The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)

49, r-, I y. iiinuuiiti nuiuriAi i Vf LIVE STSK VIII MERCHANDISE IU IUUI 1 gki I IT gNg KM I mtn i Business 38 D091. Other Pen 4r Articles Jar Son 51 m' JHirwSnT-Il Heln 33i Help WOBfedM33i Hel, W.n.M0,.

33 Hel. W.Mej-MgUjj ALBINO HAMSTERS. SPECIAL TYPEVl K11TJ13 reconaitionea i MAX with mechanical apt nude Op- IIKlVT--It1 Kf MA KAKl ir-KEE Canary wnn S3 .91 case! and UP tserecn ipswiuer aert I imilL 111 ILJinUIVr.Hl AKC BOslOS nHlFRS FR tsa! ice. 253 Mam Street. Hackensacai.

Insurance salesman MENIf you can speak another ROUTE Driver for home beverage STOCK BOY Must have ornert ebesiaT English and can, in Teaneck and Pa- license Part or juU time iSend 20 or moieho-ii a wee mus Saxon Beverage Co. slit P'ug 41 M-n Uses--j 1 portr.ny tor steady employment. Aaams HoooSea. J. Rm Work, ateadv employ' Mam highnvv location, over SliO, 000 a iea- ta.uOO Teim in our business we would like to L'lXHtri OH btAuua h.

-'2 MAYTAG Wringer washing machine. SABLE COLLIES AKC FR f49 Excellent conoiUon. Best offer. BtDLlNtil'N D1S SHOTS FR $12J( -713 im Hjv experience necessary. Apply IJ E2" joxe nooa at Wi afert B.vd..

P.entv of leads. Excel-I Bidjeiwid. ACTIVE MEN NEW! NEW! NEW! SALES FIELD MANAGER discus an opportunity with ou. Cail PR 7-3375 for interview. ent ny Acme MhU.

i 4 1 Dx'fe Rd- Ciostc- lent future. Call in 1 MAN Experienced parking, glass SMALL. aJ. Wl LUNCHEONETTE bull or "pTg! akW nma i yr LUtibin-wttn i- pnoniiUH sin akc kr siKi CALL AiTtaR 7 P. MEN WANTED ROTHMAN REALTY CORP.

STOCK CLERK fi dajs P. M. cioauig Modern TGV FOX TtRRlFRS FR aoe7 t.40 terms SHEP DS WTE OR SIL R. SlaiPiONEER Air Conn pressor. GE mo- WTB lia lULlt--.

siuiiucu man to tlady oi. tiood pay. Union benetit*. 40 nour wet-. Import Depajtment.

Rayrn or Mfr. Div 510 2-nd Street, Union City. Also 4 live -wire salesmen under 33 HOT LEADS Grard Ave. (At Foul ENGLEWOODj4-5300 TRAINEE $91). erlcad regulating valve.

(CUTE MIXED BR PL'PS FR 0o ov MONKEYS. MYNAHS FINCHES EN BAR RESTAURANT MAN Generally useful arour.d fur.f 3-1118 TABULAT1N RATE $149 CP LIBERAL FRINGE BENEFITS KINDLY APPLY TO GUARD HOUSE Interviews from 9 A. A M. Frl. GIBRALTAR CORRUGATED i Excellent opportunity far a young Backed by tna heaviest advertising, mtr vtats ol ae.

name of IRQ ART. ie-ted working as a counter and of Sears HU 7-U61 tU 6. SunJ' w. I FURNITURE," Route 4. Forest Ave, Paramus.

N. J. Rockland County, country setting, large dining room. bar. Rent iiiidcw appiiance-awrune men ai stg rnm for a hotsae du'ji MACHINE OPERATORS BASSET hounds.

Collies, Dachs-! Kneehe mapie desk $14- TE 7-102 earning 9,000 to $14,000 annually butor oi air-condiucrung supiita iJaA.n wJin ixn utujuiiuj Ar.d Mumment urn tram in ail as 'plus bonus ana to. oe net its. bunds, rruniatu.e poodles, Ce.manJgj QUT l4t modeli bhepnerd English Springer Span-1 rAkoa Aluminum Comb. Win Salary up to hh pw "Ir1 1 newspaper route, Jt-ngleuooa area uocne of the warn Excellent work- AsiJ fS v0j of a S100 weec pay envelop AND NINE ADDITIONAL -r 1 New guarantee pay! 2 5 aay week! i H.n pajr while training! 4 Family welfare plan! 5 3 weeks paid acatioa after teis. Wire Hair Teme.s.

Shetland Box8BergjingJeord. TonneiTe North Bergen mz condiiiofis 5 day week. Piease dows and Doors at LOW LOW EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Pi lie terms. LAUNDERETTE Best set-up in Beigen County, es-ceUent net 1 8.000, terms. Sheepdogs miniature co4 ties PRICES mnth or without install porturutie.

JLoiMAS to operate milk route, fita Wlud 1 eatiOfi reliable. Hours 1AM Must to 8 teiephone Hitney 3-5900 tor an ap pointment. puppies, A A uf de berg. We are interested only in men look A 6 or 7 ajivs. Reauest oay.i Kenneu, Luingston street.

ISortn-vale. CLoster 5-1474 ing lor permanent connections, nin1 earnings and advancement in our 24 hour service. Air Lawn 4-1 '0- SPECIAL 3" cabinet sink and tutt comoinanon. 3t" stove with clock. full width oven Used 2 months.

Call alter 5 P. HU Melchior, Armstrong, Dessau Co. BEAGLE First Class Hunter Ruuged; expanding sales program. Call Mr JOHN M. GABRIEL SaLKS at HU 3-5221.

730 Grand Avs Ridgefield. N. J. i akc Keg Also a if puppies i DU 4-4818 2 weeks paid vacation after year 7 Uniforms supplied I Write' Bo g703u. Bergen Record-; MANAGEMENT TRNEE.

POSITIONS' HIGHLY RESPECTED COMPANY ,19 ,6 WASHtRS. aeineratora. BEAGLE PUPPIES Reasonable 14Ft.PFR.Receivine 41 29 dryers. a. Ranges, tic no SALES DIVISION lira insurance.

Free pension plan. APPLY NOW Mondav thru Friday 8 15-5 P. WRIGHT AERONAUTICAL DIV. CURTiSS WRIGHT CORP. Main jassaic St J.

3iT DRAFTSMEN. $60 START Beginners oppty. Local rt r. Co. ABC.

Emp 241 Main Ha. Paiam ua, N. 1-5300 334 Route 17 COIfai 181 West CUiilon Ave, field-DUmont 4-8132 $1 t9 per hour plus production Sr Rapid advancement! RrtRlVCON AVIATION money down, wo monmry payments. 23c a day coin meter plan. Mr.

Adams. HU 7-099'! BEAGLE I YR. OLD Tetei ooro ATLAS S-i5oo revious experience necessarjr.HARDWARE Sales Supvr. mica product SECURITY AND JOB RECOGNITION slmlmum ajge 21 LOOKING FOR NEW HOME to 9dh0 tsirnxfrvnfoiSMfiim anrt ftelri Sales coalinjz resins 30-49 KRAG Excellent condition. Visit our personnel dept.

iModerrt sto.e. located in shoppine! (center, northern Bergen Co. Slttck workers. Transit men Steady work bales oigamc fhemicals Sales industrial resiles TE6-59i8 BEAGLES 7 MONTHS OLD FOR OPPORTUNITY TO- ADVANCE conv. t.aroin 4k telescopic sirns siing case cleaning rod included.

