The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)

wv" THE RECORD. FRIDAY. JULY 20, IDfift B-M IV EMPLOYMENT IV IV EMPLOYMENT MARMADUKE By Brad Anderson IV EMPLOYMENT IV EMPLOYMENT IV EMPLOYMENT I To Ploct Your Rocord Wanted Femala 32 QIRL fRjfAY- Permanent position own In Rockland County with well fgiahtlshed to. Bookkeeping and payroll eMf helpful, open. 114) A 3 filRL FRIDAY-Central Bergen Bull- der Realtor Pieatant surroundings assutiaTes.

Kecoro box i "GIRL FRIDAY Reeeplicni-it and Steno 21. 43 54 GIRL FRIDAY Ight sttno. flood typist. Quick with flaunt. Smalt attic.

WriieBox 316) Record. GtRL Ltht aswmblv. Vacations, nonaavs, peannT worimn twin steadv. All shifts. General Socketule.

EMPLOYMENT "33 cip wantedMale fLffTRIC TON AVE. rxPERI nonifcs. hr bODY 490 WA'iHINO CARLSTADT. 9J33I3. ELECTRICIAN Exparlenrad only.

Lormnaici.l tuir. Ing. Call 56 423. EUCTRICIAN "F.mtl.nted In nuuw ana air-tonoinon wiring, l.m T43-09. ELECTR ICIAN Experienced.

Good pay. Must be deMendabl. Call 797-964. if CTRICIANS Thoroughly ea per-lenced only. Top pay.

Steady work. Call LO I 3799 alter P.M. ENGINE LATHE OPERATOR Call 7770227 between 9 and S. ENGINE M. E.

axoerlenred. park. aging equipment, automation, Dixm Idea man. J. G.

Machines, 14 Pop lar iltlle Ferry. 407 1173. ENGINEERS CIVIL, STRUCTURAL ANU tSIIMAIUR Engineers with minimum of 4 years pertente in consulting otlices design of sewers, drainage, water and waste-water treatment facilities. 5aiary open. CL NTON BOGERT ASSOC ATrS 2083 Center Fort Lee, N.J FACTORY Maintenance dept experience.

Porter! OUfeDIENCB 1 SCHOOU IV EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Female 32 PART TIME Earn $40. or more per week Iparn In rlriup 9 Srhnnl Rn work. Starting salary $2 29 Per N. j. graphic art sarv.cs Kelp Wanted Male 33 ArrmiNTANTS Trucking e.ptrlenf nfarv.

Company bnetll, hull lime permanenl mptoyment. salary (ummtmurilt with Submit ri.umi to Hu 797, The Record. ADVf RTISINO MAN -to work part lime io handle publicity, tav-oui, etc. for manufacturing concern. Snd replies to Box 3726 Rec oid.

AIR CONDITIONING and Heating Mechanir Fxp. Good oppty tor adv. Growing concernCO l-OCUtV AIR CONDITIONING" SFRVICF MAN Must be familiar with com mercial eoprrtnt, especially controls umy rhrghiy exp man need apply Yf rnd wk. 768 0098. AMF MECH full tlma.

Part time pin chasers. Call attar 6. Mti fc. paterson AMUsem*nT ATTENDANT Full time, tome vending machine experience helpful. Must be mechanically Inclined.

Good opportunity Excellent work na condition and company benefits. Good salary. Apply to Store Manager. TWO GUYS 450 Hackensack Ave. Hackensack ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN ottice with diversified practice re quires draftsman with minimum 4 yrt exp.

Salary open. 6-MH2 ARTIST 3 to 5 years experience, knowleriqe of illustrations, paste-up. mechanicals, types. Silk screen helpful. Central Jersey location CALL MR.

DAVIS 756 7300 FOR APPT. ASS'T DEPARTMENT HEAD Plant Engineering' ter graduate engineer. Boiler room electrical, refrigeration and mechani cal experience required. Send com-ple resume including current salary to Box 3479, The Record. AUTO BODY AND FENDER MAN tor r-ord dealership.

nr wk cellent pay plan insurance and pension benefits. See Mr. Allen, "service Manwan r-ord iflies, 99 Franklin Tpke Mahwah, N.J. AUTO BODY MAN easy $160 per week. Paid vacations and holidays.

Wee Many fringe benefits. Apply Lou Kosco. RIDGE DODGE INC. es Rt ri7 Help WanteiMaiTl'3 BUS DRIVERS lor School Buses Part time, mornings or afternoons, or both Now Hiring For September Call 843-2528 For AppoinlmL ARCOLA GARAGE, INC. 51 Paramus Road Paramus N.


Ao no barrier, 9337500 CARPENTERS And helpers. Expe- riencea. can atier p. m. OL 2-443 Or 666-01128 CHEF experienced.

5 days. Apply In person, opera Restaurant. 464 sylvan Ave, Enalewd cl*tfs. LP 8-BUO CHEM LAB TECHS $120 Will pav tuition In nlte college for S. G.

who needs financial Chem helo. CITY Emp Agcy 200 Main Ha 4A9-2222 CHEMICAL PLANT HELPER NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Opportunity for ambitious hioh school grad, start at $2 36 per hr with ad vancement possible. SIEPAN CHEMICAL CO. Mavwood Chemical Division 100 WHunter Avenue. Maywood, N.J CHURCH SEXTON Community cnurcn ot leaneck.

For appt can TE 6-9845 or TE 6-6706. CLEANER "FOR BAKERY Apply B. W. Bakery, 614 Main St Hackensack. DI 2 5577.

CLERK Knowledge of typing, good at figures. Receiving Dept. Must De H.S. Graduate, haberge, inc. 395 So.

Broad Ridgelield, NJ CLERK TYPIST frgfwatfr. CALL MR. GIANTONIO, 45-4600 COLLECTOR-INVESTIGATOR Outside. No telephone. Part evenings and Saturdays, R.

P. SERVICES. 567-2662 COMMERCIAL CREDIT TRAINEE For leading Bergen County bank. Previous bank credit experience, knowledge of accounting and financial statements desired Gnnri nonnrlnnitv iror aavancement, salary commen surate with experience. Writ.

Box 3532, rne Record. CONSOLE OPERATORS Experienced with 1400 series to work 4 P.M. to 12 A.M. Liberal benefits. Air conditioned office.

Call 65-6UUU. CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Exper'd, tall 327-1222. COOK 2nd First class restaurant exp. Room aval act e. App in per.

son Tudor. Inn, 1082 Hamburg Turn- pixe, wayne, w. Closed wonos. COOK Nir.HTS APPLY IN PERSON PINTOS, V6 GREEN HACKENSACK COUNSELOR Riding Instructor for Attend our training class, with pay plant leading blue-chip com- ipany located In Bergen County. Pre- nirmg now ror sepiemoer PHONE 843-2528 FOR APPOINTMENT ARCOLA GARAGE, INC.

