Pole Barn Construction Starter Guide | DIY Pole Barns (2024)

Do you need more space? If so, it’s time to start thinkingnew construction! But with all the options available, it’s easy to beoverwhelmed. If you’re thinking about pole barn construction for your next project,we have a quick read to help you understand the benefits, the planning process,and even some of the steps involved with construction of a pole barn!

Read on to introduce yourself to the world of pole barnconstruction and the reasons why a pole barn is the perfect way to get theextra space you need!

Benefits of Pole Barn Construction

When considering the style of construction for your nextproject, pole barns are always a great choice. The main benefits of pole barnconstruction apply to almost any project, from pole barn garages to even polebarn homes!

The most popular reasons to choose a pole barn forconstruction are:


One of the most popular benefits of pole barn constructionis the reasonable cost associated with constructing your new outbuilding.Whether you’re in need of a small garage or an expansion arena, pole barnsutilize unique techniques that ultimately use fewer materials than similarlysized stick-frame buildings. Because materials are the bulk of the cost of anybuilding, that can easily give pole barn construction the edge for reducingyour total cost.

Secondly, most other construction types rely on continuousfoundations to ensure they’re safe and stable. Pole barns simply don’t needa foundation like this. While you’ll still want to build on level ground, thepoles of the pole barn do all the heavy lifting when it comes to keeping yourbuilding sturdy. That means you can save a lot of concrete by only needing concreteunder the structural columns to support the building. For larger pole barns,this can be a significant cost savings versus other buildings that wouldrequire you to contract out additional workers to prepare and pour a concrete orblock foundation for the whole length of the building.

Depending on how you customize your pole barn, you couldbegin to add up costs between materials or add-ons. So, the actual cost of apole barn can vary dramatically. But compared to a similar design using anotherbuilding technique, pole barns will always be competitive if not in first placefor affordability.

Open Spaces

Beyond saving you on materials, the unique style of polebarns being anchored by a series of poles means you don’t need interior wallsfor load-bearing purposes. The result? Wide open spaces! In modern design, theopen floor plan is growing in popularity to allow property owners to make themost of their new construction. From creating a space to relax, to creating acommercial building fit for large ideas, pole barns provide enough space tomake the interior a blank canvas ready for your perfect concept.

While a “base” model of a pole barn won’t include a varietyof interior walls, the choice for the final design is up to you! Many buildershave turned the interior of pole barns into anything from horse barns toworkshops to homes or office space! Hanging drywall throughout a pole barn isjust as easy as within stick-frame construction – perhaps easier because youdon’t need to worry about load bearing walls. That flexibility is why polebarns are ideal for any purpose.

Speed of Construction

The last major benefit of pole barn construction is thespeed at which one can be built. When thinking about new construction, thetimeline in your head may be “months.” But the reality is that a pole barn canbe built in just a few weeks on average. Between clearing the space, receivingthe materials, and finishing construction, the whole process is unbelievablyquick!

Adding a pole barn to your property is something where youcan enjoy the benefits not long after finalizing your concept! By cutting theneed for poured foundations (besides the footers) and possibly even the needfor finding a construction team (as you can likely build the pole barn on yourown) you can simplify the general process and keep things on yourtimeline!

Whether for personal use or commercial use, this speed ofconstruction makes pole barns a fantastic option when you have an idea you wantto get started on today instead of planning for years.

Pole Barn Construction Starter Guide | DIY Pole Barns (1)

Cost for Pole Barn Construction

When planning construction, it’s only natural to focus onpricing. Pole barn construction is great for fitting into your budget becausethey can be scaled to a wide variety of sizes! At DIY Pole Barns, pole barnpricing is a major focus – we balance the important scales of remainingaffordable while providing high quality materials. The end result is a polebarn that not only fits your budget, but also stays strong for years to come.

Getting a quote for your pole barn is easy and fun. OurInstant Quote tool lets you not only size out the right barn for you, but alsooffers a variety of options and add-ons that can personalize your barnperfectly. When you’re all done, you’ll get an Instant Quote you can lock in tostart the short journey towards having your very own pole barn. If you are notsure of what you might need in your quote to fit your needs we have a trainedstaff of project consultants to help you along the way.

