefits Co Car. Fee PD $6700, Call George Briahtman, 947-470A ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT We ar looking for an mdustriou' BAKER MAID nights, mat. steady, 5 to 12, IV EMPLOYMENT IV leading specialty stiop liberal dis-i counts, fringe benefits. Apply in person.
Peck and Peck Fasiton Center EMPLOYMENT OCTOBER 14 8, Snelling 1625 Lemoine Ft Lee person very good at figures to as r.m. mama, weexn. Apply nkpr Holiday Inn, Little Ferry N.J. MAIDS Full time davs at'FDU Tea kt ir ra ramu s. COMPOSITOR for cold type paste I').
111.. A.J I- nn Help Wanted Female 32 sist with basic accounting. Good typing, konwiedge of French help- HOSTESS mature woman for hostessing work. Excellent pay, good benefits. Pleas apply In person Howard Johnson's Rt 17.
Ramsey HOUSEKEEPER -COOK Sleep In, excellent quarters. 2 adults. Have outside cleaning help, European preferred. Recent references required. nciu ndiucu rema ji salesladies tor a pm neck Campus.
Hrs 8-4; JO Pleasant afHir i craon uci. ium-jrnn to tui. rieasant atmospner in international company near Bridge. wooing conamons. uniforms sup- SECRETARY tor local atiornftw ups.
Newspaper experience necessary. Part time days, 9 A.M. 4 9. IK Must be available Mon. thru Frl.
NORTH JERSEY PRESS Clifton. Ask tor Bob. 772-2121 i naiitLKt i AK tiriahi. wp i Helen Elliott Candies Rt 17 Paramus SALESLADY NATIONAL RETAIL Steno and tvoino rt-aulmt. "eg vacations, no lay-offs.
Sick leave, Blue Cross. Blue Shield tail 461-6000 ext 2V22V3. open, rnonc poised gal with minimum 2 yrs exp! for small but busy data processing; firm. Must have pd typinq skills, Contact Mrs. H.
Clarke RA.A'inn ovt FANNING DAY Hev, Special Day for Special Youl MEN'S WEAR CHAIN. STEADY POSITION. OPPTY FOR ADVANCE- SECY Gal Friday, Part or full time AIRCRAFT MECHANICSPILOTS OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES CONSOLE OPERATOR Reaftymsur. Some legal. Typt elec, MAIDS exod, pleasant workina adiary ti3.
per wee. 652-3666 auiiur iu nanaie pnones, vanea 0u-ties, some dictaprione, no steno. Call WfclNI. HfcNMCJN LAN, Llf-fc INSURANCE NATIONAL SHIRT SHOPS Job Search-Serv Chg-No Plcmnt Fee conditions, 5 day wk. Apply House- FOR COMPLETE ON-PREMISES BAKERY APPLY TO BAKERY MANAGER GRAND UNION 12 PASSAIC ST.
WOOD-RIDGE, NJ. An Egual Opportunity Employer BtRtftfl MALL PAKAMUS, N.J. mjernanonai services V47-3680 Operate 36020 MFCM 2415 fane crives. Must also operate EAM equipment. Night shift, 3 PM to 12 midnight.
Work one month davs. be SECRETARY LAW OFFICE wiitf, nuLIUMT INN, 50 Kt 17, north of Rt 4, Paramus, NJ 843-5400 HOUSEKEEPER EXPERIENCED SALESLADY AIRLINE TRAINEES $105-2140 47-4100 Capable, mature. Simple cookg, sleep TYPIST FULL TIME DITTO DIV BELL HOWELL Rt 17 Robinson Lodi. For Aoot rll RAS7AJi Girdles, bras and linnerl Fyn'H FAIN SECRETARY Doctor's office. West.
MAIDS Full or part time, also weekends. Pleasant working conditions. 327-2136. Reservations bag handlers Travel Benefits 3 openings: ACME AGCY 214 Main Hackensack! only. Full time.
Winner's 489-4700 wood, full time, including 2 eves, and fore shifting to nights. Applv FORMFLEX FOUNDATIONS 55 Mayhill Saddle Brook, N.J, CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTEND in, rer reoa. uwn rm, otn, color TV. Tenafly, new home. Built in vacuum, Self Clean oven.
etc. 1 danahters. 19. SALESPERSON Fashion conscious aai. dux uuo Kecora An Egual Opportunity Employer 14, no summer layoffs, vac wpay, MATRON for elementary school.
to 6:30 on all school jays. Apply In person at Haworth AIRLINES RESERVATIONS SECRETARY Trainee, Typing, dictaphone, aen'l nffirAwnrk.filina.tr- ENT tor home remode na work. TYPISTCLK sales to work in mod. progressive, spe-j cialty dept store, conv loc. hrs 2- in-clud.
Sat. Call afternoon for appt. FEEPD $95! omer neip employed, salary svo, Write Box 1130 Record. 7 full time. 943-7840 Mon.Wed.
Open 'Til Main Hackensack, jcnooi, vauey Koao, Hawortn. BAKE Experienced on bench and Start $110-8125 No Exo. Req. ZENITH AGCY BO Main Hackensack 487-5766 namran's 81-4444. HOUSEKPR-cgoK Sleep In To $100 MATRON needed-Dumont School This Is a career opportunity.
Must be able to handl subs, hourly men, figure material costs. Apply 'in person. American Home Remodelers, 57 Rt. 17, Paramus or 843-8833. snarp wga skims top bnfts, 9-5 NOONAN.
558-4866 KEY EMP 5 Hi side Ave. TENAFLY finishing. Day work. Start 7AM. No! Sundays.
All benefits. Call mornings! SECRETARY Immed opening for exper woman In regional ofes relo- ALPHATYPE OPERATOR EXPE sysiem nr. WK. Call 384-2778 ext. 14 SALES SERVICE SALESWOMAN-FULL TIME ur (jooa salary.
836-3372. MEAT WRAPPER-Thrift Pak Food or 3 davs ft wk. tvoina nn IRU Aver SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS 11 N. Dean St. Englewood LO 9-5567 BAKER FISCHL'S BAKERY 156 ROCHELLE AVE.
ROCHELLE 'PARK 843-2462 Interesting position taking care of and light offic duties. Call 871-4700 HOUSEKEEPER Tn live with vnuno Piece work on zia 7a. cinale nee ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN Maior oil company seeks senior with 5 to I years, experience. Man who ap oervice pinion nj in need ot exoeri, enced meat wrapper full time, for interview call 478-3101 COOK Excellent opportunity for corrugated container sales service person. Expe-, rience preferred.