XI DirimiiiT Drs4 Dammit I ji foioniuo iuau raiainuo. m. j. Sales Heln Wanted Female 32-A i GIRL With pleasant telephone voice Willing 10 work Odd hours. 3 days hours.

3 davs per wk. Call Mr. Lee, 343-509 REAL ESTATE SALESWOMAN 30-45 YEARS LICENSED and EXPERI'CED ONLY Expansion program necessitates our hiring another person to our staff im mediately. Activity Guaranteed. Over S2.aftTi.nnn clec unlnm.

in 19AS Cam- automatic Increases, excellent fringe Broad benefits. Faberge, J9S So. Rldynfield, N. J. FACTORY EMPLOYEES Many lobs open on rotating shifts, wages excel and benefits exceptional.

Must be willing to do hard and hot factory work in a paper mill. Excel physical cond a mustl tall Mr. Kime, 342-5000. FACTORY HELP Excellent ad vancement opportunities, all benefits. Trainees accepted.

Apply In person afternoons: TECHBESTOS. West Commercial Av. Moonachie FACTORY HE'LP Excellent benefits, steady. Premier Products, River Vale Rd River Vale, N. J.


NO EX PfcKleNCfc KtqUIHfcO. WIN-CHEK INDUSTRIES 90 MOONACHIE AVENUE NR ROUTES 17 and 46 MOONACHIE NEW JERSEY II ri FPK Soma exp. Permanent. Clinton Bogert Assoc, Consulting Engineers. 2083 uenrer av.

i-orr iee, n.J. FOLDING BOXES GLUE MACHINE ADJUSTORS 1ST AND 2ND SHIFTS Must be experienced straight line right ang eel oohane machines Apply Mr. Ed Rous 10 A.M. -3 P.M. 1-fcUfc KAL LAW TUN LUKf.

2001 TONNELLE AVE NO. BERGEN FOREMAN ASSISTANT Prec. machine shoo specializing In punches also parts. Write Box 3628! The Record. FOREMAN Small dept.

Mechanically inclined. Exper pref but not essen tial. Phon. inquiries welcomed. 271-2200 Foreman machine exp local $100 WESTWOOD EMPLOYMENT AGCY 25 Westwood Ave.

664-6020 GARAGE ATTENDANTS (2) Permanent, 6 day week, $80. Ca Miss Goldman, 947-4646 GENERAL FACTORY HELP Will train to help on processing inspection machines Overtime, benefits, steady. Modern plant. 150 Wesley b. Hackensack GRILL MAN Part time 3 nights, gd pay for right man.

in person Tenafly Diner, Rlrd Ave. Tenatly part or full time, days. Pfeifter's, 215 Main HacKensacK GRINDER Blanchard surface grinder. Must be experienced. Liberal benelits elude: Blue Cross, Blue Shield, neann insurance, group insurance, sick time, vacation and pension plan, uniform and shoes provided Contact C.

E. Kerler, Uddeholtn Steel 721 Union Toto- wa Borougn, N. J. 256-8000. GRINDER CENTERLESS read micrometers.

ALL RITE PEN INC. 241 Hudson Hack. 343-4074. GROCERY CLERK Night crew. No experience necessary, but helpful.

Apply Shop-Rite of Hasbrouck Heights. GROCERY CLERKS FULL TIME NIGHTS Immediate positions available In mod ern Super Market. Hours 10 P.M. -8 A.M. MUSt be 18 VrS.

Or Over. EXPeri- ttltWK Mozart immediately. Good guarantee to Bergen Trnpka, LiltH Ftrry N.J. GIRLS Light factory work. No ex- fierience required.

Mica Fabricator) Rochelle Pk, HOME HEALTH AIDES Mature woman Interested in a training program which will prepare them a. Home Health Aides may contact The Nursing Division, Rockland County Health Dept. fi4 NE 4-7901 U2STESSES Over 91 Part time AddIv Part time. CAMBRIDGE INN, Garden St. Plata HOSTESS MUST BE OVER 21.

EX- PtKlfcNLfc rKtrtSHrlJi (I4) 423 8578. HOUSEKEEPER Babv sitter-Take charge 1 children, I PM to 7 PM. 4 davs a wk. Cook dinner. Own transp or may live in days.

Mature. re- sponsible waman pld. 6660J66. HoustntfcftR-t until aner din ner Tuesday til Saturday. Sleep-in on Friz Sat.

nights. References. 568 4684. Call between 5 and 6. HOUSEKEEPER live In.

European preferred. Call 385-7796. HOUSEKEEPER 11 AM. to 7 P.M. 5, days a week References rt- quired.

Please call 569-0909. HOUSEKEEPER Sleep out. Fort Lee School age children. 5 days weekAir cond. Wl 7-2715.

HOUSEKEEPER Sleep In. Exper. Ref. req. Fine tarn.

Good sal. rm bth TV aircond 51 da 567 6334 HOUSEKEEPER Sleep In." 1 child. private rm w'TV, bath references req.Call 567-9528. HOUSEKEEPER Hiifsdale light hse- workcare tor children. Sleep in out Exper, references.

666-8323. HOUSEKEEPER -5 days. Care of Kindergarten cnild. Kererences quired. Near buses.

567-6270. HOUSFWORKER Ironing. Either vi day or wnoie. rori Lea. Call 947-3158, 6-8 P.

M. HOUSFWORKER Woman 4 days per week, CO 2-3808 to t. KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Immediate position available for IBM Keypunch Operator. Must have Alpha-Numeric experience. Salary commensurate with ability and experience.

Raptdlv expandlnq company offers opportunity for advancement. Fringe benefits. Call 472-9400 or apply In person; SUPERMARKETS GENERAL CORP. 116, Main Ave. assaic KEYPUNCH OPERATORS CLERK TYPISTS SEVERAL NEEDED.



N.J. KEYPUNCH OPERATORS Exp. fulloart time. Salary commen surate wexp. 438-2000 ext 270 KEYPUNCH TR NEE Motor Freight! Co.

in Carlstadt, N. J. Must have1 car. 933-6000 ext 210 Mr. Corbo.

KITCHEN GIRL FRIDAY 5 days! wkly. Mon-Frl. 8:30 A. Hospital coffee shop. Call 487-7177.

KITCHFN HELPER For tray set-uo and general kitchen work In refined Nursing Home. Experience helpful but not necessary, wilt pain, permanent position, vacation, sick time, holiday oav. etc. References. For Interview call Valley Nursing Home.

300 Old Hook Road. Westwood. NO 4-8888. LOOPER Experienced on model P. Full or part time.

Hours to suit. Piece work. Call PL 4-5224. MACHINE OPERATORS MUST BE EXPERIENCED P.M. or 3:30 P.M.-midnight ALL RITE PEN INC.