To help you get started, you can look at our pole barnpricing page to better understand the real cost of a variety of pole barnsizes. A pole barn kit can start as inexpensively as around $10,000 while stillproviding a surprising amount of space! As size increases or features areadded, prices can range upwards of $30,000 to $50,000 or more.

Like any construction, the sky is truly the limit. Butunlike other building techniques, pole barns are actually affordable for almostanyone with a construction budget and the space to get started!

Where to Begin with Pole Barn Construction

The process for pole barn construction when you work withDIY Pole Barns is as easy as it is straight-forward. Let’s walk through some ofthe major steps so you be a step ahead on your path towards a brand-new polebarn!

Planning Your Pole Barn

The first step is, of course, to start with a pole barnplan. Before using our Instant Quote tool, you should sit down and have ageneral idea of what you want out of your pole barn. Think of it like aself-questionnaire:

Question 1: What will you do with your pole barn?

The purpose of your pole barn is a core part of determiningeverything else like size and features. A pole barn garageneeds to be big enough to fit the vehicles inside, whether by width or heightfor larger vehicles like RVs. If it will be a workshop, you’llneed space for equipment and material storage. If it’s a home, you’ll need toconsider how you plan to segment the interior (if you choose to segment it atall!)

If you need inspiration, you can always look at our gallery of pole barn designs!

Question 2: How big should my pole barn be?

Knowing what you plan to use your pole barn for will informyour decision on size, but it shouldn’t be the only deciding factor. The sizeof your pole barn is its largest limitation in the long-term. Like anyconstruction, it’s more likely to build a structure that’s too small than onethat’s too large. But if you’re budget-conscience, you should take a long lookat all the factors that impact your decision on the size of your barn: theavailable site, cost of materials, construction time, future resale, andlong-term usability.

Ultimately, you need to make the barn big enough to get theuse out of it that you need. Erring on the side of a slightly bigger pole barnis the safe option as long as it fits your budget! Play around with the InstantQuote tool to see what the real costs are of adding a few feet to the length orwidth.

Question 3: Do you have a building site planned already?

You can’t start pole barn construction without a clear site.Pole barn placement is important for a variety of factors. In the constructionphase, it determines how easy it is to drop off and stage materials. Beyondthat, placement will affect things like how quick it is to get to your polebarn. The more often you plan to use the barn, the closer you may want to placeit to your home!

Placement can also affect your pole barn in less directways. If it’s placed in a valley, you could have issues with moisture. Thedirection your windows and doors could affect the general temperature of theinterior during certain times of year as well!

Planning the placement for your pole barn is almost asimportant as planning the actual barn. So don’t forget to take time to think ofthe best site and position for your barn during your planning phase.

The placement of your pole barn can also have a large effecton your overall budget. If a large amount of fill or site work is required;that can delay your project and add a large amount of unwanted expense. Theflatter the ground where you plan on building is typically the better.

Customizing Your Pole Barn Kit

Once you have your idea in place, the real funbegins: customizing your real pole barn design! DIY Pole Barns makes building acustom pole barn easy with our online tool that lets you size it up, plan doorsand windows, and add features. We even have a great tool to help you envision your barn colors!

The Instant Quote tool is designed to be easy to use andinformative. Not only does it provide you with the full scope of options weoffer and some helpful information about more technical options, but it alsoprovides you with a dynamic pricing display so you can see what each additionwill change when it comes to fitting your budget.

Customizing through our tool takes a lot of work off yourhands, especially when it comes to technical considerations like snow load.Simply enter your zip code and we’ll calculate the appropriate amount of snowload your barn needs to handle based on your location’s average snowfall.

From there, the customization opens include:

  • Dimensions
  • Doors & Windows
  • Structural Options
  • Exterior Options
  • Interior Options

You can find out the material cost, estimated sales tax, estimated financing options, and labor cost estimates!

Pole Barn Construction Starter Guide | DIY Pole Barns (2)

Choosing Your Pole Barn Flooring

Like we mentioned above, pole barns open some options up forhow you keep the floor for your pole barn. Unlike other construction thatrequires a continuous foundation from corner to corner, you could leave yourpole barn floor as dirt or gravel. Concrete is by far the most common floor fora pole barn, but other common options include asphalt, stone or even woodflooring. It is very common to leave the floor gravel or dirt for a period oftime and then come back later to pour a concrete floor. This helps break up theexpense while still getting you a dried in building.