Good at figures. the nicest people, our customers. dle, double needle, union special family. Car and supervision of 3 yr old girl who attends nursery school and general housework. Reply Box TYPIST KEYPUNCH BAKER No Sundays.
Apply Ho-Ho-Kus Bakery, 19 Sheridan Ho-! O. OFFICE ASST-mature, experi plies must oe eager to tax responsibility and progress with a new dy booo onone persona irv for custom. aiiu uvci iolis. FORMFLEX FOUNDATIONS Excellent starting salary comm. ler-salesman contacts.
Salary com- HO-HUS 44iJ(, enced 3 mqhts week. Wood-Ridge Must be good typist. Som knowl Must be top notch, benefits. 3 to 11 Good pay, many PM. Ask for cyoi ne Kecoro.
55 Mayhill St, Saddle Brook, NJ namic company. Send resume to B.P. Oil 580 Svlvan En oi co. an yjy-ojon an rv. keypunch.
Fair Lawn loc. 791-6899 BAKER WANTED Exo. no Must have knowledge of fabric HOUSE KEEPER COMPANION cnet SHAMPOO GIRL WEEKENDS mensurate with background and ability. Numerous benefits. Call Mr.
Simpson, St. Joe Paper Co, 89 Leun-1 glewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632, attention bunoays. eratzers Bakery, 44 cedar TYPIST PART TIUC Live-in, days, care middle aaed NCR OPERATOR 395 ALL GIRL SALON. WORKING Schuler.
Lane, i eaneck, a j6-4U4y. To nnr. k.m. ac K.H. EL CID RESTAURANT iaay, no nouseworx, own rm, rets type insurance reports at home, Call 836-8608.
ing sr. ao. nackensack 342-550. nuuKa i o. 664-yBBy.
An tgua i opportunity Employer BARBER STYLIST Top pay, blue rea. v-yosj atrer p.m. Experienced. Plus general office du and nome sewing. Apply Mr.
Herwig, Manager. SINGER CO. HOUSEKEEPER Reliable person. SHIPPING CLERK Full time position opportunity for advancement 262-6900 cross, blue shield, Mir medical, life ins. vac.
Barber Pole. N.J. Phone, ARCH DRAFTSMAN Lite XP? Heavy exp? Either way this Co can Use your talent and desire to arow ne, in smaii imeresrmg ottice. career opportunity all benefits. Call References.
Full or part time. West WAITRESS TRAINEE 825-1221 will train. Call 843-8440 Miss Andrea Englewood area, Teaneck. Older 4I-UU. wim inem salary commensurate with scnooi age cnnoren, 833-B062.
NURSE, R.N. STATISTICAL TYPIST COOK AND COOK'S HELPER 12 West Palisades Ave Englewood BICYCLE ASSEMBLING Man eager to work, will train. Industrial Northvale, NJ. Call for appointment! exp. CALL EDNA BFHR.
JOl-sonn SECRETARIES IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING ON A TEMPORARY BASIS SEE US TODAY. HOUSEKEEPER Live in, davs ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR An tguai upportumtv Employer Now interviewing applicants for Snelling Spelling agcy Montvale Part time, 1-5PM. CPA firm. Engle moineness home 3 children. Rm, TV Pal Pk.
944-6911 aft 9PM. 6B-VUSI SALESWOMAN better, ready to wood Cliffs. Salary open 569-0400. Full time davs. Advancement ooenr.
tune positions in our Charles BKKPR Are You Responsive tn Re ASSISTANT COOK HOUSEKEEPER-COMPANION for wear. stnuLiVlAN INC, 51V Cedar tunity. Top salary. Excellent benefits. STENOS (ADMINISTRATIVE) EVENINGS 3 PM Lane, leaneck.
B36-yfjK elderly lady, 5 rm luxury apt. sleep Mature woman needed tn work In sponsibility? prove Yourseit end Become Super. Fee Pd $7500. Call Geo in. rriv.
rm. 4By-30orJ6-jo6 ton Garden Restaurant 5 day week, no Sundays. Excellent work 3 Immediate ooenlnqs Cnmoanv nai anr-u fa SALESWOMAN For Uniform shop, full time. Apply GALLANT'S, $-30 Appiy HACKENSACK HOSPITAL 253 Atlantic Street Hackensack, N.J. HfMKFk" thru Thiire Drignrman, y4-6uu, dneinng ot 1625 Lemoine, Ft.
Lee nospnai tea room to assist in quality food preparation. Hours a AM to 3 PM Monday to Friday. Please call, ACME AGCY 214 Main Hackensack Excel, salary, own trahso. Call aft. iMg.
ii rqi an i us Top Hourly Pay Rates BOY General factory work Ware 44S-4yiX), txr. 344 r.m. ee-4jyi. Professional opty available In progressive, 400 bed voluntary general hospital. B.S.N, helpful, though not nec.
Excellent salary and benefits. STENOS STENOS STENOS housing, snioo no. or vers' Me. ing conditions and benefits. Immediate discount COOK-EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER reliable woman I He VALLEY HOSPITAL idgewood, NJ.
SALESWOMEN-Exp. full and partj time to sell mens and boys clothing retail. Benefits, pleasant working cond. emo nvpp rikr. riauiH Rurr.
OAC! guired. Exc. oppty. 489-3750. every Monday.
General cieaninq. En. Continental cuisine. 5 davs. Call Tha ASSISTANT TO PI 4NT FUr.lNFFP Trainees or Experienced S85-S13S Many Fee Paid ZENITH AGCY 250 Main Hackensack BOYS glewood area.
Top salary. Call 569-5482 MEN Marilyn Miller, R.N., Assistant Opera Restaurant, 568-8700. Administrative assistant to plant en iviam ji. nauiensar.il. LEARN A TRADE wncnur wursmg; TELEPHONE COOK Light preparation work, 7 to SOLICITOR-Split STENOTYPIST-for Teaneck financial firm.
Diversified duties. gineer will supervise recently installed preventative maintenance program. Must have knowledge of In- on the lob training at full oav- MorrfMV 11:30 thru Friday. snitr, apply in person. District office Dickinson Univ, r-airkiqn cafeteria.
tree lite etc. Many employee M-MD, Ext. 255 ENGLEWOOD HOSPITAL 350 Engle St. Englewood, N.J aoa neaitn ciud, Bergen Mall snop- HOUSEWIVES INTERVIEWS 10 PM B. ALTMAN CO.