60 rounds ammunition. 0 3-S172 after 5 P. Krf KARUi. 1,11. OI B.

1. lock, stork. ana oarrei. i'1' round. RAS-IJIO; to sluOTAXl DRIVER Steady work, day 0M or HM.

Coo pay. HARRISON STATIONERY BERGEN CO rati. HrHKAHIl j.itat LABORATORY tVe would like to talk to applicants aie voune. enereetic ana ae II -OS MOIU.OT AVE en b7)STON TeSler Puppies, finest TECHNICIAN Developmental en- to S3U0 1 isiu, -a Morrie nKgiiMc. siious of becoming associated with! Radio and Television 5I-B Fair Lawn N.

i Sdies industrial metal equipment iSaies promotion iSaies electronics (Sales hvy. chemicals Sales wholesale paper Sales space Sales airlines aite 30-40 pedigree Also beauiiiul matron $10 ihh rt r-ain MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS LATHE HANDS Must be able to make own set-ups. read blue-prints. Should be accustomed to working, close tolerances. Must have own tools.

ELECTRICAL RADIO MOCK-UP MEN Experienced in planning fabrication assembly and lav out of original and pro-tot pe of electr it a I and radio panels, components and wiring assemblies. AIRCRAFT ELECTRONICS MECHANICS Must have sound basic knowledge of electronics and experience in functional checking, calibration, repair and trouble shooting utilizing oscilloscope and standard lab test equipment. to 5200iTAXI DRIVER da.vs A. SC. to i expanding organization rnese 5200 teSri men must Be between the ages of 3(10 River! ALERT, handy men.

-customed to rAHL-CuRco*kAN CO. svl iJSTSSSr RnXFR hit male ft rkl ild i position position ZZa va-ietv ol new nd 25 looking lor a 'Al Jiceilent m- with lecmity and a definite iuture to 48(10 Hackensack. i aiianrtunitv Oj willing men. 3M B'sray. Hillsdale, VES-4400 plDer trained.

Sacrifice. S14l Call EN J-714S. Ul (Sales trainees insurance to 4800 Momoe Isign 237 Hacken- T. SERVICE MAN w. 19 P.

Sales tiainees bus mach. to 4800 i sales trainees mdust. decree 43O0 sack auit KUtnenoia Sn'iackgrSnd ''pfe'r'ibiy He will be rewed with aound eludine twtfngeipS-ience Engl- uaining program, good starting Sr'Soiiimi Stai-t Ury. while tiainmg. pension, life have experience.

Apply I CAN ARIES Sinners, almost red 51 person House of Music, lti jxi, TYPE of mechanical help. KITCHEN CONCESSION availahle Engle St Englewood. N. i Puncsi piess lt Cancro Restaurant t'ocklail Antiques tjoemer, e-2 roresc Fara- mus. Df 9-71Ii Assi.

to Sales Mgr. 44O0 Sales ti ainees mech. aptitude to 40u0 iweniiB 7 HnntriTipe and membership In Jet Heat, (.2 Call THEATER DOORMAN Part time. CHOICE decorative antitjues and profit-sharing company. 10.

-0420 snear operaiois. Lounge, tan ir. i-tmou ani Welders and Apprentices. Tnis Teaneck Rd Teaneck. N.

company olfeia all types i of WmthU. no CHINCHILLAS HERD OF MUST SACRIFICE HUBBARD 9-9602 LABOR FOREMAN. $425 Five and a half day week: annual taieg automotive proaucta Sales insulation .3600 'I TITII EMP, AGENCY MAIN ST. I 1 1 AC KEN SACK CALL Dl 3-5010 cnandeliers. AwnyuLa 17 Fair just off Essex 3 blk, from Court House.

Hacken-4vk- Diamond 3-5068. Open dauy irom 12 to 5 P. M. oenenu van mra reasonable after refused. Can evening nours.

can in FOX THEATER Hackensack. 3 TTME CHECKER needed wit knowledge of payroll for construction iob Aoolv CORBETTA-PAV- COLLIE AKC reg Championshipj aont with opeiator. WI 4-351. alter 5 HU S-4942 SO-40 -r. ase.

Oppty 'OCI' starting salary $3,500 The rigntj ABC. Emp can advan to over $5,600 as, LABORERS ja District Adviser in our Circulation R-snri. 4119 West Department. Job calls for a man- si and dame. weeks oia.

f'3 AI.I. AROUND LUNCHEONETTE COif ax l-33o6 for close tolerance machining. We tor close tolerance maminma FINE CUT-GLASS- CHINA. PAINT ARINI CONST. CO Bergen Mall ARiNl CONSl.

to. ucrgen mau OPEN FRIDAY TO 1 SAT. TO 12 Northiale' CLoster 5-S636 jwho liKes to assume responsibility "ichoice location $J0 weeklv Must si' -r a Project. Paiamus. See Mr.

Meyer, offer good wages, paid vacations ''V itawoatile o(- COLL1F. Puppies. 1 sable male 1 J. I Blue Cross medical and I tri female. 10 weeks old.

AKC INGS sold re set gen Art uuj.i W. Mam St. BooU. Pi 2-7913 and manage won wnn yuuns "TXvrisrAPR MAN ih sales collections and delivery Positions in Los Angeles. Area; SALES iplan and excellent woikmg conoi- registered, Lester a-iaf.

TIMEKEEPER RFMOVAI. NOTICE EXPERIENCED ONLY CALL WHITNEY 5-5027 irairiees Coll. Gtad. top Co $831 lions DALMATION Beautiful to months! the Beiaen Evening Record Secure aopliraticn blank at reception counter. 150 River Street Hacken-, mh, utuMut imp, Agy.

191 aialn. Hack street, soum nackemack, a. out dog. wonderful with children Wvte's Antiques, formerly of Leonia, moving to 40a Giand Ave. Englewood.

Grand opening Monday, Oc JNUttin AiUtatUCAIM I SALES CLERKS 2i and all around LATHE HAND Good engine lathe operator able to set tip own wo, a Write, living experience, refer- ni' rail in oerson. Cldeea un anitiiv tn laarn DOBEBMAN Pinsrher Silver blue sack, or phone Mr mpe nmwiu 7-B000 for an appointment. tober 1st, irom r. men. Pamt, wallpaper, and hardware- Exp.

but not neces AVIATION, INC. small cash payment, balance from' Male 2 yrg. AKC Reg. 100. WE WANTED Marble top furniture.

We have an opening in our sales Machine Mfr 270 Johnsonj 19 RECTOR STREET ROOM 1609 profit. Address Box 6859. Reeoid. a-oe. sary.

Permanent position, full benefits. Co lor ail Paint 493 organiation lor a oung mn mier-ested in a stead sood oa ing po NEW YORK 6, N. Y. PH. DI 4-3970 American black; OPFSET ft Letter press rapidly! D-Tj Al1 Cedar Lane, Teaneck also cruna.

cut poors, picwr frames, furniture, contents of homes Victorian Antique Shop. t3 Second Hoboken, SW 3-055Q. 1 vr. old. Good eKDandine Lrood volume.