What you plan to do with your pole barn flooring is reallyup to you and how you use it. For spaces that should feel more “homey” you’lllikely want a solid floor. This will help when you’re planning the interiorwith furniture placement and general usability. A proper floor can also helpfor pole barns that may experience a heavier-than-normal amount of rain.

Otherwise, feel free to leave the floor to the natural dirtor some gravel below!

Learn moreabout pole barn flooring options to determine the best plan for your barn.

Ordering Your Pole Barn Kit

After you finalize your design, the actual ordering processis pretty straight forward! Once you’ve locked in your price, we’ll send you ane-mail confirmation. Follow the steps outlined in the e-mail or simply give usa call! We can walk you through the final steps required to order your polebarn kit.

The plans for your pole barn typically only take about one week after finalizing to receive. Your actual kit will arrive approximately 4-8 weeks after ordering. This could vary due to time of year and how busy we are, always feel free to call in to check current lead times.

We’ll deliver it as close to your pole barn site as safely possible.Delivery will be performed to maximize safety for you, your property, and tomake sure everything arrives undamaged. Now you’re ready to get started!

Preparing Your Pole Barn Site

While your pole barn kit is being prepared and delivered,now is the perfect time to make sure your pole barn site is prepped and ready.This means clearing the site to ensure you have adequate space to constructyour pole barn and proper ground.

We recommended starting by measuring the area and placingstakes to mark the site where you’ll be constructing your pole barn. If thereis growth in the area, you’ll want to remove that. If there is anything largerthan a bush, you’ll likely want to make sure you get it removed to the roots toavoid long-term root issues if you plan to pour a concrete floor.

You won’t need to worry about much else other than havingproperly graded site. Most property owners choose a level site already, but ifyou need to, it can simplify the building process to get a professional out tofix grading issues before the kit arrives. We recommend having your gradewithin six inches of level to make the build process as easy as possible, thecloser to level the better.

Basics to Pole Barn Construction

A DIY Pole Barn truly is something you can do with just youand a few friends or family. While this isn’t a step-by-step guide, we want tohighlight some of the core parts of the pole barn construction process to helpyou better understand what it may mean for you if you want to build your polebarn on your own!


Pole barn construction is all about the poles. These polesare the cornerstone for your build. They make sure everything else holds steadyso you can enjoy your barn decades down the road. Depending on the size of yourpole barn, the number of poles you’ll need to place can vary. But the processis the same: you’ll dig a hole with and place a concrete footings at the bottomof the hole, set the post plumb, and backfill with soil or crushed stone.

Pole Barn Construction Starter Guide | DIY Pole Barns (3)

With every pole bar package we supply a customer set of drawingsto show you exactly where every post needs to be set. As far as depth goes,make sure to understand exactly how deep you should be digging based on your customdrawings and local building codes.


Once the poles are set and the truss carriers are properlysecured to them, you’ll be able to get started on the trusses.

Our trusses come in either standard trusses or scissortrusses, depending on the look and function you want out of your design. Thesetrusses come pre built with engineered stamped for your state. There is a minordifference in installing the trusses depending on these choices, but ultimatelythe whole process is fairly similar.


Once the poles and trusses are in place, you’ll be able tostart on the process of building the exterior. This includes all of your wallgirts, roof purlins, and then the roofing and the siding. Your pole barn kitwill come with all the metal siding, roofing, and trim needed to build yourbarn from top to bottom, so it’s simply a process of placing each piece whereit should go referencing your drawings along the way. If you have any questionsduring the build process you will have a project manager to help answer anybuild questions you have.

Have Questions? We Can Help!

Whether you’re deciding if pole barn construction is rightfor your project, or if you need some help putting the finishing touches onyour barn-in-construction, our support team is here to help!

Call (937) 547-9100 or contact us online!

Our pole barn experts are just a phone call away, and we’realways excited to help you finish your project so you can start enjoying thebenefits of a new pole barn on your property as soon as possible!

Pole Barn Construction Starter Guide | DIY Pole Barns (4)

Find Your Perfect Pole Barn Today – Get an Instant Quote Online! 

Do you have questions about pole barns? Call ourknowledgeable staff at (937) 547-9100. If you’re ready to build your pole barn,lock in a quote with DIY Pole Barns using our Instant Quote tool! 

Connect with us on social media! 

Pole Barn Construction Starter Guide | DIY Pole Barns (2024)
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