Rout 17 and Ridgewood Ave. Paramus, N. J. An egual opportunity employer siart $yu to sraWKj carpentry, electrical, drafting, tool die, machining. 12 different openings Rutherford MM'senier, rardmus, usrriai ereemcai wiring ana con-i College degree or technical.
Denims, nr wk, salary open, call Personnel Dept. 836-7535. NO FEE CHARGED Convenient locations available near your home STOP IN OR CALL TODAY MANPOWER INC. HACKENSACK 28 Warren St (Rear) 342-6962 RNGLFWIWt ACME ACME 214 Main Hackensack COOKS training witn 3-4 yrs experience re- NURSES STDRF PBKS TELEPHONE SOLICITORS-work at home for clothing drive, 5 days per wk, Call 384-2573 quired, write Box 1129 Record. 5.
day week, pleasant working condi- RN's AND LPN's BURGLAR ALARM MECHANIC FULL TIME, PART TIME CALL 345-21 Ot) ASST. TRAFFIC. NITFt IIX Fnn $200 $150 2nd PIZZA PANTRY WAITRESS davs needed for snack nuns, tuii ang pan-iime. westwood store. WESTWOOD Launderers-Cleaners OUP modern inn hmH UAlimtivru hrienl SI 79 WOMEN GIRLS Another broke Christmas? Let Sarah Coventry put a i little green in your lifel We have the stocking full of part time positions.
Call 6A4.59RO fnr nam nf rpni Trn, Kn Spanish SlOO.j Clk Trne $117. Lab Assts To $150.1 Stock Clk $160. GOLD, BLUE and BLACK SEAL MEN Assemblers To Malnt Men $4.42 tal offers opportunities In: bar hours 12 to 4PM Mon-iFrl. ptesi Sat. itore benefits, apply Mr Kinkade GENEVA AGENCY Old Hook Rd.
Westwood 666-1668 BUS BOYS SERVICE BOYS Part time, weekends nights. NewDurv KP-TaiirunT Mprnpn MEO-SURG UNITS CCU 292 Main St. Hack 487-7803 Mall Paramus before HAM or aft. iimi, fipics iu nTfli.S a. 8 Depot Sguare 567-7447 teaeniaiive near you.
rALlORY TO $3.31 O.T. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR ALL SHIFTS FULL TIME Plpj.se aodIv In nprsnn. SECRETARIES EARN EXTRA MONEY WAITRESS Davs, fuil time. Please For NEW Nursing Hnme. part lm RESTAURANT nuwAKLi junNaUPJ Excellent salaries and benefits.
Sell Chrlstma. Card. Tnv. and full time. Call week days: 393 Rt 17 Paramus, N.J.
easn ann in narenn jt Unirn appiy in person to rtowara jonnson 393 Rte. 17, Paramus, N.J. Allstate Insurance Co. has an opening in ts Bergenfield office fnr an avnii OCTOBER 14 Gifts, etc. Profits to 100.
No cost tn (914) Z6B-2VQ4 yiiii.cui piiune mr5. j. Korn, k.n. TIED DOWN 1111 CUT LOOSE 79 of our drivers have been FREED for either 2 or 4 hours a day. We will even do vour babv sitting and see that vou have coffee and buns in the AMI Approximate hours, 7AM-9AM andor 2-4PM.
If Interested, pleas call: SCHOLASTIC BUS COMPANY WAITRESS Part time. Day nr nloht try Free sales kit. (212) WE 3-1080 Emn Sve 238 Main Hade 489-6666 BUS BOYS 0M-44UU NURSING OFFICE switchboard operator, excel salary and working condoutstandina toene- YOUR SPARE TIME AAAMArcF.D COST ACCOUNTANT Apply Gwvnn's Restaurant, 1405 Tea-neck Rd. Teaneck. Full or Dart time, good pav and tt6 iii Nruurain.
can be worth $4.00 hr. comm. Part, tNULtWUUU HUSPIIAL 350 Engle St. Englewood, N.J El Cid Restaurant and Lounge. Para-! Leading discount toy chain looking for gogetter to srow with chain.
Health Plan, bonus, other rnmoAnv women pt time, 2 full me, tn handle sppcnnal HpmanHs imus wr. Bogert, z62-voo WAITRESS experienced over 21. 11AM to 8PM, apply In person Stelljea 305 Main St Hackensack :r.n. Christmas Biff line. Call Mrs.
LaceV ueneTiis. Apply vtooeu IOV uept.j FANNING DAY Hey, Special Day for Special Youl Wa seek an Individual with soma college, and 3 years iob and manufacturing related cost accounting experience. BUITONI FOODS, So. Hackensack 488-8088 opi-ouo or iviiss marTino lae Hapia KDUIB lit LOO I ABLE TO ASSUME FULL RESPON. WAITRESS Wed, Thurs, Frl, break-l fastlunch.
Victorian. Wl 7-3456. Rtal CALL MR. SONDEY 385-3900 Allstate Insurance Co. 399 S.
Washington Av. BERGENFIELD, NJ An Egual Opportunity Employer cspanou 4Q-I3Z. ATTENDANTS For fneltno truck. OlDILIir rux UKtKAT ON OF BUS DRIVERS Full time. AnDlv In Bernn Mnnrp'a 4, ron Lee HOME.
EXCEL BENEFITS. REPLY COUNTERMEN experienced. fop i rucn arop, kt rvianwan WAITRESS Experienced, weekends: ill lUBMUOIlt BOX 1450 REC AUTOMOTIVE pay. Appiy in person. Village Kosher Delicatessen, 389 Piaget Ave, Clifton, N.X HILLSDALE, N.J.
lunch and dinner. Call 891-1600 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR-TYPIST FANNIN PART TIMF WITH BUS OR HEAVY TRUCK EX rZSS mwM In person HOUSEWIVES-Glrls earn extra money for Christmas. Work In own neighborhood. 843-3673. for busy doctor's office In Wyckoff, ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERK PARTS PICKER AND PACKER HOFFMAN MOTORS CORP.
Sole Importer of BMW (Bavarian Motor Works) WAITRESS expd. Apply TRI BORO DINER, 515 Hackei.sack tssex COURIER Data processing -firm needs retired or semi retired man to pick up and deliver computer work. Must have car. Call 488-0515. PERIENCE.