241 Hudson 343-4074 MAID For general tight Permanent position, 5 dav week, vacation, paid holidays, sick ttme, etc. Must have references. For interview cat) the Valley Nursing' Home NO 4-8688. I MAID 6 DAYS A WEEK Apply between 8:30 AM-Noon Skv- view Motel, Rte 46 Fort Lee. MAIDS Part time and full time.

For new Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge. Apply person at Howard Johnson's Restaurant, Rt. 17, Para-mus, N.J between 2 P.M. and 4 P.M.Monday through Friday. MANICURIST-SHA'MPOO full or part time for active salon.

Rochelle Park area. 843-2622. Help Wanted Female 32 INSURANCE GIRLS 1. POLICY RATER TYPIST Thoroughly experienced in gen-rat insurance. Salary open.

2. STENO Preferably with soma general insurance experience. Coll for oppt. at SCHWAB CO. East 36 Midland Psromus 265-3131 Help Wanted Female 32 Help Wanted Female 32 "MATRON ALEXANDER'S PARAMUS Immedalte position available for reliable women on i full rim tcnad APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE RTS4 and 17.

PARAMUS. NJ. MEAT WRAPPER Part time. AD ply Dale Market, Bergen Mall Shopping center. Paramos, n.j MEpiCAL SECRETARY excellent skills to be part of Cancer Re search team In Englewood area.

J5 hr week. Cat Dr. Makari. 57 MM MFDICAL TECHNICIAN Registered ASCP Pleasant air conditioned office AM 5 PM. Call 568-5067 MUSIC TEACHER bet aaes 23-28 college pref or suit comb, of coi-lege-practical exper, WH 3-3410.

NCR OPERATOR Experienced 3300. Good starting sal arv, liberal benefits, 5 days per wee, 4 jo cm. appiv in person, Room 400 ROCK INDUSTRIES DIV. 18 New Hempstead Rd. New City, NY REGISTERED 3 to 11 P.

M. Small Nursing Home. Pleasant work ing conditions, benefits. Please call MRS. GALLAGHfc Gl 41341.


P. M. SHIFT MISS TEUWEN, 843-7333 NURSE Pract. Permanent. Sleep- in.

Care partially disabled male. Call 567 3838. NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER 4 oi 2 vr oref. early childhood mai mornings. Only State educational bkgrnd.

and exp. Box 2990, Record NURSES Registered and licensed practical. 3 to 11 PM shift. Good salary and benefits. Call Pine Rest Nursing Home, 652-1950.

NURSES AIDE OR LPN Evenings or nignrs. small nursing nome. Call LP 9 0533. betw 8 A.M.-4 PJIA. NURSES AIDES 3 to 11:30 P.

M. 2, 3 or 4 evenings a week. Experience preferred, must have ret-erences. Liberal benefits. For in- terview call Valley Nursing Home 664-8988.

NURSES AIDES Nights. Experienced only. 833-2400 OFFICE CLERK GENERAL CALL 489-3554 FOR APPT. OFFICE GIRL Permanent position open for well-groomed mature young woman. Must be personable.

Pleasant wonting conditions. No experience nec. 84j5i, OPERATORS Experienced on lad ies' underwear. Also willing to teach beginners. Paid vacation.

holidays, hospital and medical benems. Glamorise e-ounaaTions, Mam East Rutherford. OPERATORS for black and white and blue print machines. Steady wont fcxpera. only.

Apply Aca demy Blue Print, 48 Stat Hackensack, N.J. ORDER PICKER CHILDREN'S CLOTHING MANUFACTURER. CALL 489-3554 FOR APPT. PAYROLL-BILLING CLERK for mfg and construction firm; alr-cond, Congenial office in Wood-Ridge, New Jersey. WE 3-0150.

PAYROLL CLK ASST General of fice duties. Piece wk, pvrll axo. desirable. Apply in prsn; Essex Foundations, 111 Essex Hack PAYROLL CLERK Hackensack $80 Piece work 160 people on roll CITY Emo Ascy 200 Main Ha 489-2222 PHONE CLERKS Part-time permanent evening posi tions available for phone clerks In our delivery department. Prefer High School graduates with similar experience, but will train beginners with good phone personality.

Hours from 5:30 P. M. To 9:30 k. daily and Saturday as needed. Apply in person between 9 A.

M. and 4 P. M. KORVETTE HOME FURNISHING CENTERS 397 East 54th St. East Paterson PRESSER for dry cleaning plant.

Fxd. on silk and wool. Full or part time. Gd pay. Steady work.

833-0900 PSYCHIATRIC NURSES fnr new dynamically oriented com munity unit in general hospital as-i sociated wirn expanding nursing education aroaram. Ooeninas on all shifts. Psychiatric experience Pre-; terreo dut not essemiai. oooa warT-ing salary and liberal benefits. Ap ply personnel on ice noiy Name rios-pttal Teaneck.

PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES Positions available for graduates of Generic, Basic, Baccalaureate Programs in Nursing, approved by The National League tor nursing. ion-tact the Nursing Division, Rockland County Health uepr, via wt 4-yui RECEPTIONISTCASHIER Personable 9'rt who eniovs working with people, must Type, oooo starring salary and company benefits. For apoomtment call Mr. Walter, UN 9-999? or aoDlv personally at Local Fi nance 7328 Bergentine Norm Bergen. RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST experienced snormana preterrea-noT necessary 9 to h.

3b nour weeK. 5. Hacxen- sack area. Call Monday N.Y. of fice.

(212) PL 9-5120 Mr. MCGrath. RECEPTIONIST For beauty salon 7 operators. Must be experienced, over 30. Sox 40)2, Record.

RECEPTIONIST Switchboard op, exDerienced tvoist. Excel oootv. wages and benefits. Call 777-46651 Help Wanted Female 32 Paterson 278-4500 June. SM JM Gross, comm.

S500 SM JT2 Gross. Comm. $4050 S'M Jr3 Gross. Comm. S2500 SM Jt4 Gross.

Comm. S2100 All interviews held in strict confidence. Ask for Sales Manager, MR. BABIKIAN For Appointment. JAMES E.

HANSON HOME DEPT. MORTGAGE CO. ORADELL REALTORS 265-3800 sell new and resale homes. Ex- perienced preferred. Excellent Help Wanted Female 32 Salesgirl- experience Apply i Bakery 614 Main Hackensack, VI SECRETARY TO EXECUTIVE SALARY OPEN GENEROUS BENEFITS Career opportunity for alert, persona Die, amomous appiicam with good secretarial skills.

Con eenial modern office. PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 773 8200 ext. 404 1NTERCHEMICAL CORP. 1255 BROAD ST. CLIFTON, N.