Amal-! m-cu sition in amies and service, tar ngs MANAGEK BOOK OR MAGAZINE Must be good at figutes. and have good handwriting. Must woi with people since job involves considerable contact with factory personnel Pleasant working conditions, numerous bene! its. S. GOLDBERG CO.

Ave River l-age. LATHE HANDS Skilled For tool shop. Paramus Tool and Machine Co 10 McDermott Bergen! id. ith child Dl 2-2945 after 8PM eamate with other Dlants in Ber I SALES HEAVY EQUIPT sates, ekper. pref.

$150 unlimited, salary plus commission nlua bonus arraiutement. paid vaca AKC OIL BURNER Service Man du Doles gen County. Principals. Confide n- 'DOGS Doberman 52 MAIN Emp Agy. 191 Main.

Hack tion. oompany benefits. Com Home ra lsed ready to go. Be- irrvcrn sanl-arv InsDector wanted Pkranii Publisher with new prem- tiaJ. BOX No.

6d6'J. Record enced Steady work, fringe Call LO 7-0999 Boats ond Motors BOATS SALESMAN Kitchen cabinets. Man- loanv car iurnisnea ot expense er- Ramsey Board of Health Apply in mm deal has opeitlng for to Secretary Board MANAGER ORGANIZER for sonaoie. rAir Lawn 6-3894 FRENCH POODLES AKC irangemeni lor use or own vu OIL BURNER SERVICE MAN Must blacks Home I PACKAGE LIQUOR rSiticaortl AnA Rtin-AhOUtS ana browns. 6 wks old 20 Broadway.

Hackensack. N. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO Health, Municipal Kamsej jthls terrnory. lop rail or write immeai- kitchen cabinets has Bergen and Rockland territories available for experienced salesman. Draw TROJAN.

DURA TECH, OLD TOWNf Amsev 9-0236-M raised He as be experienced, union wage scale. all benefits. 48 hr. week. Steady emn ODDortunitv to learn air con Jj miw.

tqiu T1PE SERVICE MAN Steady position, experienced ok truck tires LIGHT FACTORY WORK SHEPHERD 10 GERMAN Ridgewood. N. 29 Oak St. St Kinnev Bldz. Suite 620.

ditioning serv. work. TOWN FUEL against commission. 206 West M. J.

W. Carlson. Manaroneck. LAPhXKAKIi BOATS LAnurs Marine supplies. Mercury motora.

BROWN'S INC. Small machine narts Skilled or tin BERGEN COUNTY S80.O00 yearly. Main St. location. deliveiies Low rent.

Key Newark J. for an interview in. eek maie, ped igree. good disposition Cail ENglewood 4-9031. skilled 10 hrs.

overtime, day 312 2lst Ave, Paterson. LA 3-5 5 10 Pirt fuil.tlm. Must nave Part or fuil.time. Must have car (your home town. 000 casn, stock, extras, dollar for GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC Aze 21 to 26 Call FAir Lawn 6-57-4 Rte 46.

Lodl. N. J. PRescott 9-03 SALESMAN Investment service. 35 to 55.

part or full time, leads furnished. Phone Mr. Chnchard Pilgrim 8-2822 between 5-7 P. M. with auio tor rapimy Must he neat and ag raised with child Paper trained.) BUILU YOtK OWiH liUAI TOOL DIE MAKERS 395 south Kiver Hack.


AT. 8-U30 NIGHT Desk Clerk. Switchboard and clerical duties. Youth serving organization Central Hackensack Box No. 68fi0 Bergen Record.

rri tna stiliw i pt" pupp riA. u-t mrA gressive. Apply LOCAL FINANCE LIQUOR DELI. niF Amps i.4Q Katrer rsa Pivwood SALESMAN, Public relations man, and educational adviser. Oppor Bfass.

CO. 740 Anqerson jv. Marine Preakness. LAmbeit 3-3202 Must be exp. on compound and pro- Screws.

Bronzsj Galv MASONS tunity for rapid advancement into rties nies m'-tal parts REND ALL LUM- BFRKFV roilNTV KITTEN'S Give awaj 2 white. 2 JtySliJ- hlacn and white da, lings. Call.gS" Cinder block foundations. Comract imnTriTtrW MAN needed for OIL BURNER Service man for Ber Opportunities Unlimited sj iukji mivuijic uidinri vsniie jtvwwt-ins for 1 at New York firm newest Authrw--i ni It or bv hour ntlUiH ni-aw rs a r. I I S- It.

jw tnrana. ina veai TOOL MAKER Same owner 33 vears. Over ISA HMJT No. Bergen. N.

J. Tues. gen County. Man interested aiattintf anri nunml own business nittrK rvaler Modern shop. Northvale.

CLosler A verage earn i ngs excess of 1 $9,000 first year. Opening office; in Be re en Count and Rockland; MATERIAL HANDLER! Leading Apply in writing stating expen- For right man must have a love liquor. 10 year lease. rouuLts neai toys, oamty apn- rhu.s to Rat, to r. m.

for pnotography. Retail photographic Low rent License fee S2H0 year cots and whites, pedigreed, severs CHms CRAFT Sedan Cruiser. 2 To work tn r-tment. Excellent workuig conditions uo paj-. Many benefits.

Apolv to NORMAN BUICK. INC 3 Kmdeikamack Rd Westtvood County. We will have openinEs! cosmetic manutacturer nas open- ence and quaimcaiions oox wo. inss for voung men to vvo'k as! eS2 Berfien Evening Record. merchandising alio, as an t.wm nqura 194B.

Sleeps 4 with head ana do expeiimental rini SET-UP MAN do expeiimental for qualified sales representatives For interviews call OLiver 2-1918 post tic Write material nanoieri a an DEPT. HELPER wanted to; gsllev. Stall 107 EnRlewooa Basin. $3,000. Call alter 6 P.

M. (000 One half cash necessary. Bal- Box tlOM R. Beaut cream white St 1 black ejiccnci i iui ansist in nan a deot must have TE 7-6418 or SPrmg Valley pjiPT timf Diamfied eveninc iu Jeais. Top blood lines NEW Citv 4-4BS TEanerk 6-2126 some experience and driver's li- PUPPIES bought and sold MuSBROj HAZEL BISHOP INC.

FASTMAN BOAT WORKS Should be familiar with set-up and oneiation of small drill presses, de- cense. Fine opportunity for willing worker All benefits. apply RATNER OLDSMOBILE 83! SALESMAN KENNELS, Rt 303. Orangeburg, stalls, marine supplies. Reservations PI 2-0083.

now being accepted for winter stor When Rts r4 ft 17 cross. Paramusl buninc machines and tub cut-off FXCLl'SIVE ASK FOR MR ZACK EVERETT CARBIN MirHAOTC. new car agency. All age Industrial Ave, utua terry, uu First Hackensack. r.

j. with N. J. 1 aung. wnn car.

Excellent earnings. Apply M011 Tuet. Wed 2 01 7 30 M. 8-04 Saddle River Rd Fair Lawn TEMPORARY WORK 2 weeks, fee paid by co. ACME Emp.

Agcy 180 Main.Hack SHETLAND PUPPIES Reg Pedi-grees 1 39 Centra Bogota Call Diamond 2-1953 benefits. 5 aay wees, mown 514 River Drive. Garfield. "rziv? tu-m oTd ubi riu-m apply a. m.

p. m. daily FIRESTONE motor, 30 H. witH Salary and commission. MECHANIC Buick experience pref Call after 6 P.