4) Fair Lawn. PHONE 796-5070 WAITRESS Full tim or Dart time AVAILABLE. 3 days a wk. Refs i rivi, eves per wk Sat. mornCall 891-0848.
NURSE R.N. AS SUPERVISOR For smfl I nurcinn hnitl. Pfaaca i-zt Mon.Wed. Onon 'Til 7 322 Mppiy in person a corner uiner, 50 Louis So. Hackensack 489-8081 Tenafly area.
568-6713 369 Main Hackensack, 487-5766' KingerkamacK Rd westwood. CPAs Expanding northern N.J. firm needs talented semi Srs. end Srs. Salary own.
Enclose resume. Write Box 1452, The Record. htire KATIIa. u.du .1 AUTO BODY MAN anri PAINTFP INFANT CARI morninas 2 bovs. IF YOU ARE WITHOUT EXPERIENCE, j.
iviiric, nafiwyiiv iurbllig Hnm. CO? Dl.lmii, WAITRESS 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., Mon I retarded oirls. Cam- 2'4 and IVi, mru. r-n.
i nr ann At? SECTYS and HELPER Experienced only. Top wages, 40 Bergen Little TYPISTS SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR TO RELIEVE ON 701 BOARD AND EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. 568-3173. NURSF I PM full At- IIm. 1 t-erry pibi care unni oovs iz noon-nap-tim.
Muscle and love more Impor-tant than xper. Good pay. 384-781 6 CREDIT ASSISTANT $150 WAITRESS part time, no Sun PERFORM CLERICAL DUTIES.1 EXP. PRPFFRRFD RUT Will AUTO MAN WANTED rioiioays must be experienced. Apply um i Manor, Kioae wood, 445-8200.
TRAIN. EXCEL. SALARY AND INSURANCE OFFICE AnilKTFD Abbey Agency240 3437031 WESTERN GIRL person I.OIPV5 zuu Main Hack Help Wanted Male 33 OUR FREE PROFESSIONAL DRIVER PROGRAM WILL QUALIFY YOU FOR For new car clean-up deliveries. Age BENEFITS. BOGOTA 343-3001, MR.
H.S. education. (Minimum) 3 years ins. exo with at least 1 vear in NURSE (RN) Part time, Tuesday. Friday mahts.
5:30 tn anDrnv 11 AA wai i Kfcbbfcs Housewives earn KUBINaUN extra monev as waitrpt. Hnwarri no Darner, we nava a new automatic car wash, mostly inside work, Exp ACCTCY call bet 10-5. TE 3-0808 A SECURE FUTURE. claims handling. Starting salary $117 per wk or more, depending on expi Johnsons Earn as vou learn.
Please STAFF neiprui, pur not nec. Meaoy year-round lob. 5 dav week. Good working NURSE R.N. Pediatrics office.
No1 appiy. in person huwakq JOHN CREDIT CORRESPONDENT Excellent opportunity for nigh student. Interested In credit work, Experience not necessary but helpful. Must be able to communicate with sales force and customers. Good benefits pleasant work no Fast growing evening nours.
sourn Kockiand. Write conditions. Paid holidays, all Co. bene- aun-a ktb Kamsey, NJ THE Temporary Service COMF SPB MSI I APPLY MON. THRU FRI.
9 TO 5 ana quaiiTicaiions. GULF INSURANCE CO. Call Mr. Smith 947-9200 Fort Le SWITCHBD OPR Expd only. position board.
All benef. Hack area. Call 487-5440 Peoples Trust of NJ pox goz i ne Kecorg. WAITRESSES for full and part time tit*. aaust nave arivera license, boon starting salary for right man.
Apply up wewieeu cnap wsome gen I bkgd. Function on controllers staff, range $11. 000 fpd. WE'LL. PAY FOR YOUR PARKING uay siutt, musr pe exp a.
Apply river Fnr.F niMFO Rockland Coaches, Inc. INSURANCE-GENERAL We need a girl with exoerience in rate, write, and every day operation of active in person or can i-reo t-isner, ser-, vice Mgr. between 8 AM and 5 PM. SUPERIOR PERSONNEL 778-5400 5VS Klnderkamack Rd. River Edge NURSES' AIDES DAY SHIFT SALARY OPEN MOONACHIH AREA ooj wain Ave.
Passaic 46Z-4yQ SWITCHBOARD OPER-RECEPT'ST I.BH jonn tare 041-1 luu An Egual Opportunity Employer agency, areno. raia vacations, hospitalization and holidays. Contact: MR. ACCOUNTANCY 180 OLD HOOK1 RD WESTWOOD, NJ enrer iot on araie Mreer next to th Post Office 489-4800 20 Banta Place, Hackensack WESTWOOD FORD WAITRESSES FvnerlPnrprt Pull nr n.H 41m blLSENAIM 445-1 600 ASST CONTROLLER Large company In North Bergen has attractive opening for girl-womani good sa arv. pxr.
Mmncnhpra pnH BUTCHER Expd mature women to work In refined nursing home. Nnmernut hane. Very good tips, fine restaurant. Metro area mtilti-rnrn inrinctrtai Phone 843-2515. FIREStnP INN.
Rn. Authorized Kale, and Servlca INSURANCE GAL FRIDAY With claims experience. Write: Box 509, Ridgewood, N.J. 07451 10 Experienced, full time, excellent seeks some public exo. financial mn.
CREDIT COLLECTION MGR FEE PAID $11,500 fringe benefits. Call 868-7300 cneiie park. fits and opportunities. Paid vacation, sick time, holidays, Blue CrossShield, 11 Madison Westwood 664-490O1 SWITCHBOARD nPFRATfVP SECRETARIES FEE PAID io mm on i-orest av tr Kt 4 paramus waitresses Full time, day or! pay, tun penetus. inguire at Fairway Market, 1214 Anderson Fort Lee.
Pd.lobt Half Personnel, 1180 Ray-I General office work. Apply to WHIT- nignr. Experienced only. Good pay. mono Newark, NJ 623-3661 tAUtLLLNl bALAKY TOP BENEFITS For Interview come in or call Start 5 openings ZENITH AGCY 250 Main Hackensack AUTO MECHANIC GENEVA AGENCY inguire eaccnus xvil, 350 Rte 17, BUTCHER Full time, steady ern- IICK-KuriLt MILLWUKK LUM- PANY.