1 An Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY" Unusual opportunity worio largest manurnnui er di dietetic sweets, requires bright Kn rmrmmr mlnH.H a. I flimi steno and typing skills. New otlices located in Kaiisaoes ram. exien-sive company benefits, paid holidays, vacations, etc Salary commensurate with ability. Call Mrs.

Rheiner, Estee Candy Inc. 944. 2064. Equal Opportunity Employer. SECRETARY FEE PAID Terrific opportunity for attractive sal with good (kills to work for Personnel fcxecufive in glamorous office.

DON FMPLQYMhNr AGtNCT 54 Park Ave. Rutherford SECRETARY Expert typist and shorthand. Able to assume respons ibility. For National Company Re gional Office, on Broadway (Rf. 4), Fair Lawn, N.J.

Telephone Mr. Bader, 791-6262. SECRETARY Ridgefield $100 Needs good steno, IBM Exec elec type. Lots of statistical work. CITY Emp Aocv 200 Main Ha 489-2223 SECRETARY Architects office.

Ex perienced. responsiDie and person-able. Call bet 5. 327-6174. SECRETARY Exper.

Foil time. Co. benefits. Please call 438 2000 Ext 270 SECURITY SHOPPER Interesting position for women between the ages of 25 and 40 in store security work. Some travel, car not necessary.

5 day week, alt personnel benefits. See Mrs. Graham GRAND UNION CO. 100 BROADWAY E. PATERSON SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Steady, good benefits, will train.

Pre mier rrooucrs, Kiver vaie Ri ver Vale. N.J. TRAIN. 3 GIRL SHIRT UNIT. DAT WK.

CALL B37-6MB. SINGLE NEEDLE MACHINE OP ERATOR Steady work. Palisades park, wi 4-M46. SNACK BAR NIGHTS Apply In person Garden State Plaza Bowiomat, paramus. STATISTICAL TYPIST For local accounting office.

Call 445-0500 STENOGRAPHER Must have excellent stenographic and typing skills for position with Hackensack Water Comoanv at Weehawken office. Starting salary $1 .60 with auto matic increases to 1107. B0. Liberal company oaid benefits. For aopt.

call personnel uepr. 4B-0DII Or B63-05OO STENOGRAPHER Typist Liking for sransricai rvping essential. Beginner with good skills and aptitude! consioerea. Air-conditioned ouiiding. Liberal company benefits.

Call LU -UUUI. STENOGRAPHER Billing Clerk Mature woman, 30-45. Small off- ueonia. 5 oays. 4-izz.

STENO AND diversified office work Small office, Englewood. 568-4555 STENO CLERK General office worn witn auto leasing firm in nacicensack. pnone 487-5n. STENO TYPIST OUR CONTINUED EXPANSION PROGRAM HAS CREATED ANOTHER OPENING FDR A STPNn TYPIST. 371 HOURS PER WEEK.


797-0200 rair Lawn inaustriai Park STFNO-TYPIST Air conditioned sales office. IBM executive typewriter. Experience preferred. All employee benefits. Salary open, can aa.

yyturpny 489-9605. STENO-TYPIST Experienced Rood with figures. Informal office. 9-5, Si oav so up. 9yy welding supply, Jidgewood.

652-2250. a cno-typ 1ST good skills, some experience. Pleasant office. Call Personnel. Hess Oil and Chemical Corp, Little Ferry 342-4100 for appt STENO TYPIST Experience pref Car necessary.

Moonechie area Send resume including salary de- sireo pox jujh, ine Record SUPERVISORS AND ASSISTANTS Many fringe benefits Publishing or mail order experience prpferrd Reply to Box 4013, Record SWITCHBOARD OPERAfORfo7fe- leohone ans service. Exp'd only need apply. Night wk 12 P.M. to M.nn. write bua 2B94 The Record Help Wanted Female 32 Securities Recordksepar SALARY OPEN Challenging position with major Investment counsel firm in Englewood, leading to complete responsibility for investment records of large group of clients.

Requirements: Accuracy with figures and percentages; Some experience with securities desirable. 567-2000 Help Wanted Female 32 0. 1. IS Day camp. Must mature and'GR ill MAN Exp'd, steady, DECKER AUTO SALES IMI 417-1000 444-0800 768-70JO RaaklauMl Cvaryl JJ6-I150 JJB-2020 TODAY! IV EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Male 33 MACHINE OPERATOR Capable making own set upv Learn tool making In rapidly expanding tlec- Ironies C0.

Salary open. 664-5140. Wll and jt.nnri'na and equipment manufacturer requires sat i Med mechanics for machine as sembly. Work with development group on one of-a-kind as well at small production lots. Familiarity with precision parts, electric, pneu matic and hydraulic controls desirable.

Own tools. Challenging and in terest no non -defence work with op portunity for advancement. Company benefits. Calf 444 8000. Mostlypa waidwick, N.

J. tor appointment. MACHINIST TURRET LATHE xpanding company requires experienced versatile machinist capable of assuming 2nd shift lead man responsibilities. Excellent ground floor opportunity In small air-conditioned macnine aepT. ray equal to aoiniy and experience up to MOO an hr.

Apply DYNATION CORP 3AB GETTY AVE CI IFTON blk Av V4 ml $. Crooks Av) An fcquai upporrunny Employer MACHINIST to be parts inspector. Must be able to read prints and use shop instruments. See or phone Mr. Ceder, WE 3-2800.

Good pay. Permanent position. WIN-CHEK INDUSTRIES 90 Moonachie Ave. Near Routes 17 and 46 Moonachie New Jersey MACHINIST Model shop. Experimental work, sal ary commensurate with ability.

Excellent working conditions and company benetils. Apply J. J. Gilbert 60 N. Myrtle Spring Val- (SL4' EL 6-A222.

MACHINIST 1st or 2nd class. Alt around man tor milling and lathe work. Must be able to do his own set-up. Steady work. Fringe benefits.

Good working conditions. Ap-ply 455 Commercial Ave. Palisades Park, 944-8774 MACHINIST For General machine work. Able to do own set-ups. Must have lob shop exp.

Apply at Wyckf Mfg. Co. 15 W. Pas St Rochelle Pk. MACHINIST 50 hr.

week. Time for overtime. Wage according to experience. 773-76 1 5 MACHINISTS Turret LatheExperimental Set-up and operate small turret lathe; tool room equipment. Minimum 5 years experience.

Dav shift. Modern, air-conditioned shop. Excellent benefit proqram. Call 664-7070 for interview appointment. ISOTOPES, INC.

123 Woodland Ave. Westwood, N. J. An Equal Opportunity Employer MACHINISTS. MACHINE ASSEMBLERS Sneciat machine manufacturer offers opportunity to make parts, assemble.

Test macmnes or do tnat part you like best with minimum supervision top rates and benefits. Write to Box rvi. Record. MACHINISTS. FOREMAN Pull, ruirt lim.

