Pharmacies in the Netherlands: 8 questions answered (2025)

There’s a whole list of things to figure out when you first move to the Netherlands — and one of them is where you can get your medications. Geen stress, here’s all you need to know about pharmacies in the Netherlands.

Wherever you live in the Netherlands, you’re likely to come across a pharmacy with that telling green sign — but do Dutch pharmacies work the same way as in your home country?

Let’s answer some of your burning questions about pharmacies in the Netherlands.

1. How can I find a pharmacy in the Netherlands?

Pharmacies in the Netherlands: 8 questions answered (1)

When you first move to the Netherlands, you probably have no idea where the closest pharmacy would be or how to find one.

The best way to find yourself a pharmacy in the Netherlands is by searching in Dutch. Try searching “apotheek dicht bij mij” (pharmacy close to me) or “apotheek bij mij in de buurt” (pharmacy near me).

2. How can I register at a Dutch pharmacy?

When you go to a pharmacy in the Netherlands for the first time, you will likely be asked to register or sign up at that pharmacy.

The staff will ask you for your personal information, contact details, your health insurance information, and who your doctor is. Once you give this information, you should be all set up!

Pharmacies in the Netherlands: 8 questions answered (2)

So, why do you have to register at a pharmacy in the Netherlands? Your registered pharmacy will have a record of your health insurance information, as well as the history of your prescribed medications.

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This ensures that you don’t take conflicting medications that could cause health risks, and it also streamlines the process of receiving any prescribed meds — simply head to your registered pharmacy, and they should have been sent the prescription from your doctor.

Does this mean you’re tied down to one specific pharmacy? Not necessarily.

If you have received a new non-repeat prescription (or recept, as they’re known in Dutch), it is sometimes possible to go to a different pharmacy and request your medication there.

However, if you have a repeat prescription, then it is usually only possible to collect this at your registered pharmacy.

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In general, it is best to use the same pharmacy every time for each of your medications. This way, they have an up-to-date record of your different medications.

3. What can I get at a Dutch pharmacy?

Pharmacies in the Netherlands: 8 questions answered (3)

Pharmacies, or apotheken in Dutch, are where you go for your prescription medication, such as:

  • Heart pressure meds
  • The contraceptive pill
  • Condoms
  • Prescribed creams
  • Psychiatric medications
  • Certain over-the-counter drugs that need instructions

Note: Dutch pharmacies should not be confused with drogisterijen (drugstores)! Dutch drugstores will only sell some over-the-counter drugs that are safe for general use, such as antihistamines and painkillers. You can’t pick up prescribed medications here.

4. What can’t I get at a Dutch pharmacy?

If you’re planning on grabbing a few extra toiletries at the pharmacy while you pick up your prescription, you might be surprised to see they don’t have much.

In the Netherlands, pharmacies tend to be very no-nonsense. If it’s not some kind of medicine, soothing balm or form of protection, then you likely won’t find it at your apotheek.

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Things you won’t find in a Dutch pharmacy include general self-care items such as:

  • Your favourite shampoo
  • Makeup
  • Skincare
  • Hair brushes
  • Body washes and soaps

So where can you find these items?

In drogisterijen, natuurlijk! Examples of popular drugstores in the Netherlands are Etos or Kruidvat.

5. What time are pharmacies open in the Netherlands?

Pharmacies in the Netherlands: 8 questions answered (4)

Want to grab your prescription on the way home from the office but not sure if the pharmacy is still open? Well, you just might make it in time.

Most pharmacies are usually open from 8 AM to 6 PM, Monday to Friday.

Opening times can differ on the weekends, but you may be lucky enough to have a pharmacy that is also open on Saturdays. Your neighbourhood pharmacy should display their opening times on their website and at their entrance.

Pharmacies in the Netherlands are generally closed on Sundays as well as during big national holidays such as Tweede Paasdag, Hemelvaartsdag, and Koningsdag. This may vary from pharmacy to pharmacy, however.

6. When can I pick up my medications at a Dutch pharmacy?

Once you have received a prescription from your doctor, your pharmacy will contact you (usually via email) when your prescription is ready to be collected.

If you have a bad habit of forgetting to fetch your medications from the pharmacy during normal opening hours, geen probleem.

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At many Dutch pharmacies, it is possible to ask your pharmacist to place your items in the 24-hour prescription vending machine or after-hour locker. By placing them in this locker, you can collect them at a time that suits you best.

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If this is something you think you’ll need, you can ask your pharmacist if they have an after-hour locker. If they do, voila, you can request that they register you for this method of collection.

Some pharmacists also offer the option to have your prescription medication delivered to your house, so you never have to worry about not having your medication.

This can also be very helpful when you’re sick and can’t make it to the pharmacist yourself.

7. How are pharmacists trained in the Netherlands?

Pharmacies in the Netherlands: 8 questions answered (5)

Before becoming a Dutch pharmacist, you have to complete a three-year bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy followed by a three-year master’s degree in Pharmacy. Yep, Dutch pharmacists train for as long as Dutch doctors. 👀

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During their university education, pharmacists learn important information about medicines and how to calculate dosage.

Pharmacists also have to register in the BIG register, which allows them to officially use the legal title of ‘Pharmacist’.

What this means is simple: you can trust that your Dutch pharmacist is a professional who knows what they’re doing.

8. Does my Dutch health insurance cover pharmacy costs?

Health insurance is mandatory in the Netherlands, but it’s not a given that they’ll cover all of your pharmacy costs.