Traffic Circle, Ridgefleld, N.J. raramus, Z6I-U353. 292 Main St. Hack 487-7803 First class mechanic wanted for busv Mr. Malonev or Mrs.
Iseldvke SWITCHBOARD OPR for P.B.X. WAITRESSES Good hours, good SECRETARY-BOOKKEEPER tummions Apiy roooTown, 315 ras- Inventory Control Clerk Kardex System TEANECK OFFICE snop. Must have experience. Ex nam typing, Ridoetie Id Park CUSTODIAN Elementary school. Starting salary S65O0 tn $6Rno nln.
"cn wasningion lownsnip, (Westwood). pay. Apply in person Ramsey Golf Country Club, Lakeside Dr, Ramsey. thru 5, Man. thru Frl.
Ferrule orea, bdiary open, Q4I-IUUU. cellent pay ana fiat rate Plan plus many benefits. Contact Ed Haub, 221 County Cresskill, N. J. seeking long-term position with one of N.J.'S oldest etahlishpri finer real benefits.
567-5919. Cresskill Board of Education. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Part WAITRESS experienced, full time. BUTCHERS Thrift Pak Fnnr) Rer. 567-9310 564-7700.
time. Tues. Thurs ann Fri 1.1PAA vice Clifton NJ in need of 2 experi- Rathskeller Restaurant, Englewood, iestate organizations. Excellent sal- NURSES Registered and licensed Butchers. 5 dav week, no udr neciyping oesireo.
2HH-1441 aon-yauu ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Leading Industrial firm offers excellent growth opportunity for individual with sound manufacture ng company experience supervising all phases of accounts payable department. starting salary $168. for arjonin.tment SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Tel WIRERS ANO ASSFMBI FRS Practical by exam. Evening and night tours of duty. $34 per! fices.
Opposite Paterson City HaJlJ CUSTODIAN School District. Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Maior Medical. Institutional exp. pref. Uniforms.
Other benefits. 464-0880, xt 34, bet. 9AM-4PM. can 48-JIUJ Good Salary and Benefits. Steady Answering service.
Afternoon andi eve hrs. avail. Wage to $2.50, 444-6100! near an puses ang litvs largest indoor parking garage. Good dictation ABINET MAKERS and Helpers Should have at least months of experience using a Kardex system. Light typing desirable.
Advancement opportunity. Liberal benefits, includina tuition refund and savings clans. aniii, inv wo per snitr. join an established, friendly staff in a modern. Lite Interesting bench work.
New 39 Klnderkamack Westwood ixperience helpful. Excellent start- tVDina reouirpri. Yftiir talpnhnna in.i progressive nursing home. Phone pianr. must oe expo, canappiv POWERMATE 343-6994 TAILOR na waaes anrt autn ru-reacp.
pa ri CUSTODIAN-Pascack Valley HS, 3:30 PM-12 Miriniaht All AUTO MECHANIC-FORD (1) quiry is invited, tan Mr. Peter OOI-4UW tot appt. 514 South River Hackensack npspiraiizaTion ana vacation. Mr. ri- Seamstress to do light taliorlns.
Hvy. eXO. not ntV. Plpacnnt unrllna rnnrf peneriTs. co4-jia4, iwr.
'AIDES cnargjz-euoo 742-8127 For WOMAN For telephone answering Jamieson Send rpenma. In i CARPENTER for woodworking shoo appt, call Mrs. 944-3344 i eejnccKarea. OJ-J5UU. For NEW Nursing Home, all shifts Fu me nnd nart 4lm rail service in Hackensack.
3-4 oays, AM-4 PM. 343-6949. Why not be on of th highest paid mechanics In the country? In fact, our pay plan may make you THE highest! in addition, you receive paid-in-full fringe benefits. Contact Mr. Les De dicating salary requirements to In dustrial Relations Department A.
LEVINE CO. CUSTODIANS-Days 8 to 5. Pleasant Campus atmosphere. Medical and educational benefits. An equal opportu-nity employer.
836-6300 EXT 475. To assemble window frames. Full time. Medical and other benefit. TELEPHONE ORDER DESK CLERK WOMAN For counter work.
Dry 115 Ellison Paterson Apply Stevens Mill work. 0 wo exp. un rne iod rraminfl, Full company benefits, etc. waiter Kidde Co, Inc. cleaning store, exo'a or i train.
DATA PROCESSING ALL FEES PO nciucn wv, -iusiet NURSES AND LPNs Fu me and nrt timft htlte oo-4twu per Full or part time. 837-6568 Suva. HACKENSACK FORD MERCEDES-BENZ OF NORTH AMERICA, INC. An Equal Opportunity Employer CARPENTERS House framina BELLEVILLE, NEW JERSEY 07109 PM, cm and 11 om-7 WOMAN TO DO LIGHT BOOK TELEPHONE ANSWERING SFPUirc crews make $2000 a week and more NEW POSITIONS KEEIP NG AND SECRETARIAL. 1 SECRETARY TO CONTROLLER r-ieSse.
ca" petween am 3 Mrs. Panock 320 River HackensacK 487-6700 ouiiainq dormers ena add-a-ieveis. Stop in American Home iRemodelers. Hackensack part time 4 PM 9 PM. Some suutfrnhfiarri nr nffira v.
MORN WKLY. CALL 833-115 An Egual Opportunity Employer MP NURSES. RNs. Evenings, WOMAN Night shift. Telephone an 3 kt ir raraiTius or ggir 04J-QU44.
INVENTORY CONTROI Exper or weekend ACCT AUTO MECHANIC 5 DAY WEEK, 8 AM TO 5:30 P.M. 641-5363 udys. t.au wrs, Kease, swering service. Hackensack. 11:30, wining to learn, oays, benet ts CARPENTER expd, must know all! manufacturer needs icLci-HUNt operator For an-i PlSrijyerJSloilal (14) 735-4060 SR SYSTEMS ANAL TO $20,000 EE, or M.S.E.E) exp desired In analysis and evaluation of digital com puter systems and software devlop.
rm AM. 343-6949. Lucas Electrical Services 30 aweniiu service, uay work avan-aoie. NURSES REGISTERED pnases ot anerations ana new work. Able to lay out and run iob at times.