M. PR 8-21 8S MACHINE OPERATORS FOR LATHES MILLING MACHINES GRINDERS MUST BE EXPERIENCED MAYER UPCHURCH 14ns Teanerk Rd tarter Keguiar price wJi ale, $359 95. TEaneck 7-8300 TOY FOX Terrier puppies. AKC Perfect pet for child or adult riav ntK. meai worKins coiiai- SINGER SEWING RESTAURANT ruuy tquippea -i pnVate breeder.

DUmont 4-04 tions. Many free benefits. Perma-ntit AddLv in per- FIRESTONE motor. IS rtstru- KKtlSLER INDUSTRIAL 132 Beckwith Avenue PATERSON, NEW JERSEY khi: BERGEN AUTO 7281 All AKC Tmv Doms, PetUnd; Must be able PAINTERS (MAINTENANCE) Main Hackensack. N.

J. Ur price. S349 So, sai price $259 95 riRESTONE motor. 10 P. Regular nrir 2J OS sale DfiCe.

S250 95. 4-9319 of Radburn FAir Lawn MACHINE CO. rUeJvsHie-u wi-it -jft9Ti pT- available. Excellent location fe- Gross SI 000 i A K. C.

Pug puppies. Males sq LJ I -Heasoname rent Stores. River St. St Hack- Harley Davidson motorcycles. Topi salary and opportunity for right males, Champion stock.

M4SUJ.W. weekly. Call WHitney 3-2073 40 Washington Ave Bergenfield TRAINEES Opportunity to learn ensacK Ave HacnensacK, INC. Phone: Dl 2-5911 or in person Good opportunity for men experi-, SALESMAN With retail experience. andl" man Sheridan cycie saies.

ru. 17, Paramus, Dl 2-7073. era! Motoia sistem Many bene- imancing of any tnes bus. liberal' AKC REG Collie male, sable OUTBOARD MOTORS 00 Huyler So. Hackensack MarHlNIST Tool maker.

Thorough white. German Shepherd female.) 1, ctliaat- 7 mnnthfl it vn. serins: ox asas Bereen Record with pubsibflity for advancement to top mechanic ratings. Permanent employment, over time, all benefits. Interviews until 5 P.

enced 111 doing tinisnea painting in auiwtiitci iepai imciu large industrial plant. Good oppor-j 180 Mam Street, Fort Lee 'unity 'or men experienced. (SALESMAN We are expanding our Good pay. Ideal working saic, force 3 meili -with comolete office facilities sued. 6, s29.

Rutherford. old each Call DI 2-2fiR0. cioe out 195 models in factor MECHANIC ana sunsiannai, giowmg iB-ai-rt rrt axes. at atUta ly experienced. Excellent oppor-j tunny for right man State ex-nenence and wases.

write Box CLERKS and Clerk Tvpista for gen-j local practice, desires association A K. Kega. weisn lerriers, oyi--- Falstrom Companv near Main and Brook Ave Passaic. PR 7-0013 i oeiiejiis imuuuc pa, jng excellent opportunity to alt Pekingese. co*ckers and cross I SQ Si witr.

local accountant breeds. Rutherford Pet Shop aiLVtV irf i99flS he P. A active or inactive i-oi Bergen Fverilni Record Ford experience. Many bentrits holidays, (ree hospualuation. sural- Donnelly Motors.

Route 46. Ridge BerggljTiirig jecoru vacations and holidays Good ral insurance, $4,000 fiee life ui- field Park. DI 2-7222 ina erai ottice woiK. nours to S50 INTERC HEMIC AL! Route 17, 1-odi. Mr H'eale, DI 2-1236.

Park Rutherford. Box Bergen Evening Recosd MACHINIST First class Apply Anll, iScott Atwater 1 hp. R259 95 Kuner noecial Mercury Mark WEbster 9-8320. nominal com Free oention olan.i SALESMEN 2 Exp in small ap. 1 1 1.

ICMrk-B DSJ VARITYPER and cameras. BRYANTb r. it a inns 1 lances GOOD HOMES Male cross only $179 95 iru, wFTwnnn COUPLE to live in Housrkeepr Proof of V. S. citizenship required 15S0 Teaneck Rd Teaneck.

TRAINEES co*cker. remaje cross insn it- Beigen. W. J. Mr.

Keller. Veterans bring discharge papers. HLUI lluuv 1 vnw A TELEVISION gardener handy man. cail 8-5769 for appointment. TEaneck 3-3733.

rier. cross beacie ana terrier. i ELECTRIC RULING Perfect. Almost -new ronditian. fnt 11 curly roaira reuicvei.

ljl iuni.i ew.atl nt i 48-50 Kmdeikamack Rd OradeU W.64to Bargain at $1 2ttQ to start irrHfc'ir F.xnerienced. from 8 CO 2-2S28 Grolier Society Opening Branch Offices In N. J. profitable home-typing busuiess for APPLY NOW MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8:15 A. M.


103 Rutherford Rutherford Near Orient Way on Koute 17 churches, clubs, schools printers Mfgr. Will Teach Married Yng. Men Machine Operation Excellent Opportunity For B.i,H at 1.. for photo-ottitet will give present reg. Call OAkland t-5964 OWENS EXPRESS CRUISER.

31 ft. Can be seen at stall 35. Ensle-wood Boat Basin. For iniormaUon callCOila3C 2-6141 ROW BOAT-12 foot. J35.

hp. education who are neat appearing monkevs 50 Willing to train riant man for fu Only those who are seriously ron-i' rAjK "'Se o-MWjey iMarmoaeti rels Capuchins, sidering a career with s. future! FOR LEASE Wools Stub Tails. Pie Tails. ture managership in one of our laree1 appliance stores.

Must be neat and 46Lodi.GJlegorv3-Oftou: MECHANIC Nationally known company hag immediate opening for experienced brake and wheel mechanic. Only those interested and caoable of progressing to responsible positions will be considered. Ase 25-40. Salary and bonus, company ond employee re Top Notch Workers Martin outoctarn motor, iwa. a-x.

need apply. S320 mo. wnue in servlca station and garage. ManyiK, AZIMTR "2 Anderson Hack aggressive, good salary ana MACHINIST Tor position with HACKENSACK WATER CO, Aeronautical Division STARTING Itraming. For interview, cail accounts and rentals.

Overiw of Scars' HU 7-1161 "til fi-'Sun. cond 5115, DI 2-461 1 HAIRDRESSER MALE OR FT. Ate. Hamnorne. HAwthome 7-3300 WHitney 5-0593.

,1 New MHford Pump Stat. on. Paid! PLUS 10c HR. SHIFT BONUS HR SHIFT BONUS hniializatlnn Surgical benefits MALE EXPERIENCED. CALL TROJAN Inboard cruiser.

18 CORPORATION r. Todd tirement plan, group insurance including libera! vacation plan. Call Mr. Smith be MERCHANDISE JOS. SCHENKEL EN 3-9R58 SALESMEN 2 Opportunity to'DrM-ninoe fin InH nr Srrl allifl 50-A Rummage Sole MEN WOMEN Join j.s largest commercial JERSEY LGST BtrS BROKERS Hackensack Area RUMMAGE SALE Sept 28 and 59 Teanerk Womana Club- House tween and 12 noon for; fc PaS5aic Sts.

