Late period, but negative test? | Mumsnet (2024)

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23 replies

SolemnlySwear2010 · 05/01/2018 12:13

Hi, my periods are normally like clockwork (also chart them on a phone app). However, i am now 4 days late but every pregnancy test is coming back negative.

I had the copper coil inserted around July last year, so obviously a bit nervous about a possible pregnancy and have also heard that having an IUD can cause ectopic pregnancies etc.

Only other side effect i had is that i was feeling sick when brushing my teeth, - i had this issue when pregnant with my DD, but it has now gone as well

Is anyone able to advise?


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Figrollsnotfatrolls · 05/01/2018 12:15

My period was a fortnight late before I got a bfp with dd - she was a week late. And obviously ovulated late as only dtd on day 23 of a 28 day cycle!!


Figrollsnotfatrolls · 05/01/2018 12:15

My period was a fortnight late before I got a bfp with dd - she was a week late. And obviously ovulated late as only dtd on day 23 of a 28 day cycle!!


physicskate · 05/01/2018 12:24

Even with a 'clockwork' cycle you can still ovulate late because of even small changes in your life (diet, exercise, stress, holidays....). Late ovulation will cause a late period. Test again in another week if you still haven't come on. The copper coil is not fool-proof (no contraception is) but it is also highly effective.


SolemnlySwear2010 · 05/01/2018 12:29

I keep telling myself that i am not pregnant but there is a small part of me that thinks i am.

Don't know if it is connected but for the past week or so i get random stabbing pains in my right side. It only last for a few moments but it is incredibly painful.

Will maybe give it another week or so and then speak to my GP if still no period.

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Bubblegum89 · 05/01/2018 12:35

The stabbing pains could be ovulation which would explain your late period. My periods have always been 28 days like clockwork but back in September, I was 6 days late. It’s not unheard of and I wouldn’t worry too much if you’re getting negative tests. Wait a week and if it’s still not shown up, take another test. It’s fairly common to ovulate late now and again and as the time between ovulating and period is almost always 14 days, if you ovulate late you will 100% get your period late


Littlemisssugarplum88 · 05/01/2018 17:58

I can't advise but I seem to be in the same boat as you. My cycles are normally 31 days and I'm now cd 37 with negative tests yesterday. I don't seem to have any pregnancy symptoms other than feeling exhausted.
Hopefully we will get some answers soon?! Xx



peterpanwendy · 05/01/2018 21:53

I was in a similar boat (no contraception as TTC!) but my period day came and went with BFN after BFN. I was experiencing some symptoms, mainly exhaustion. Well I got a BFP when I was 13 days late, CD44! I'm 9 weeks tomorrow and all is well so far. You're not out until AF shows :)

I hope you all get the results you want x


Littlemisssugarplum88 · 06/01/2018 05:10

That's interesting peterpanwendy, how many days late were you when you got your latest bfn?!

It's frustrating waiting isn't it. I'm cd38 now and still no sign of AF xx


CoconutGal · 06/01/2018 07:16

This thread has made an interesting read to me too. I'm 5 days late & still getting BFN's. No sign of AF.


Littlemisssugarplum88 · 06/01/2018 07:34

Are your cycles normally pretty regular as well coconutgal?! Xx


CoconutGal · 06/01/2018 07:49

Usually yes. But December's AF was 2 weeks early. So either that was a one off & I'm about to go back to the original date AF starts or I'm ovulating late.


peterpanwendy · 06/01/2018 08:47

@Littlemisssugarplum88 8 days late with a BFN I was so emotional/disheartened I went to the doctors who didn't wanna know and told me I probably wasn't pregnant and had just skipped a period. I told myself I'd stop torturing myself with negatives and wait till the weekend to test (around the time I should have been ovulating had I had a normal period) so I waited another 5 days and did a HPT, I got a strong positive, I did loads more tests, all different kinds over the following couple of weeks and sure enough it got stronger and quicker. I am now experiencing every pregnancy symptom going! It just takes a while for some people, you're not unusual x


Littlemisssugarplum88 · 06/01/2018 08:52

Had you been pregnant before to compare?! You just assume you will see a bfp on the day of your missed period if you've been lucky enough to conceive.

I've done a CB digital this morning 7 days late and it's negative. Think I'm going to give up testing too and just what and see what happens xx


TGaskill · 06/01/2018 08:59

Same things happened to me! My periods are usually on the dot, monthly! O took 2 tests when I was 5 days late because they're usually so regular and they both came back a strong negative and now I'm 11days late! Need to try another test Monday morning😳 I don't mind if I am or I'm not so it doesn't really matter but I do keep getting bad pains in my lower stomach 😖


peterpanwendy · 06/01/2018 09:00

@Littlemisssugarplum88 nope this is first baby for me so no idea what was going to happen! You wouldn't believe the amount of tests (mostly IC's luckily) I wasted on BFN's. I posted a very similar thread when I was going through it.

5 days late... BFN


CoconutGal · 06/01/2018 09:10

I have been pregnant before but I can't compare because I didn't find out until I was about 8wks.