Call 933-1886 ricd5e can aoo-aizi. iivc i-nwiji: ual wno prefers varied challenging position with busy executive. Steno, typing and flair for figures a MUST. Central Paterson WOMEN Fnr fiFW Niireinn Unmo all chiiln van iNusirano fc ngiewooo JR SECY to $120 FEEPAID SKYS THE LIMIT You I be UP nn tnrj whpn vnn work Min 5 yrs exp. AR RENTER EXPFRlFNTFri AI Full time anri nart timet Tali TRAINEES $130-165 TERATIONS AND FRAMING.
CA) I PITCH IN GIVE A HAND uiaiiun. Call Mrs. Koppel, 274-7225. SOFTWARE SPEC TO $18,000 We have been pprtpyi hv for this busy exec, in large local co. 469-6769 a leading Nil RiFj ppfi'r.
riAV cuict local pharmaceutical co to recruit fori ease Ml! fnr nnot Mnn thru Eft mba or tech degree with 3 yrs exp including 3605n and UNiVAr una Why not applv for a position as NURSE'S AIDE if vou eniov working Opportunity to learn a skilled lob CARPENTER Exp'd in Framing and Trimming. 438-8098 r1 pinions, tou win race va training in all nhacp nt Wail 034-UUIO. JAMES iW. 17 'Paramus -5 Dally. Eves and Sat by Appt.
Commercial appl for Bus. Inf. Svst. SECTY NURSE'S AtnFFvn A. with the elderly and can generate a feeling of warmth and care toward uarnmg gooa pay wniie we train you to operate a small printing press.
Interesting work with regular scheduled increases rnmnanv nairf hpna. AUTO MECHANICS Exceptional opening available for two (prefer Ford) experienced auto mechanics to round out our present staff. Top pay for too men; our present top three men have averaged over $350 Per week during the past year. All companv benefits paid in full such as vacation, sick davs, hospitalization, maior medicaldental, etc. All replies confidential.
See Mr. Chonka or call 867-5311. CENTER FORD Nn. One Ford Dealer P.M. Steady, benefits.
BRIGHTSIDE Thle To a hnnou MO CARPENTER AND MASON Exper'd. SYSTEMS PROGMR TO $17,000 tnem. training classes will oe start attractive lively gal with light typ- eraj accto and be exposed to budgets and costs. If vou have 4 mos or more aedg exp and have mln 9 acctfl credits and you wish to expand! into a career oppty call, come in or 0 JACK DALLAS can 836-4841 after 6 PM ing snoniy. fits.
ii ityiu sieno, nre pnone. New KEYPUNCH OPER Hrs 9-5 PM. Expd only. Good sat OFFICE GIRL BSMS computer sciences: Assembly lang. prog.
In real-time message switching environment. 3 yrs. exp on Piusn otcs, baiary to $120. Call now! CARPET MECHANICHELPER DELIVERY MAN Please bppiv at: 123 Tryon Ave. Teaneck .1 STEADY WORK 487-7060 hULL UMtPAKI IIMt 2, 3, 4, 5 days a week FULL SHIFTPART SHIFT 5.
fi. 7. hrs. a dav fv. All benefits.
Hack area. Call S-U-P-E-R-l-O-R PFDnniyiyci rriMcui tamtb FULL TIME TO WORK AT COUR- incvKUlM lAKI-fcl SEKVIlb, INL, TRAVEL AfiFNT Pair Ta BENTLEY reupies I rusi OT NJ IfcSY. COUNTER IN MODERN SUP- CARPET MECHANICS AND Agency seeking experienced, persona HELPFRS. EXP'n AN'n Wll 1 ER MARKET, EXCEL BENEFITS ble agent, knowledge ticketing, tar. uiiivm- iiuooryjuv.
SALES ENGINEER TO $16,000 Leading N.J. Computer Corp seeks an Electrical Engineer with min of 3 yrs sales exp with minl-computeri E.E.Ch. E. deg neg. 193 Rte 17 So.
265-7800 Paramus Iffs, Excellent opportunity In 120 Sylvan Ave Englewood Cliffs, NJ nnu ouuu WUKMNb CONDITIONS APPLY IN PPPSnw GOOD SALARIES ALL BENEFITS For Interview come in or call Mr. Maloney or Mrs. Iseldvke onner inevroier 30th St.Kennedy Blvd. North Bergen; longernai grrice. Lail V6-3Z30.
CASHIER nights. Some light KEYPUNCH OPERATOR ACCOUNTANT (at Kt 3 entrance to Lincoln lunneu SHOP RITE OF FORT LEEi Secretary, Public Relations ia ways, iiiusi uv aoiv to work aar. and Sun. Suitable for retired or semi-! AUTO MECHANIC'S HELPER Ex Opfv for InHtwiHuat rerirea man. (iooa sa arv.
ea.ant degree2 vrs. auriitino nr mef perienced. KALMAN MOTORS, 115j N.J. 221 County Cresskil Pontiy Hackensack. counting exp.
Must be able to handle 1355 Inwood Terrace lungiTions. necessary, laii 48o-9250 after 7 P.M. 567-9310 Buses stop at front door Full time davs for 029 machine, Maior Bergen County Corp recruiting for secretary skilled in typing, steno, readying comprehension, spell- TYPIST-CLERK Diversified Position Good Starting Salary Driaiyii.ai asi.i9niTienTs. LiDerai pea efits, salary com men sura tp with py. AUTO MEN CHARTIST Experienced tnrk CALL 652-0016 JAMES lyiust nave minimum of 1 year expe- Derienc.
Cpnrl rcnma tn Dnv M-tnoc 'charts and mechanicals. ina ana grammar, oooo telephone. th. nence. iop pay plus all company Paid benefits.
Apply in person any WE'RE GROWING AND WE knowledge investment field. Salary letnnique imporianr. some secretarial experience preferred. To wait on tables in refined elderly open. Lau y-aBuu.
NEED GOOD MEN WHO WOULD LIKE TO BECOME PART OF OUR ACCOUNTANT JR. housing facility. Will train, refer Excellent benefit programs, snnprh CHAUFFEUR Uniformed. pvnpri. Many Company Benefits ORGANIZATION AND GROW WITH vvurMna conoinons -t- many extras.
ences. Fuil and part time hours available. Good pay, vacation, paid encea, aay week, long nours, good OFFICE SUPERVISOR To direct busy order department of 6-8 people. Able to learn gulckly. Can work well with others.