TAn nu let mnA 9nH jlathes, mills, drills, etc. Small ex- pending company, advancement, bene- I in r. 487-7591. Eves 833-0318. MACHINISTS General machine shop experience.

Age no barrier. Non prod. shop. Benefits. 2nd shift.

Ask for Hal Meagher. W.N. Best 85 Industrial Ave. Little Ferry. MAIL CLERK 8:30 "to 5 PM.

Well establishd firm. Must have use of car, expenses paid. Call 271-4700 Mr. Gershon. MAINTENANCE GENERAL Appli cant should have knowledge of carpentry, industrial electricity, etc.

Good salary plus benefits. Apply to Mr. Janovic, Modell's Shoppers World, DI 2-3100. MAINTENANCE Part time i to 10 pm. Saturdays.



M. 150 River Street Hackensack An Equal Opportunity Employer MAINTENANCE MAN Some knowl-edge of elec, plumb'g, air cond'g, etc. For new Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge. Apply in person at Howard Johnson's Restaurant. Rt 17 Paramus, J.

between 2 M. and 4 P.M. Mon. through Fri. MAINTENANCE MAN cranes hoists, field-shoo work.

Good electrical background req. Overtime. Jersey Craoe Corp. 278 Greenwood Midland Park. MAN AUTO PAINT AND BODY SHOP SUPPLY HOUSE SFFKS PRSN WITH GOOD LGBL HAND WHO CAN ADAPT RDLY ALL ARND.

FULL BNFTS. CALL MUL- LERBROS.42-6727 FOR APPT. MAN 23-29 to learn metal fabrication operations in nameplate factory. Some know, decimals, measuring instruments, punchpress wk. pref.

Graphtexlnc. MAN To work nights on plastic injection molding machine Steady work. Hours 11:20 to 8:10 AM. nights per week. CaljLO 1-8321.

MAN Full time for landscaping work. Good pay, work 10 mos benefits. Must have driver's license. Apply 7-9 PM, laoemel Av. Gartieid MAN Experienced in grinding and polishing Gravure cylinders.

Call 777-0227 between 9 and 5. MAN Aide tor irtha'ation Dept We train. Apoiy Personnel weekdays, Holy Name Hsptl, Teaneck MAN Mature, reliable, mechanically inclined. Good wages and Steadv work. Call768-9180.

MAN Shipping, receiving, packing. Hrs 9 to 5-30. Joannou Cycle, Englewood. Call 567-1519. MAN For Sunday A.M.Newspaoer delivery.

Must have station wagon. Over 21.Call MAN- FOR FLR WAX'G. STEADY WORK. FULL TIME DAYS. EXP.

NUI NtLtbVARY. 768-10lr. 'MAN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY- Production control and dispatching. 1 hve eKPerience yr old married 3 wk oa-d ho rV TUr (3v sc Ml1 ww' rB MANAGER TRAINEE time no f.p-'terce necet-ui'-v ppportiinifv tor ad- UnViiitfi rnnrf Will tram. vanr errtenf and full companv benefits.

Good Martina salary. Apply to Home Decor Dept. TWH VJU HI WMackenMclt Ave Hackensack 7 'wefk. Experience not necessary Free "Mue Cross and Shield Ovr 1 I laimrs Ml '1 7,3 rairview. I MkNAGFR TgA'Nfr 'Young man.

over 21 to team con. Viiat JJ "SLi'Tl' elits. All promotions from All promotir Apply pilv 9 -fl and 4.10 FAM'tY FINANCE, tMam Hackensack. IVAUT lence not necessary; will train. Applyiclass exp.

Experimental and autoiS anv ortner salary. 569-1586. 327-6534 eves. AUTO HAVE BODY METAL MAN MUST EXPERIENCE. CALL Wl 4-200O AUTO MECHANIC and incentive plan, other benefits, Apply in person to Frank Barna.

DI 2-2300 BLUE WHITE PONTIAC 30 Johnson Ave; Hackensack AUTO MECHANIC Comoanv benefits. Paid Ask for sick leave, hospitalization. service manager. inn Lincoln Ave. Hawthorne HA 7-2100 AUTO MECHANIC Must be experienced for Chevrolet dealership.

Apply Hebeler Motor Company, 139 Kinderkamack Road, Park Ridge, 391-6200 AUTO MECHANIC Experienced or vocational back ground. Generators and starters. All fringe benefits. LO 8-8232 AUTO MECHANIC exper'd In front end wk and wheel alignment apply only, Steady, top wages, hospit alization. Apply in person J.

and L. Texaco 30 W. De ma rest Av. Englwd AUTO MECHAN IC Must be ulnt ror Dodge dealership. txceiient and benefits.

Call Mr. Laetzo, antanqelo Dodge. 660 Bergen Blvd Ridgefield.945'2900. AUTO MECHANIC Tuna up, gen eral repairs, pd mays, vacation, benefits (175 wk start. Esso, Blvd and Madison Aves.

Hasbrouck Hgts. AUTO MECHANIC for Foreign cars. umy tsi ifas5. uur nnecnanica earn over $200 in a 5 day wk. All benefits.

Call LO 7-4240. Kingsfield Motors Englewood. AUTO MECHANICS Immediate opening for two well qualified automechanlcs to work new and used cars. Activa shop. Vprv hioh dv tor qua ified meeh- anics with tools.

Apply in person Hickory Auto, 326 South Washington Ave- Bergenfield, N. J. 385-7373. AUTO MECHANICS (2) Exp. Sal.

open. Ask for Mr. Leineweber. Serv. Mgr.

Village Rambler. DU 4-3953. VX? MECHANICS $125 wk. Start. HELPERS $90 wk.

start. Service Mgrs-Sal comm. Call 945-9680. AUTO PAINTER Must be experi enced and depenoaDie. clean 5nop.

Salary open. Phone 384-024O; AUTO PARTS COUNTER MAN business. No experience necpsarv AUTO POLISHFRS Dealer experience preferred. Start immed. TRA-CEE RAMBLER, HACKENSACK, 487-1400 AUTO PARTS MANAGER GM exp.

for Chevrolet Dealership. Apply Hebeler Motor 139 Kinder kamack Park Ridge. 391-6200 AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC Permanent position for experienced man. Regular merit increases and excellent benefits and security. 40 hr.

week. Apply Emp Ofc, 3rd fir. SEARS ROEBUCK ANP t.U. HACKENSACK AUTO SERVICE MANAGER I GM dealership has an immediate 'opening tor an aggressive, experi enced service manager to improve and expand all phases of service department. Must have the charge and wtll the lob he does.

ability fo take be rewarded for We are located In Northern N. J. and our employees know of this ad Write to box 3163 The Record. AUTOMOTIVE PART'S TRUCK DRT VER Pleasant working cond. Paid vacation, many bnfts.

sop Etnv wood Ford Sales, 30 B'way East 791 -3700. See AiDerT weir. BAKER or Bakers Helper. Dav work. modern equipped shop.