Wood-Ridge. N.J. interview appointment, HU7-t0i3 Experience work, good PV. BARRIER. CALL HUBBARD pitaliation.

Apply Deluxe Sales, AFTER BRANCH OFFICES THRI OITT OrFICES IMKl ill I N. 1 71- a 1, EMPLOY. AflEWY lst snift 7 4j A- -4. 13 f. M.

Slate So Di 3-8330-Hack liMiru ssiui new Windsor fc Beverly Rrt opp. Tea- 195S 70 p. oray, inn nours, bunks, head with bilg pump. Convertible top. side and bade curtams.

Auto, bilg pump. Eiec. horn, windshield wiper and othrr extras S2b8. Mav be seen LUDLOW MARINE. Yonkers or ph- UN 4-4330 til 5, or IN ms.

WINTER STORAGE Phillips Sunoco Service counts. Car neccstat rdustrial ac- a Kar Preier A I trrm. Write fA.U.U. iiiuuhi in' exitenenceti or will iium.uii i i in.a Jt 241 MAIN HACK.j2n1 shlft' 4 Bout 17- Hackensack. PARTS MAN Experienced Steady fl.

nest eaulnment active Life insurance. holidavs. vacations, etc. Apply Personnel Department, 4108 Park Avenue, Weehaw- ken. MACHINISTS 1st class for general and experimental work.


n. ii. LIGHT FACTORY WORK tracts. hide, nnnonal terms ter ot naoassan at a nw -f Entflewd. Oct.

1-2-3, tween 6-7 P. Deluxe Sales and Ml 1UZ3 UKOAli MVS AddIv writing TRt'CK CHAUFFEUR must know ana eauiprnenT Trucks Frota sales and service. 619 Gorge Road. Cliffsidel Park. N.

3 WHitney 3-n63 Service. Route 17. Hackensack Bergen Even Record Bor S2 MAJOR Oil CO, has 2 bay. fully m- -nH mrr Avrtrn otrniOARr) MOTORS New Jersey well. Excell.

oppty. Box 5582. Bergen Evening Rec. equipped service station for 'nil TS A I SERVICE SALESMEN to sell International! ivtc-v Want to mile, a chanse to PERSONNEL from :15 A. to 4 M.

Tea lease on Route f4. Enu ewood IXPFRIENCTD PREFFRRED BUT NOT ESSENTIAL TORCH SOLDERER trucks and equipment See TRL'CIC Driver Experienced. Good hp 140 ia hp neck Chapter 2IS O. E.a pleasant outdoor saiea work ex-i nerience not necessary. Good sales Trai berience not necessary.

Good sales Good locat ion For appomtment Training Supv. Grad. local, to sioo John Peoe. between 6-7 pay. AppU ail.

brango Kd.J THRIFT SALi: Saturday. Septem-i can Aiiicneu x-intw. 350 Kiv-r Hark Dt at Deluxe Sales and Service. Route training program. imp Agy.

in Mtn ma Teaneck. NEIGHBORHOOD Pi ore with small 17. MacKensac-t. PHARMACY College graduate oi TRUCK DRIVER 12 to placement on route. 5 day week.

Free eomoane benefits Vacations. IMP SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS 11)0 BROADWAY.JCAST PAT1EKSOS Pre vlous experience operating small gas torch on hard soldering. Will S70. RUTHERFORD AGENCY. WF.

9-9416. Eamincs H0 to S100. Apply; LAM- registered pnaimarist to work drug store, 306 Broad Pali-sades Park. 2nd class and trainees for multiple1 ber 29. 1 iosk, m.

urst s.rigie-sational Chuitrh. Continental and Kinderkamack Road. River Frige THURSDAY Frl. end Sat Sept. 27 28 29 Old" and new articles.

24 Humphrey Er.glewood. ieiicatesen ar-toms; business Ideal for mlddleaee couple. Good Income. Price reasonable. Call owner.

CO 2-0370. BRECHT POODS. 6S W. Passaic spindle automatic who are looking MAINT. $2.50 HR. maint exn. Local mfg TRUCK UNLOADER Young on ''J 19.17 CENTURY BOATS All Models now on Display Special Fall trade-in allowanc. Used 193S Century Coronado Also large selection of outboars boats and motors. WEST SHORE MARINE INC. Jersey Ave Greenwood Lake.

N. J. Rochelle Park. ptrtctlpr A vn MAN for opportunities, so nrs. overtime for permanent unloading and 1:1.

A Emn. 241 Main Ha. MEN. SI "a HR 5 day week. 21 years or older, ailia aay week warehouse work.

No experience POWER PRESS OPRS. Plant help, 1 ij dble. Suns, MAN. Wanted for parts dept. and JAWIN MFG.

benefits. See Frank Mall, i abiiu SI Articles Fo? Sola TOP RIGHT TRAINING for Top flight Service Stations necessary. BUITONI FOOD. 4.S0 HUYLER SOUTH HACKEN A rmp. i4i Main na.

ULUaMOHlLE L. 2i E. nam- llton Englevood. 10 HENRY TETERBORO SACK a-rrir FAN Mirrors, bed and mat MEN Building Motenols 53 snipping ocpi. flu) y-Chance to learn business.

Outboard Motors Part So. i20 Houte 17. Paramus. sTak With niechanicjl ability to mCTt thulei. wheel TRUCKMAN Expe-lenced.

Good AT 8-1130 SMM. 5 NIGHTS-55 HOURS knowledge of New York Metropoli. Atlantic neiming vos wioruunn o-, harrow Call Diamond week trainee program for service -i r-ir rf lnT station dealers begins Sept 24 TAR SVlt FT ll42l ii.a. fti.chirtsT inarhlries trtrir aiTnn ail wnrlani Part nanoie meoium. iV: 7 as i r.

Henrfiv and hea'T equipment. retail arv paid wnile learning Each trainee i'. rf. THE MFRR1LL CORP. 14 3 will he piared in a modern station ,9 7t hi.

at his choice -f iRldBefield. N. WHitney S-S3 Full Roll Cut slightly higher 11.C Al "Diamond 2-2453, ifivJvmiTVT NO EXPF.RI- DIAMOND 2-inif) This Is the number to call for low prices on a full line of lumber, shmeles, pivwood. paneling, doors screens, trim, lime and cement, etc. Free estimates.

Lake and shore de-liveries. Open 7 days, i nignta. Circle Lumber 530 Market St SaddJeBrook. RTrATO'S BUILDING MATERIALS OUR Specialty Face Brick Also all I I nrlnrsTiilltin I SHIP 'Complfti line WIRING DEVICE. t.

NECESSARY FREE IN- days steady, 12 noon to 10 Good salary Experienced only need applv. 77 TRUCK STOP RAMSEY 9-0731. GUARANTEED INCOME Call Miss Ball. MI P. Monday through Friday.


Including Welded Fittings. APPLY ROBERT GAIR CO. PIERM0NT, N. Y. (5 Miles South 01 Nyack, N.