Experience in order processing or bookkeeping desirable, preferably in the apparel industry. Central Paterson location. Call Mrs. Koppel, 274-7225. CONSULTANTS TO Rt 17 PARAMUS OPEN THURSDAY EVENING A-P-A- TRANSPORT CORP.
2066 88th North Bergen, NJ An Egual Opportunity Employer. Minority group applicants are encouraged to answer this ad Recent grads or nlte student OK and private Available Start S7.5-9M Co. Fee Paid Immediate opening with expandlna riease reply to Kecorg BOX 9795 in-dicating starting salary desired. US. MECHANICS nouoay5, sick time, bine cross, ere.
To arrange for interview call THE CHEF wanted. European trained for InrineTi-ial i-ut wnipaiiy Tur udi wnn gooo typing skills. Interesting. diverKifipri nffirp SECY i auit you main Hackensack cupola, w-ioo Kidgewooa duties. Modern office, congenial co GM EXPERIENCE PREFERRED.
ivivn-pri. paid holidays, vacations, and insurance. Apply Prentice Hall Publisher's AOCTS PAYABLE Couple years exp ideal. Loads of advancement awaits workers, convenient location near PAY PLAN, PLUS A COMPLETE X.RAY TECHNICIAN Alpha-Numeric Experience. 37'3 hour ii transporraTion tacmties.
Nesds sharn aM inr ImmnHiatB hirai PACKAGE Or COMPANY BENE yuv. i-cti pdiu TO lUOUU. CALL EDNA BEHR 391-89(10 Prlv. Radiology office. No even.
Call cimicwuuu tiiTTs ask Tor mr, Milo. FITS. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY! Young crowd, fine benefits, too nolch. Join The Co That Cares About You! 444-1166. OFFICE WORK nart Snelling 8.
snelling agcy Montvale time 5 Call 487-, nours dally, Hackensack liici- cxcepiionai position now aval ab for exoerlpnreri man AAncH ween, uooa salary and Benefits. Excellent working conditions. -CALL LIZ SEBOK, 933-9777 GIFT BOX CORP. OF AMERICA Veterans Boulevard. Carlstadt ACCOUNTANTS-CPA Firm Perma- PORTER 4318.
Sales Help Wanted, Female 32-A nent. Fu time. Spml sr. mh nn RELIABLE MAN FOR GENERAI know some German dishes. Excellent to.
-r-t- ee a. S-0-P-E-R-l-O-R PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS uav ana rjenpT fnr rtnni nartnn WORK. MUST HAVE DRIVER'S OPERATOR NCR 400 327-0800. Mr. A.
uit-enac. ACTUALLY EARN i AN HOUR CALL MRS. ORTIZ 342-2700 Springfield Instrument Co. ACCOUNTING CLERK for as manv hours as vou wish. To do billing and cash receipts, pre.
CHEMICAL OPERATOR POLISHER Call 837-4099 After 5 PM 1st shift full time, 2nd shift part-time or full time. Excellent salary liberal benefits. 652-6O00. Glen Rock. 1'3 Rt 17 So.
265-8700 Paramus OPPOSITE KON'NER CHEVROLET EXPERIENCED. VERY GOOD PAY vious machine exp. preferred. Ex-ceMenportuivjty. 278-4570 Excellent oppty for person with min BAKERY SALESLADY experience, imum ot mos exoer pnee nnerai no SECR ETAR YFrVTP A IN FF AND BENEFITS.
OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. 260 RAILROAD AVE, HACKENSACK steady, full time, excel pay. ukder PICKER-lnteresting, light, Fine employment opportunity for In- KEYPUNCH- -TYPIST Chemical Process eguipment. Work rotating shifts with oood starting for general insurance office. Training Bakery, 614 Main St, Hack.
uiviuudi wl i- vrs. apnprai ar. V.MJBM excenenr rringe oenetit*. Pleasant working conditions. South PAINT AND MFTAI MAM annri fvnkt COSMETICS SALES counting exp.
and minimum 12 col saiarv. all henpfit. anri ariuanrp- reidiiuii5 anu surrounaings are on a high level. This iob is also a chal Elec mach 791-6899. 029059.
Fair Lawn loc. Be your own ooss work tne nours ment opportunity. Call 262-6700, Per Department Manager SHOES We are looking for the right individual to manage our Ladies Shoe Department. Some management experience desired, but will train an outstanding salesman. Good starting salary, -full range of company benefits, plus shopping discount.
APPLY PERSONNEL, 3rd FLOOR STERN BROTHERS TYPIST-CLERK area. PART" TIME lege creoiis in accounting. All-inclusive employee henpfit. nrn. sonnel.
lenge. Our wages are egual to that! oaid In N.Y. We hope that the new employee ive clos. tn this office EXCEPTIONALLY BUSY SHOP. THE RIGHT MAN CAN TAKE HOME A LOT OF MONEY EACH AND EVERY WEEK.
vou choose. Give yourself a raise! when vou want one. Build vour own. KEYPUNCH OPERATORS It. Piece work available.
CLERK TYPISTS DART INDUSTRIES, INC. business as pig as you wnat it, be Applicant must have onnrf fvnina tail now 944-2448 vynicn in nflSDrouck Heights, N.J gram including extensive health insurance coverage with maior medica and maior medira dental, r-nm. come an lease call 288-9044. W. 115 Century Rd, Paramus, NJ.
KEYPUNCH OPER ATORS Service btE MR. DREW IRWIN CHEVROLET SECRETARY to president of grow- pany paid life insurance and pension skills and have knowledge of general office, work. Position is in the com-l mercial dept. of the Hackensack! Water Company. Starting salary $100.20 per week.
Excellent company AVON u.s 'V9 ro mam it in b'ock from Sears. Call no company. Steno and dirtanhnnp Plan, tuition assistance, employee An tquai opportunity Employer CHEMICAL OPERATOR TRAINEE 25 HOWE AVE. PASSAIC 777-7100 needed. Write or call for aoot.
Letra. i.aieieiid iaeai worxing conditions in muuern oTnce complex of corpor NO EXPERIENECE NECESSARY sei U.S.A., inc. 33 New Bridge Hd, Bergenfield. 387-0700. Representative.