Pd hospitalization benefit Call for ap pointment. Remnoid Bake Shop, Waidwick, 652-4454 BAKER Bench hand, too wages, full tirrv dvs, 5 mins from Garden State Pkwv. Quality Bakery, 3fl? Washington Av. Bellville. PL t-1673 Bread bakers and cake bakers.

Apply In person. Ede'man Bros. Bakmq Co Inc. 349 Lance, Ave. Garfteld.

478-4231. IBANK MESSENGER Responsible! ynq man. Driver license nec. Ad-i vancement opportunities. 796-3600 BARBER Licensed, part time, or experinced apprentice.

Call 391. 2763, aft7 PM. BARBER' WANTED" xper ienc ed. Part time. Call 652-2412 davs.

After 7 call 6S21680. BARTENDER Niqhts. Hackensack. IV EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Female 32 TEACHER DIRECTOR Nursery, 2 vrs. experience tor co-op group.

Send resume to Box 2500, Record. TEACHER For elementary school Call between 10 A. M. ana 2 P. w.

(914) 947-U30 TEACHER Girls Physical Education. Senior H.S. Bergen Co. suburban community, write box ytii, Kecoro TELEPHONE OPERATOR For an- swerina service. anignt snut available 2 or 3 nights a wkt Pleasel write Box 3035.

The Record. TFXTII I ASSISTANT No experience required. Apply in person Essex Foundations, 111 Essex. HacKensacx. TYPIST (IBM) Fxoerlence reaulred In technical re port typing including some statistical tabulation.

Pleasant otfice in Ridgefield. N. J. Excellent oppty. Call 945-8203.

An fcquai upporxuniTV mpioyer TYPISTS all areas to $100 CITY Emp Agcy 200 Main Hajtl-2222 WAITRESS BE A JOHNSON GIRL Immediate! opening in our dining room ana LOLKian LUU'iUC. run anu c. Davs and nights. Apply HOWARD JOHNSON'S RTE. 17, PARAMUS.

WAITRESS Full time or weekends. Night work. 5 P.M. to a.w. Appiy in person.

Park View Restaurant, 47 North Dean Englewood. WAITRESS wanted full time for day schedule. Must De exDeriencea. Apply in person Clinton Inn, i E. Clinton Tenaflv.


12 noon-9 P.M. 11 per hr. Apply Joe Ral-none's, 94 Moonachie Ave, Mnche. WAITRESS PART TIME Cozy Corner, 150 Broadway, Hills- da WAITRESS Days and ni9hts. In-I quire in person, lenariy Diner, Railroad Ave.

WAITRESS Apply in person. Ack-Kinderkamack erman Diner, 130 Rd Emerson. Weekday lunches only. Apply 2 to 4 p.m. no cans, uud 80.

80 Green Teterboro. A I TR SSE Experienced wanted, full time and part time. Apply in person Barbecue House, 150 Klnd-erkamack Park Ridge. N. J.

WAITRESSES Experienced only. Ap ply in person tor interview, Garden State Diner, Rte 17, Paramus, CO 2-2209. References preferred. WAITRESSES Day or night work. Full or part1 time.

Apply Gwynn's Restaurant, 1405 leanecx leaneck. it 30213. WAITRESSES Over 21. Full time or part time. APPIV: LAVidK lube inn Garden State Plaza.

Paramus. WAITRESSES EXP'RIENCED. DAYS AND NIGHTS. CO 1-2605, WAITRESSES 21 or over. Full or part time, txp or inexp.

txc earnings. 391-5363 aft 5 PM. Mr. Zeller. WAITRESSES LUNCH Call In person, Jorgenson's Restaurant, 125 E.

Passaic Maywood. IWIRING, SOLDERING ASSEMBLY ot ecrronic equip, soma exp. de sired. PowerMate 163 Clav Hackensack. 343-6294.

WOMAN For waiting on tables in refined, elderly housing protect Will train. References. Year round employment. To arranqe tor inter view call THE CUPOLA, W-100 Ridqewood Ave. Paramus.

444-8200. WOMAN Mature. Capable of caring tor invalid grandmother. 2-3 nights wkly. Saddle rook, call 797-1065.

WOMAN No exper nec. Train as dental assistant. Own trans. West-wood area. Box 3480, The Record.

WOMEN OVER 19 WORK NEAR HOME GOOD PAY MANY BENEFITS Immediate ooenings for permanent store positions throughout Bergen Co. Cell (212) FL 3-5000 WKDAYS ONLY KENT DRY CLEANERS WOMEN Davs and nights. In Pa ramus. Operate automatic machin-j ery Start SI 8610 for nights. Excellent benefits and working condi tions, tall 261-3505j WOMEN $30 to $35 per day to work in delicatessen and appetizing store Sat.

or Sun. or both davs. Expe-ience pref'd but not essential. Write to Box 9899, The Record. WOMEN Teaneck area resident.

steno, Typing, diversified office duties, 40 hr week, starting sal $75. Walt Disney 16MM Films, 545 Cedar Lane, Teaneck. 836-0933 WOMAN wanted for llqht packaging in modern plant. Full time. Call Closter Mills, 47 Columbia Emerson.

CO 1-2820. WOMEN Clean light assembly work modern Northvale, N.J. plant. 767-0200, Mr. Noggle.

YOUNG WOMAN Needed for general work in Cutting Dept. Apply in person: Essex Foundations, 111 Essex Hackensack. PART TIME Clerical worker. Must, be exce ent in steno and typing Apply in person only; 20 Chestnut Gartieid. N.


Full time position. Crowleys, 142 Westwood Westwood. SALESLADY Full time. Ladies Ap parel Shop. xp.

not necessary, T44-3345 SALES OPPORTUNITY for a good business woman. Full time or part time. New dept. created to give women the same earnings plan men who make above sto.nno vearly. For informalion call 796-2457 after 9:30 A.

M. SALESWOMEN Full time and part time positions for women with ex-i perience in dresses, sportswear pointment. Shlrlane's, 83 Interstatei -ii3. rur an- ShoppingcenterIRamsey, N.J. TELEPHONE SLCTRS WANTED 3-4 hrs per day, from your home.

Call 261 7594 WOMEN no parties, no investment. wide co. offering the sate oopty to women to enioy high earnings pre viously enioyea oy men only. 32-JKI04 at 9:30 oreves.444-4788. BE A FULLERETTE ancf earn ex-tra money.