Leam to oe citraNCF FREE HOSPITALIZA- Countv's most modern NCE vATION W'lTH PAY fAH13 i. onnuni.x sr rts. SERVICE Station Attendant Aoolv suournan STATE TOLL DETAILS. SUCH AS RI.IRS FI.FIC 71 PALISADE AV Wr-tr urir.HT WTIf.HT SCHOOL in person, steady employment. iso types of masonry puuaing F.N 3-fi292 Englewood, at reas.

price. Wanted for day fhift. Top pay, Ideal -lIXO' PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE I tr ANY BOX 7037. E. R.

mechanical work. r.ohn Murphv Esso Rt. 4, Englewood, N.J WK BUY Conditional Sales Contracts Chatl el Mort cases Real Est file Mortage CLIFTON DISCOUNT CORP. Vrt necesparv working conditions. pid vacation! av CARBIDE TOOL 163 and s.

free hoepttalig-ationi SERVICE Station Attendant, Part MEN SPARE TIME Central Ave Rochelle Park. N. Miiue iross Kian covers entire jam-! time. Experienced 4-7 P. Mon OpenThuiayanFTldjrynul 9 3-5602.

158 Liberty Hack. BABY CARRIAGE, grey, lined, ca cellent cond. Used indoois alight- SlOr I OtflC tquipftlCtlt 13 FRIGIDAIRE Taller Box. 6 BABY CARRIAGE small crib 75 cu ft Call Diamond 2-1401 or bathinette, and baby scale. .3 2-319S To bee seen by BUS- Uy.

Free turcica I Insurance Tree Clifton PRescntt -04S7-8-91 dav thru Friday also week-end Our local factory branch can use MAN WANTED lifsj trtrnirance. plu! other belief its help needed. Apply Monaghan's isevera! men on spare time woriv U.n riiirniM of psmiiist from 20' Wanred-Businns Opptyt. 38A To sell houses In Bergen County ROBERT REINER, INC. jilr mwi.v No iirevi- 001S Beraenlme North Berijen unocoEiauon.

Houte a ron Lee SETUP MAN Power press. Exper "PLASTIC MOULDER. $98 WK Commission pasis. c-xpei irriv niagerieia SANO BROS. 100 Muason aential Full cooperation.

sno. instruc. jOUS experience needed call at will train yng man. Local oppty. rebuilL All! Hackensack.

REAlTrSTATE BEAUTY PARLOR 'btCYclES mrm nffertne to one oerson in eros Hack, or VKlniiv boj dh.iv.li3. 1IU T.eficm.Tv fh. tot 198. Bergen Evening Record. replacement part.

Hazelton tiona given, s-eaas iui air wwn Blip. mam na on sa.e. fle-i. ft riFT.I case, freerer chest. Rnnnrtarv Keaiiv.

rieanui a. m. or I' with prostrcssive dves and slide'55 Greforv Avp Weehawken, N.J, feeds. Top pay. employee bene-i UNiort 7-0503 fita paid vacation William Thoma A xns Inc.

locum Ave UPHOLSTERER Exp Excellent Grand Ave. Rtdsefield. N. J. tlsr.

Apply Alexander Dec- POLISHER. S2. HR pans on sit pises. block. Hobart seal, seen 301 Main St Hack.

Diamond. J4g Kinclerkamar Rd OradeU repreeent on of the largest Real i UJTERFSTEn IN BFAITY SALON erind nohshlng exp. Local Hack 3R0 Essex Estate lirms In this You IN BERGEN COUNTY PLEASE: Foe Theater. YeariABr. Emn tin' 241 Main St Ha For light assembly.

Mon 10 A. -2 P. 7- f- M. nt-T a onv MAN Installation Full or pari timer employment. Good working BROADLOOM SALE 2 BAKERY DISPLAY CAFES 6 ft.

rxnenenced. Frl. and conditions. Apply nomi. 70,0.

Bergen rleeoa aa it wool twut S3 9R sq SHEET METALWORKERS, MILK MAID, ESEX AND FIRST; Drive car. Good pay, steady year work. Ruxin Products, ply all Route 48. Saddle Brook. will be able to use your home.

Prospects supplied through consistent advertising Your hours are your own and the renumerations unlimited rail for interview SLffern S-11U. -5 a an VV'iltnn 7 95 SO.d. Gat. nights. Bar and restaurant.

Write Box S7035. Bergen Record. STS, HACKEN SACK. ior.c. 1 national 3 aiawei register.

Call BUmond 2-31-5 or III 2-1409 Linden Hackensack. and ViVcose 4 95 0 ydJ PORTERS' LIVE IN. APPLY PER MAN to assist in parts dept Noi and refrigerator appllsnce' SEABOARD FIXAXCE CO. SS.IS nrpnatv. Mu have SON EL OFFICE.

ENGLFAVOOI1 HOSPITAL, F-NGLEWOOp. 3 farm ImplemenH S5-A MEN driver's license. Apply Brahms Lay Out Brake and Shear operators ASSEMBLY MECHANICS Hackensack Uc. UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY mecnanic wantea. exp nec.

feari River 5-40i3 Appliance Service. 91 Fast Central Pesrl River. REAL ESTATE Wanted I aalesman fMale or Fe PRFSSFR flilk and rough Year Chevrolet. 118-124 Broad Ave 241 MAIN ST Phone Dl J-S990 HAUPTMAN'S ROTO-ETTFS nd model is 1- r-cie-rtH ie. 7.ts a r.n tn Ford K.elwn the Rototlller man.

2n AH Ts1n horn round, steady, work, nospitanra- Palisades parK. le. expeilenced only. We offer Doremus Glen Rock. N.

J. tax tn work in drust store Full chairs ELDERS Skilled aluminum weld- mo nlea.ant and orofitable lew raujaut vi. imna room tion. insurance, ail benefit, mid-urban Laundry. 22 Temple Ave Hackensack.

Maintenance Mechanic Open Friday Eves. time. Experience not necessary. CALL COLFAX 1-1610, That Unwanted Aticle wur 3-527S ers. Experienced on semi automatic, wor)urlg conditioits out of reputable equipment 2nd shift work office Call E.

yiews -T-tll P.M. Falrtrom Co ts; 7.16:1(1 for interview. "PRESSMAN. $125. WK.

an peu MoneY TO L00 r-rc Ti7. Trahlnet display FOR ASSEMBLY WORK A Rord no. wax iih rar for established local Flat bed Steady. 36'i hr. wk Local.

DAY OR MOHT SHIFT AEROIL PRODUCTS INC. iru w. route. Averace $100 and up toi TELEPHONE SOLICITORS -Work UJ 111 fl VT rWORTGAGtSi tormica count-. fu-, fetA Ferti ixer.

Soil 56 A is C. Emp. aiain Ave, Passaic. PR 7-0013. tart.

Call FULLER BRUSH CO range ana ov-n. rmcn from nffire noura to suit, car PRESSMAN Kidder or Meisel for Mn.r A ion tn sold at COSt. W. I Kin RFA1TY YOUNG MAN Out of military serv- Diamond 3-sptia or iA7tu LO 8-3713 imd OL S-4256. DT 3-5200 Hack continuous forms, exper.

pressman. Wesley St Flynn. 44 Grand Ave. Englewood s.Vart load of farm trp ice, as Iner in ornamental ir on sli p. PRIVATE FUNDS ARMORY 4-1111 TELEPHONE solicitors to work Help Wonted MaU 33 ARCHITECTURAL IKON WORKS only.

tsenetna. aiutr SliTr. pisrTriXBK or lumber sard. Good chance for advancement tvAinv nhv a foot. Deea freer soil S22 SO Powers Dl 3-513 109 Bergen Turnpike, Little Ferry lo wana w' rHlrt opporty: for nght man.