For Information KEYPUNCH OPERATORS $90-120 4 ooeninas naiH ate vvnw. Mdiu empiuyee oenetit*. ror appt, Call Mr. Gallagher, 487-0011. 664-8486 SECTYTYPIST-Exo.
to tvoe (914) EL 8-0737 343-8818 OFFICE MANAGER mmedlate opening for exnerlenrari Please telephone Personnel 865-3100 Dept. A.GCYJcU Main Hackensack exec. tvnpwr tpr frnm dirtanhnnp An egual opportunity employer STARTING $3.08 PER HOUR ROTATING SHIFTS ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY STEPAN CHEMICAL CO. AFTERNOONS Hours; Several Interesting positions Immediately available. Exoerience helpful but not essential.
Call or apply to Mrs. Arbuco LO 7-7900 SCHOLASTIC nyp-ziuz or oy4-4lj. Tapes. Kiogetieid. V4i-iu50 man tO aSStimA full rh.ru.
nl all COSMETIC SALES Girls Women, earn $6hr In enmm for as manv hrs! TYPIST FEE PAID $477. CPC INTERNATIONAL, INC. fice operations for large Chrysler SECRETARY rwaniupn If VOU enlov tha eyrlttnn nlamnii. KEYPUNCHERS AND FLEXOWRITERS as you wisn. riease can im-wii 00 W.
Hunter Maywood, N.J. Plymouth Agency. Excellent salary Form, known as Corn Products Co Strong steno, dependable, can as world of fashion you'll love this DATA PROCESSING. SALES grow- no voung company Ir sume 'responsibilities. 35 nr week.
So. spot, i oo company benefits. Call, wiua uuiiu. ona gemo car. Please reply In confidence to Box 8465, The Record.
Rt? Englewood Cliffs An Egual Opportunity Employer field. Call now, 944-2448. Hackensack area. Ca Anriercnn CHEMIST EE PAID TO Liaiia, uo-03i. PACFSFTTFR PFDQOMMPI IMP 488-5500 GIRLS ACCTG TO $12M BERGEN MALL PARAMUS, NX equal opportunity employer 20 Banta PI.
Hack, na rioor Attractive opportunities for capable gals on 029 and 059 or Friden Flcxo-writer. Excellent salary and full SECRETARY for Interesting position An ARE YOU BORED? OPEN. AND. WED. TILL 7 PM Recent degree with; Local Cham Co, 2-3 vrs.
with U. DESIGNERS-DRAFTSMEN- WE SPECIALIZE IN YOUI in small modern congenial regional! sales office In Ridqefield. Light 5. mtr organic 900 Svlvan Enqlewood Cliffs. NJ faiiyw ui tuinany paio oenetlTS, AUTO PARTS COUNTERMAN Experienced synthesis exe.
TYPIST (blller), wholesale giftware sienu, oiversiTieg. ruou, elel, Bergen County Consult Eng. office. L. Ster ng E.
550 Dur la. rU We have a most Interesting and exciting opportunity with a position traditionally reserved for men. Only apply if you consider yourself to be imourier, neeas run Time jnvorce Typist, for congenial small office with! SECRETARY Seles nffirp Tnn ul. Please apply at 123 Tryon Ave, DON FMPI OVMFNT AfiFNrV i-MucH yMMoriuniTy tmPIOVCr PHYSICAL THERAPIST REGISTERED Teaneck ter, N.J. 768-4799 rv.
Modern office. All company ben- ion oeneiiis ano gooo salary, com mute to Mahnattan two months Excellent epoortunltv fnr ei is. NRr KB un an a nnnnrTn. anracTive ana personable, can earn 54 Park Ave. Rutherford, N.J.! Our client whose national head-! ouarters is located In Northern, N.J, currently seeks a degreed acct with i or more yrs of general exp.
Your, DETAIL MEDICAL TO 10vBON: Diagnose treatment of products. 2-j ment, new large dealership. riity, employer. 149 LeRov St, NYC transp. paid, th move with us to our ai4u-i- per week.
CALL FOR' APPT. TOMM CHEMIST Tech service for local Ull WA 4-2305 new conveniently located building Hackensack. Cai Mr. kan a tn Needed to work PM. Some we- Excellent startlna salary and benefi's.
For! yoriente. nait tee pad. IASSET Emn nv fivra I1A IVt inrn chemical company, experience In In Mr, Bundy betw 10-3 487-1171 111 'nciune, supervision of general accto division ud to and In dustrial cleaning specialties. Good r.ivi. ie o-yv, 62 Nichols Court, Hempstead, L.
I. HOUSEWIVES PART TIME SECRETARY New company to N.J. rnmnanv nv Inru Ian cluding financial statements. The TYPIST $100 AREA FEE PD, 4900 Ext. 346 LIB TECHNICIAN For quality control lab, no exp necessary, all fringe benefits, must be high school grad and must have car.
Apply: CARMET COMPANY 160 E. Union Ave. E. Rutherford An Egual Opportunity Employer DIESETTER Experienced With nrnnrp.atu. pay, eieasont surroundings, opportunity for advancement, Call Mrs, Geloer, 567-3000 An egual opportunity employer PRESTIGE PLUS Supplement Income working cart time introducing our nationally knnwn THEVALLEY HOSPITAL ridgewood" N.
.1 DAY WEEK ALL BENEFITS EXCELLENT SALARY PLUS INCENTIVE! Call Mr, J. Levy for detail A. Z. FORD INC. (201) 432-7272 i AlliGCYji4Maln Hackensack benefits program.
Including maior medica plan. If you can guallfvi for th Ornwth nneltlnn compound dies, automatlr fp.n. Great benfts. will be yours when you Wn thlS "CnmP-AlTu." nncllinn In SECRETARY Shorthand not reo -COMPANY PAID BENEFITS IACV vimiavi service py Teiepnpne from our local office. Work mornings, 9:30 AM-1 PM or even ina 6-9 PM.
Salary 4- hanii. CLAIMS ADJUSTER Gd. typing, dictaphone and office Want To Sell That Unused Item? Use Th Classified Columns cngiewoog uitts area. STEADY WORK TOP.WAGES FOR BRIGHT MAN iAII rjlnn aont auftflAhlft BENTLEY A rv 0en- fair Lawn ra. Call Mrs.
Armstrong 797-3360 Average minimum $3. par hour. For Interview, call 444-7700. i rt 4. Fpp Paid I i nnru cu.
120 Svlvan Enalewood Cllffi, NJ tENITH AGCY ISO Main Hackensack Lodi it .1, HiV, ft Sft M. aL. Mk ak. aj -atW aaV BaV plfe P. pk.
PBk -m.