$2 per hr to start. Openings in Maywood, RocheMe park, Closter, New Milford and westwoog. can 261-6373. GIMBELS GAP PEN STATE PLAZA IS NOW HIRING TO FILL PERMANENT POSITIONS ALE SCHEDULES AVAILABLE INCLUDE FULL IIME PART TIME DAYS PART TIME EVENINGS Liberal Employee Benefits Package c.inirni wording APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE UPPER LEVEL (An Ectual Opportunity Employer) it'S A WOMAN'S "wnoi ELECTROLUX NOW HIRING WOMEN flAAra sutu pat CHfcLKS CALL 914 NA 3 3892 BETWEEN 10 A. NOON NATIONALLY ADVERTISED! excellent income opportunity reorr sentlng AVON in your neighborhood.

in person; see Manager: cunoDiTc rc rAnc SHOP.RITE OF PARAMUS 651 Route 17 Paramus An Equal Opportunity Employer GUARDS Several, for Bergen County area $1.55 per hour overtime. Paid holidays and vacations. Free major medical and life insurance. Hospitalization available. Must have car and telephone.

This i good, clean, steady work. Reply Box 373, The Record. GUITAR. ST FOLK ROCK RHYTHM, OR BASS CALL 773-7888 HANDYMAN Perform routine maintenance duties at distribution facility of international company. Steady work; excellent oenetit*; nooo working conditions.

Must be able to pass Physical exam. Starting pay $89 for 40 hour week; merit Increases, Come in or calf WK. bUULMAKU AI 2fl 8-9305 Addressograph-Multiqraph Corp, Route 46, Teterboro, N. J. An Equal Opportunity Employer HARDWARE MAN (Wholesale nas opening ror aien an around perienced man.

25 to 40. "--ermanem. Excel oppt v. 6B4-3554 HEAT TREATER Familiar with salt barn. S3 per hr.

5 5 Heat treat ing, Bergen Turnpike, Little t-erry, in. HELPER Onion Shop. Must have driver's license. Exp. helpful bul not nec.

Full time. Apply Hackensack Steel Stairs Iron Works, 645 Industrial Carlstadt, 933-9840. HELPER Wanted for linoleum and tile. Experience nave car. 32-2151.

COUNSELOR for day camn. Must be teacher with car Willing to transport from Hasbrouck Hts. Area. 327-2151 COUNSELORS TEACHERS. DAY CAMP.

GOOD SALARY. CAR. CALL (914) 623-2389 COUNTER MAN Steady, days. No experience. Exc.

salary. No Sundays laiianan's Road btand, 1365 Palisade Fort Lee. COUNTER MAN to work nights In orive-in restaurant. Stewart's Root Beer, Rt 17, Paramus. 445-1794 COUNTER MAN CALL EXPERIENCED.

43-9758 CREDIT COLLECTION U.tlnn.l mm nanu f.mlA man or NT area territory. Minimum i vrs. general collection or customer relations experience required. Top benefits company auto. Send resume.

Including salary expected to box 340, 1 he Record. CREDIT REPORTER Trainee $105 CITY EmpAgcv 200 Main Ha 489-2222 CUSTODIANS Elementary, 3 to 11 f. fa. Benems. can 664-6060 for appointment.

CUSTODIANS for public school In t-'ascack valley area, steady ob. salary $4,250 per annum, hours P.m. Mondays through Fridays, growing system. Phone 391-6226 3.w p.m. tor appointment, or evenings 391-4575.

CUTTERS AND SPREADERS Exp'd on dresses. Apply In person Sol waiter inc, 21 burd Nvack. N. CYLINDRICAL GRINDER Experienced. Overtime, Blue Cross, Shield profit sharing.

Alr-cond. shop. FIRMAT 73 So. Van Brunt cngiewooQ lu -4a. DECORATORS SHOP HELPER Drapery installation, experience prerer reo.

unvers license, bbi-trbb. DELICATESSEN CLERK For kitchen or store Huettemann's, 226 rarerson t. KUTnerroro, n.j DELICATESSEN CLERKS PART TIME Immediate positions available in modern Super Market. Must be 1 years or over. Experience preferred but nor necessary; win train.

Hours to in person; suit all schedules. See Manager: AdpIv SHOP-RITE OF PARAMUS 651 Route 17 Paramus An Equal UPPorTuniTv Employer DELIVERY AND STOCK CLERK. MUbr BE OVfcR 21. 5ALARY AND bUUO i I 5. CALL 385-2553.

DESIGNER DRAFTSMAN Heat veninoima, air to, ana or Plumbing. Write Box 3155.. Record, DESIGN DRAFTSMAN Experienced, automation teauiomenh J. (V Machines, 1 4 Poplar Little r-erry. 487-1173, DISHWASHER Permanent position, 51 oav week, vacation, paid holidays, sick Time.

Biue Lross and Miieia, etc. References. For interview call THE CUPOLA, W-100 Ridgewood faramus 44-8ot. DISHWASHER DAYS OR NIGHTS TOWN AND COUNTRY DINER 44 GODWIN AVE. MIDLAND PARK 445-3093 DISHWASHERS 5 days a week, Ra moco Grill, Rte.

17, Ramsey, N.J, 327-0495. DISPLAY HELPER Permanent pos. vvith advancement opportunities lor recent H. s. Grad Handv with tools and with a sent.

ot color and design. Regular merit increases and fine benefits. 40 hr. week. Apply Emp.

Otc. 3rd fir. SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. HACKENSACK DRAFTSMEN ARCHITECTURAL Experienced. Air conditioned Ridae-Permanent vnplovment Benefits, ijhll 444-0910.

wood office. Salary open. DRAFTSMAN SHC BILLER Many company benefits. Profit shar DR AFTSM AN -Dpt aiter experienced Will consider retired Machines, 14 Poplar Ferry 487 1173, man. J.

Little. DRIVER DRIVER Hackensack $100 Panel trurk. Local deliveries CITY limp Agcy 200 Main Ha 489 7272 PERSONNEL ASSISTANT EXPERIENCE NECESSARY IN RELATED FIELDS Excellent advancement opportunities for the tight person Call Miss JOAN BLAIR for appointment Between 9 A. M. and 12 Noon and join the WORLD'S LARGEST and INTERNATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE nOvrhMrf MANPOWER, INC.

245 Market St. i urn spare time into money SELECTORS essential. Please call 843-17B7. INJECTOR MOLDERS (2) Exp'd 4 -12 A SHIFT 11 70 per hr 15 BONUS 6 day week (ALL HOURS OVER 40 TIME AND A 12 A 8 A SHIFT $1.70 25" BONUS 6-DAY WEEK ALL HOURS OVER 40 0 TIME AND j) Steadv work. Good clean working conditions.

Phone 797-9500. KOHNLR BROS. INC. 1 Paul Kohnrr E. Paterson, NJ.


Paterson (BUS "41 An Equal Opportunity Employer INSPECTORS INSPECTOR TRAIN FF Mrh Antral lncntnr- uuitH thorough knowledge of lavout and! shop techniques. Excellent opptv' Tor Trainees to acquire a sound rrane wnn a tast growing manure 49 between A. M. to P. daily.