I tew tnt.ruipa- Mr Netiser. ft Show case ft. siock BEST FARSl TOP SOIL from Borne. Exp. preferred, comm.

Year round work, good money-making possibilities. Ml. 2-0545 CASH ANY Company paid-for benefits YOUNG MAN Factory stoc room. Slicer and aleWHitVjaos ntcifc ttv rah sialr- tab lt a used, PRODUCE CLERK Steady posi 1 PFR LOAD stearin, pleasant surroundings. Savings and commercial Good working conditions A.

M. to 1 30 P. M. 5-dsvs. S50 UNITED SOIL CO TEaneck nn.r in Hafkn.

Avfl T-TPVi itt nd fnnrte8es rHite.n Otfire Fum. h.e 200 per wk to start. Cail LOweill Center Lumber Co 5 Fulton Paterson. SHerwood 2-B3QO. SHIPPING SUP VR $90 WK Top oppty.

exp'4 man Top Co A 6 C. Emp. Agcy 541 Main Ha tion. dav week, gooo saiaiy Other benefits. B-W Super Mar ket.

ins S. Washington Ave. Bergenfield. mmj- wi 'ViKat rf tuivi. St IK inrmg nr huftnnt-ss Fazv mo.

oavi Vonteomery Pat. LA 3-6153. FARM TOP SOIL SCREENED for iriteriifw. mentsJ B. Rolison.

DU nrniRi.F. Kav Electric Nut Dtspen- iniV r- ftcaim. hfl CS tl Employment security APPLY BETWEEN 8 P. YOUNG MAN PRODttCTION PLANNER to 4T01 IMiltoo H. Elliott TEanerk Wnr.Fftiffial 36; MTC.

PRIV. OR INST. OUlCKi etc! Precticaiir new'. OH. i rrrj FilPl OVWET AGENCY 'SHIPPING CLERK Exp in all! LEITH KiPiI3Sfl stack I phases of shipping, for belting I Situation Carpenter's helper.

Must be ejert. hai beet offer. 1S1 SERVICE FREE INTO. STANLEY REAL. ESTA 1 Ul ii-Jl Kinderiamack Rd Emerson.

COI-fax 2-9SJ7 -jt 'r r-i A-l CUSTOM 11 A us Uir luvrns.i PUNCH Press Operator for small) calf EN 4-073" I p. 9S Teaneck Rd material. Work Nationally FOREMAN YOUNG MAN 23 to 40 years tuarsnteea. Free est, cu s-soo RICH SCREENED TOP SOIL Ful Dirt Reasonable Prices Delivered To Your Home McCabeBrOT HUbbard 7--611 SCR FEN ED top soli mixed wlrh humus at no extra cost tovmi deliver anywhere. JOHN ALE-lO It SON.

WHitnev 5-S027, FIREWOOD 3.30 P. M. 51! days, Call IsOw-ell 8-4294 some exoerience in drafting, make, iccistikt $12 A LOAD CALL WYCKOFF 4-192 MAINTENANCE MAN Exserienrea1 ra simple Sle repair machine repair sag seaer.l snsia-tesascs. GOOD SALARY Second Shift Waeierful eppertoalty wit seegresslvc maaiif actor. r.

WIN CHEK Aluminum Co. 1ST 9: Soramit Aveaa. Rarkeasark, N. J. himself generally useful in mfg General office experience.

"Parti known manuiacturln), company seeks exper. shipoing mipervisor to assist Traffic manaser. ExceU. oooortunltv. good salary and liberal mmnanv oaid nenefits.

Ad PUNCH PRESS OPER S. $2 HR FKEFZER-REFRIGEJIATOR dr 1 Oppty. local mfgr. Steady. dav and stock room ot small.

olfl( TEaneck -5S01. line comoanv. Excellent opoortu-l r- -r: 7 rr nitv for ambitious man. Write BoxjEXP Practical Nurse for ne-6H8. Bergen Record born Available now Cad PRes- combination, must -new.

Best offer. DI 3-5033. 40 dress Box 6562. Bergen Evening Monev Te Loan Tf.FR ATI ON MAN Experi THERMO ELECTRIC CO, INC. 109 FIFTH ST.

(OFF MARKET STREET) SADDLE BROOK, N. J. All con-l Rpcord GAS conversion burne YOUNG MAN as helper in prea- -V' enced residemiai air conauion- Boileriesa hot trols. for steam inft installation. Should be familiar SHIPPING CLFRK Good itartinEi OU burner conver I nirfil, m1rfiv Ann! iih u-a; air furnace hook water tank room, vnance to learn traae.

ap- i ply ConsoUdaled Film Industries references an experienced. Call 50 Mai St Fort Lee, N. J. HU 7-207J. NEED CASH? BORROW $20 to $500 IT'S EASY AT A.

B. C. Call WINDSOR 4 2525 A. B. C.


880 LHi sion with tank. 313 River Road, New Milford. Premo' Pharmaceutical Labs. Ill Leunrng South Hackensack. up.

No nigh, service. Good pay Call CL 5-2237 GERMAN WOMAN will w-OTk. Tues YOUNG HI AN For pirk-up and de- LIVING ROOM 3 PC SET LIKE Wed. Thurs -Fri evenings Prefer SHIPPING CLERK 18 yrs, or over lively. MAMOLA FORD Route; nursing Call LOwetl -8R6.

Up to $500 46. Lodi. GR 3-0600 day week. All company oenerits. Ca-1 WXstwood 5-3363.

Vnt-Xli 'MEN WANTED for age 20. will baby sit eves NEW PERIOD FVR NTTUR LOWFJ.L 8-1194 OIL BURNER UNTT Lennox com- plete with contr Is. 31" Gas Range ard m-eekends Eljrperienced. Pfione eral -ork. In lamp factory.

RAM DUmont 4-tS81 after 7 30 CO. 173 Central Ave Hackensack Help Wanted Male 33 SHIPPING CLERKS STOCK BOYS Help Wonted Mala 33 Both srood contr lu 4-ooi. HONFST and dependable woman RELAY ADJUSTERS, INSPECTORS I TESTERS 3:30 P. M. To Midnite YOUNG MAN Some experience for eontrriora field: wiwie fail Time nouwwwi ioi REFRIGERATOR, Kclvlnaeor, S5 IVnnil racket and press.

S3 50 1 ge ntleman. Box 644A Bergen Fee I i office. Good atarline italary Wiite Box 994 Bf en Assorted larrp sharnped frames Situorron. Worted M.I. 37 2QQ MAIN FORT LEE, N.