Pharmacies in the Netherlands: 8 questions answered (6)

How much of your pharmacy costs will be covered depends on a few things:

  • The type of medication
  • The cost of the meds
  • Your insurance provider
  • The type of health insurance policy

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For example, depending on the health insurance policy you opt for, it may be possible to claim back the cost of your contraceptive pill. This is something you should consider when choosing your health insurance.

Knowing how you’ll get medicine when you need it will allow you to rest easy and avoid panic when the time comes. Armed with your newfound knowledge, you can go forth and enjoy your new life in the Netherlands. 💪

How do Dutch pharmacies differ from pharmacies in your home country? Tell us in the comments!

Simone Jacobs

Originally from South Africa, Simone is having fun navigating the Dutch language, steep stairs, and bicycles (which she still manages to fall off of with her short, non-Dutch legs). An animal lover at heart, Simone can typically be found under her (growing?) mound of cats, where she uses the opportunity to read, write, and watch video compilations of creatures.

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Pharmacies in the Netherlands: 8 questions answered (2025)


How do pharmacies work in the Netherlands? ›

Here are some important things to know about pharmacies and medication in the Netherlands: A chemist or drogist (drugstore) supplies non-prescription medications, baby items, general toiletries, cosmetics, etc. An apotheek (pharmacy) is the only outlet for prescription drugs.

What kind of pharmacies are in the Netherlands? ›

In the Netherlands you are likely to see two different sorts of pharmacy/drugstore. One is a dispensing pharmacy (where you can get prescribed medication) and is called an apotheek. The other is a drugstore, or drogisterij, and sells over-the-counter products like painkillers, vitamins, and first aid items.

Can a pharmacist answer health questions? ›

Though pharmacists may not be able to diagnose illnesses or prescribe medication, they can provide valuable guidance — often sooner than a doctor is available. Just visit or call your pharmacy and ask to speak with a pharmacist.

What medications are not allowed in the Netherlands? ›

Medicines that have a narcotic effect require a certificate. These include sleeping pills, strong painkillers, ADHD medication and medicinal cannabis. Ask your family doctor or pharmacy whether you need a certificate for your medication.

Is Netherlands good for pharmacy? ›

Studying Pharmacy in Netherlands is a great choice, as there are 9 universities that offer Master's degrees on our portal.

Are medicines free in Netherlands? ›

If your pharmacist has a contract with your health insurer on providing pharmaceutical services, the bill will go directly to your health insurer. If there is no such contract, you will have to pay for the medicines yourself, but you will be able to claim these costs from your insurer later.

What is the FDA equivalent in the Netherlands? ›

European Medicines Agency (EMA) : EMA is a decentralized body of the European Union, located in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

What types of drugs are in Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands is a major producer and leading distributor of cannabis, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines and other synthetic drugs, and a medium consumer of illicit drugs.

Can you buy antibiotics over the counter in the Netherlands? ›

In the Netherlands, antibiotics are available only on prescription. You can't buy them over the counter as you might be used to in your home country. By using antibiotics too often, more and more bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, making the antibiotics ineffective.

What is the most asked question to a pharmacist? ›

9 Common Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist
  • What are the side effects of this medication and what should I do if they happen? ...
  • Can I take non-prescription drugs, herbal medicines, or other drugs with this medicine? ...
  • How should I store my medications? ...
  • When should I follow up with my doctor or pharmacist?

Why do pharmacists ask so many questions? ›

In order to ensure that your medications are appropriate for you and that you will get the most benefit from them, your pharmacist has to understand why you are taking the medications.

Can pharmacy technicians answer questions? ›

Often times, customers may ask for the definition of a certain term on their prescription or what brands of medication you have in stock. You can safely answer these questions without the pharmacist's help. In some cases, you can provide general information about a medication during a prescription refill.

Can I bring Tylenol to the Netherlands? ›

You can bring most medicines with you to the Netherlands as long as you can prove that they are for your own use. You should however follow the rules for bringing medicines with you.

What is the pharmacy law in the Netherlands? ›

The Dutch Medicines Act (Geneesmiddelenwet, GnW) prohibits the sale, distribution or supply of any pharmaceutical product (medicine) which has not been registered and granted a marketing authorization in the Netherlands.

What drugs are banned in Netherlands? ›

Soft drugs, such as marijuana and hash, are less damaging to health than hard drugs, such as ecstasy and cocaine. But soft drugs are also illegal in the Netherlands. This means that those found selling, producing, dealing or in possession of these drugs are liable to prosecution.

How do I get prescription drugs in the Netherlands? ›

A pharmacy will provide medicines by prescription. You can local pharmacies if you search for “Apotheken” near you. You do not have to register with a specific pharmacy, but your doctor will need to know where to send your prescriptions for you to pick up.

Can pharmacists prescribe in the Netherlands? ›

Prescription medicines that you get from your doctor and pharmacy are always safe. In the Netherlands, only they are allowed to prescribe and supply prescription drugs. They will also tell you how you should use the medicine. Health insurers only provide cover for medicines supplied by legal pharmacies.

How does medical care work in the Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands has a universal healthcare system. It's managed by the government and supplemented by private insurers. Anyone living or working in the Netherlands must obtain basic level health insurance (with or without additional coverage) from a Dutch provider.

Can an American pharmacist work in the Netherlands? ›

The pharmacy profession is regulated in The Netherlands. This means that access to this profession is regulated by law. Therefore, pharmacists with a non-Dutch diploma who wish to work in The Netherlands as a pharmacist need the approval of the Dutch authorities.

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