IBM PROGRAMMERS AND EAM OPERATORS-Part and full lobs as intrrtrs. Must hav 5 vrs Gd OPPty for 2nd shft man fret 1 PM. Write O. Box 216. from Hark.

KITCHEN MAN -FULL TIME. PAS CACK VALLFY HOSPITAL. CALL MP HILL NO 4 4000. (11, SPOT BF AM WARP. Ill For kidde laces, 70 hrs ovrrtime weeklv.

Blue Cross and Must be able to get along with airing. Please sta salary and experi- ppopie. wrire box jtyv me wecoroience TO ux wsf. i ne Kecoro. BIKE REPAIR MAN $75 CITY Emp Agcy 200 Main Ha 489 2272 Dinivr' nun nnipiiur" ortrMMicTl DILLH1U MIL) riMWHU or LUirsLlul iFxperfenced truck driver for meat plant Must be over 75 and able to furnish qood refprencev Apr'v after Must have experience in inb order'mVAV0 Sum I AND CARTON ASSEMBLERS (Mast be willing fa work rotating shift work) Beginning rate $1.85 plus bonus, plus shift differential.

Qualified rate plus bonus. COMPLETE GROUP INSURANCE PROGRAM: Major Medicol, Hospitalication, Accidental death, dismemberment' and life insurance. FULL RETIREMENT PROGRAM: PERMANENT JOB EXCELLENT WORKING CONOITIONS IN NEW PLANT EXPANSION. APPLY DAILY 9 A. M.

THROUGH 1 P. M. "YOUR PLACE IN THE SUN" WOMEN Light Machine Operators and Packers Sun Chemiral ha a poor job for ynu and ynur girl friend too, if yon rare in bring her a Ion p. previous experience needed. Vi will train you.

And you'll enjoy working on the prettiest of bows and ribbons. are the leading company in the gift wrap decorations field. HOURS ARE: 1st Shift 8 A. M. to 4:30 P.

M. 2nd Shift 4:30 P. M. to 12 P. M.

3rd Shift 12 Midnight to 7 A. M. Come in or rail our Mr. Stephanie De Roiro. She'll be glad to help you and to show you around.

riea.ant, attractive plant, rlr-an work, good ratet, paid training, paid holiday, paid varation, paid hnspitaliiation and mediral benefit. SUN CHEMICAL CORP. ARTISTIC MFG, DIV. 631 Central Ave. Carlstadt, N.

J. PHONE 933-4300 Call Mrs. Stephanie Pe Rorro for direction on how to get here. An tqual opportunity employer nwrs. ror oetatis can DI 3-334 or dial Operator for Free Call WX1333 TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! of the future for every room.

Part-time Eves. Unlimited earninqs 20 capable women npedPd to complete program. Training qiven 4- ad- ancemt opemnqs tor those who call now for intr-r views. Start Auoutt. NJ 337-65271NY-914-NE 4-23 NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS The Record does not knowiinqly accept Help Wanted ads from employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act.

which applies to employment in interstate commerce, tt they oftr less than the legal minimum wage of $1.25 an hour or tail to pay time and one half for hours over 40 a week. Contact the U. S. Labor Department's local otfice for more information. The address is U.

S. Department of Labor, Wage 4 Hour Public Contract? 140 Market Street, Paterson. New Jersew 07S05 278-9500 et. 203, 204. Want-- Male 3C ACCOUNTANT With minimum 5 yrs experience in general accounting TOP OPPORTUNITY XCFL LENT SAl ARY Unusual company paid benefits APPLY IN PERSON Kaysam Corp.

of America 44 Iowa Ave. Paterson, J. An Eaual Opportunity Employer accountant jp-fulcor papt Time for summfr. student acceptable. call 342 0'67.

ACCOUNTANTS ALL GRADES. FUlt PAPT TIME CUHN tUtLMAN, CPAS 3.1rd St, Paterson 747 7414 78 ACCOUNTANTS CPA. Candidates warned bv Uni h'f-m P'Of. Course start, no Sept 6. 19M OR 6 614? davs; SO 2 5351 eves ACCNTS CPA semian nnal review course I aw, theory, auditing, call J.

Btrner 343 7755.1 OR I VE Moving and storaoe cnm.KM Shield, 2 wk paid vacation, per Call 4SO0 alt 9 AM. DRIVER TRUCK Cabinet Delivery. 48 7 6344 For DRIVFR -LOCAL. STRAIGHT JOB. NIGHTS.

OVFRTIME. MUST BE KtLIABLt. T45-7143 DRIVFR CI FRK Mon Frt-nart time Retired man pref. Permanent. Lewis Drugs.

664 00 Fu't tm davt and swing shtfT App Comfort cah, 82 indernamacK River Edge. DRIVERS costing and knowledge of electri cal apparatus repairs motors, gnnerators, etc. APPLY IN PERSON 8 A. M.4:30 P. M.

GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. fOOt TONNri AVE, NORTH RfrPOfN. An Equal Opportunity Employer or bfv binder Pr-manent position. Ocker Trenp I ihi-ary Bindery, 3 Chestnut St Emerson. N.

J. 265 022 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD LITTLE MERCHANT will deliver your RECORD daily for just 33c a week hoi-days, pension. Westchester Lace Works, 5710 Washiogton St. West New York, N. J.

ITT -on Raschel for n'-qht shift Too ray all insurance penef-ti. Paid holirtavs, etc. Anpiv AVHSl h-n (m hA.II- Afll UVf Prowct Avenue. Fa'rylew, LABORATORY TECHNICIANS Research headquarters of malor tex tile firm located in Garfield has sev Viol write tox J' (LABORER For Installation of as paving Dover's re on, red. Annunnato.

768C41S I ANPSc At'E HF.IPFR ex r-rrore. Full lime. Must d-lve 7lH 7 714 LINOTYPE OrF RATn Newsp.per p'ant. Fu'l time r.ped. Good oppty.

Chiton. Call 772 2121. MUST HAVE NY CLASS LICENSEieral openings Good Irloge High school grad Permanent po. CALL PL 7-1576 Including tuition refund program, isltion, Rral npporlunltv lor rapid OWENS-ILLINOIS. DRIVERSener'd.

Prentice loader operators Steady wort Good pay Paid hospital, lalion. 65J 8HH4 rtnmifurs ik'OTDiirtrpc' ImlVlrib IM I KLILIUKb F.rn 12 000 vrly Full time career poii.ns Aupiv At Pk rtrivinoi DRUCi I Is xtwtenred. Full lime, Fxrellent positron Appiv 4 Drug. 527 Cdr lock I 2220-1 9th Street, North Bergen An Equal Opportunity Employer.

The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)
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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.