J. STfrcuiy Kh.nic-1 vears REFRIGERATOR II noifTtuiv 1 a as arc YOUNG MAN to drive truck and he ene ra 1 he Iper in ore A p- cu. ft freez OVER 1 FULL. TIME APPLY ARNOLD CONSTABLE I ine cornDartmt 3 inr itti rm cash YOil SIONTHlY Ifceivt vents 19.42 5.00 160.96 9.00 232.50 13.00 322.64 11.00 381.01 21.00 483.86 2600 plr: COLrONT SItrLl- ItlsiCi. 487 Main Hackensacte.

act ri sra srlin irw-eT Bai experience. 9ec wotk io oe enm fk i ib uti iu at home. Call LCmell 641. Home 1st and 2nd mortgagee irj 30 ncinite Of HacJt Dlamrrid imme cnair. Forrmca ard chT-m Youne men to adjust appara HACKENSACK 5 tk- kirr-hen rual tieepei dav bed FN 4-10T1 afr 3PM tut used in electrical circuits.7 sr YOUNG MAN WANT part time job in tne i or Sat.

and Sun. Call WH 5-02S8 Call in mornine. Ask for Eddie 40-A REFRIGERATOR Philco. cu YOUNG MEN For Careers In Telephone Work In The Hackensack-Englewood Area Mortgoq. Money r.

ft. and 21 pnuco I. V. coin FATHER WISHES ART-j 1ST ANY AMOUNT) ovine, out of town. Reas I i TIME WORK.

S-l P. M. CALL GEM INVESTMENT Cin TEaneck -511: For furniture wles, Italian rpeafcjnf for atore, iocal Good rmr. SHOE FITTER MUST BE EXPERIENCED FOOT PRIDE SHOES I.I ,1 1 'evnn: norU I A I 3-PS67. Rovat.

under 00 miles. S-0 pair 1st 2nd MORTGAGES (YOUNG MAN 20-25 for treneral fae-1 FINANCIAL Apply or Phong Mrs. E. Kammerer HAwthorne 7-3131, Ext. 18 Monday thru Friday 30 A.

M. to 4 P. M. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. I Tfce eslo of I I ja Fomi'r is I'A nw.l4i est I oetoiins of $300 I Li CA wooden.

30 torv vork -New tov jacrory I or-wood. N. $. CLoster 5-4300 18 CHURCH PATERSON Business Opportunities er-h screen. 38 KnANCED Cash" "-hoSr; STORM WINJOWS rl, -Seet-nce Broke-s Attorney special! tLli' "i i a ID? iVrrtion.

JERSEY FUNDING I a. .11 3 artrftion. JERSEY 36x43. tl. TE knowleriee useful AITflMflRll.E DEALERSHIP PHONE rOR APPOINTMENT LA S-S5S7 7 -74 1 5 Leonaa.f Call TE 6-7543 or GI 5-7147 2Z.9 Hillside Ave GOOD STARTIN8 PAT dtnnu UTVnniAS ard Kn-pe-.

VriTTVri VI a trr nit-M tf ban communixy in m-rtoderi. mora rnnaiwu. t-wwi- af-er 7 P. wll Tniilnl liars Ull 4-5091' I.iigT.ne6-"23o,r: parts pay overhead Price in- SHOE ALFSVAN Erpexienced. part or full time Fine family store.

Esrceilent working conditions and hours Steady income cnris sh-ivtSciws s-an-d THEATER Bogota 20-10 Maple Ave, -det snow room, ottice lurni- i enclosure sioa IS I I YOlK man in iron ancp. iixjrrrt parts ana Fie a pW JPfSPV WEstwood 5-67 INSTRUCTION Full sue coil bed sprins Tires and tubes HUl-bard 7 after 7 wf 04 nt- -rjpji Arrnie -pace tor ennrk the center of towns Schools an. Loiteoes i- v- Mahals cnlv Ft -Pit Ml TTV 1- YOUNG MAN Neat, with parttinf rree-w Phone Today! ROuMAS ortnamman. expti 1Tll Rite HU 7-3Co. Yckoff ELXCTRONICS TV-ec rring CONDITION.

oO. 1 D-aft Bluepnnts. Jer. City. Tech 5-t42 tii a 3fW4 'Vuyt have drive-' licence An-t)'--14-518 PFTTA-P A Aft INI CON ST CO-STOCK BOY Fxru FS-1 SS0 Bc-een Ave JC JO vr a.

Ow-rrer Aopit!; Matrarine iew in person, Wekar'a Juvemie Cen- BARBER SHOP Est 4 eiertric IBM, tA-e 2f i-Trcn. proporttora! prnportToral FAMILY apacin ter. 37 W'estwoodAve Westwood In borpital- Sacrifice 3 West) MODERN COLLEGE B-idee Fd Be-genf Berfen Mail pro i ect. Paramus See Mr. Meyer.

STEADT TEAR-ROUND WORK REGULAR RAISES if OPFORTUNITT FOR ADVANCEMENT LIBERAL VACATION, SICKNESS AND PENSION BENEFITS 8. -ON-THE-JOB" TRAINING BENEFITS Telephone toll-free) Mitchell 9-9900 Extension 2335, Monday thru Friday or Apply 368 Brood Newark, N. J. YOUNG MAN As help fn rooTtn. Pslissoe Art, 'jj i-a Uafher.

1 vr sr, r. APWT in crBJnriD mrm ire isn W-rte or Cail HUbba.d B-in and old looks t45 4 pc barn fum: ture ymbmed to mae car- Main St Hackerr-ear. s-roiier chair car bed PAF75IAN BEAUTY SCHOOL 352 State Hacae-ck. ffn'f or HU 7-5na SALAD MAN KITCHEN MAN YOUNG MAN Crwr. fori p-npertv.

mocerti att. ard 1 eh' sto-e Good incoTe. l-sted th Hacker. ack. 1 f-orr.

Cow-t House fall price H4 rfo a. f. We-iel Broker fa ra- -e etc Never ued made steel and Forrmca SfiS Used biby with new STOCK MAN AGE IS TO SO TJAV HOUR tVFFK ALL PERSONNEL BENEFITS tntervewrnai hours A. V. A I.T AT TFE SICP AND SAVE 4J ImrnicttBn in print pari 1 Grand (INANCf C0rOAT10N 292 Main Strssl Pkm: Dlomsftd Orironi Isiiding WssVsnssts, H.

1 Ilk. No. FsOl UNION CITY -111 tergsnnns Avsn. UNisn $-71 60 PIANO FOR BEGIN-! Niros CHILDREN AND Avt Tr.gjewocKlN.J fBO-XING altera bir. Mx--to liiht xm- f-irea ttii-bjio TfVBBARLl i-jr JIM fwir.

Mss-ho. Tel pa is' DOES i-jc a lo at that trig pie of tro-rmf maae von fimct You li lie at how early it a w-tr PL Time, All Around Man APPLY IN" PERSON: les-ue. eycel truck. HAP BY! rd R-as Drsmerict 44 KAY TUBS. 331 Mart f-r-o-nv trn-lt STT tv t-ts a.

s-cjt ha-tdvrran. a-irusrc ed to wea i a.lf run Vi w-h aiil-sj-r-el HI r-odem fisrai-es. in a Ef.f.J?-'? TRADING STAMP CORP, KEY JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1 Cr. H. J.

Ilk. Wo. F7SI MARIO'S s-ed" irterertirg Mi i-l a- -rer on. FVsvJe hr weitw-i Fss A-e Gts F-i. Pilgrim i-4153.

rerrrta. of ssxardions. Wl 1-eV Diamond a-eoi. lharesrno h-t fhdfe-Wd Sn C- 17 1 Psr-n N. 3.

r.i uc.T a ki sauvaa Rout. 4.

The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.