Littlemisssugarplum88 · 06/01/2018 09:27

Oh wow peterpanwendy, what an interesting read that was. Thanks for sharing :) Bet you couldn't believe it when you finally saw your BFP.

I also have a large appetite at the mo, bloated and feeling absolutely exhausted; although I've been putting that down to overindulging at Christmas xx


peterpanwendy · 06/01/2018 10:04

@Littlemisssugarplum88 no I was over the moon!
That sounds a lot like my initital symptoms, the bloating for me was awful! I haven't had it in a little while because I'm only managing 1 main meal and a few snacks during the day due to sickness :( I really hope your outcome is the same as mine!


Littlemisssugarplum88 · 06/01/2018 11:45

I've got really low down cramping now so no doubt AF will soon be here xx


SolemnlySwear2010 · 06/01/2018 16:42

So started bleeding this morning, but (sorry if TMI) it has only been a tiny amount, about a teaspoon full?

When my period normally starts it is immediately heavy and full on.

Now confused as to whether it is AF or spotting, as i bled for the first 6 weeks with my DD.

Guess nothing else i can do but wait and see.

OP posts:


Littlemisssugarplum88 · 06/01/2018 22:49

How are you getting on sole?! Xx


SolemnlySwear2010 · 08/01/2018 16:40

So another update - AF has now started properly after 3 days of spotting.

Not sure why period is 6 days late, i guess these things happen.

Hope you all get the results you want

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Trytrytry2018 · 08/01/2018 17:28

I got my period after being 7 days late last cycle - never been that late before but it can happen x I must of had about 20 negative pregnancy tests....


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Late period, but negative test? | Mumsnet (1)

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Late period, but negative test? | Mumsnet (2024)


Can I still be pregnant if the test is negative and no period? ›

It's possible to get a negative result from a home pregnancy test when you are pregnant. This is known as a false-negative. You might get a false-negative if you: Take the test too early.

Why is my period late but test is negative? ›

But what if you got a negative result, and your period is late? Chances are you are not pregnant and your period may be late or you may even skip it due to stress or illness. If the test is negative and you didn't test early, you may have missed your period if: You're breastfeeding.

How late can a period be without being pregnant? ›

“Normal cycles occur every 28 days, plus or minus a week,” says Dr. Carlson. “The cycle starts on the first day of your period. If you've gone over 35 days without your period, that would be considered late. Some people go for a few months at a time without a period, and that would be more concerning.”

What if I have pregnancy symptoms but the test is negative? ›

If you have pregnancy symptoms but a negative test result, you may want to consider, of all things, your pee — especially if you tested early. What to do if you think your pee may have been a problem: Try again first thing in the morning (or after your longest sleep), when your urine is most concentrated.

Can I be 2 months pregnant and have a negative test? ›

The hook effect incorrectly gives you a negative result on a pregnancy test. This can happen during early pregnancy or in rare cases — even into the third trimester, when it's pretty clear you're preggers. During pregnancy your body makes a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG).

How many days to confirm pregnancy after missed period? ›

When you can do a pregnancy test. You can carry out most pregnancy tests from the first day of a missed period. If you don't know when your next period is due, do the test at least 21 days after you last had unprotected sex. Some very sensitive pregnancy tests can be used even before you miss a period.

Can you be 5 weeks pregnant and test negative? ›

Can I Be Several Weeks Pregnant and Still Test Negative? Yes, that can be possible, but it's rare. The likely cause is variations in a person's menstrual cycle.

Can you be 14 days late and not be pregnant? ›

Pregnancy is not the only reason for a late or missed period. Other factors include excessive exercise, changes in body weight, and stress. Maybe you are pregnant but tried a pregnancy test too early to confirm the result. If applicable, try testing again 21 days after you had unprotected sex.

Why is my period late but I'm not pregnant? ›

There are many reasons for late periods. These are often related to changes in the body that cause a hormonal imbalance, such as stress, certain illnesses, or medication. While most are not cause for alarm, you do need an evaluation and treatment if you have completely missed more than one period.

What is the maximum delay in periods if not pregnant? ›

A late period can be delayed for about 5 days to a maximum of 1 to 2 months. A delayed period that lasts for longer than 3 months can be a sign of amenorhea, or lack of menstruation. In these cases, of pregnancy has been rules out, the underlying cause should be investigated by a gynecologist.

Am I pregnant or just late? ›

It's important to keep in mind that your period is considered regular as long as it comes every 24-38 days. However, if your menstrual cycle typically runs like clockwork every month and you've noticed you are over a week late, then it's time to take a pregnancy test or book in with your doctor.

Why am I 13 days late negative for a pregnancy test? ›

There may be many reasons for a negative pregnancy test after a missed period. You may have an undiagnosed medical condition, such as PCOS, or be experiencing extreme stress. After getting a negative test result, you should wait a few days to a week before taking another test.

Can you be 2 weeks late and test negative? ›

The simple answer is yes, you could still be pregnant even with a negative test, depending on when you took it, but there are also other reasons your period could be late. A pregnancy test detects HCG levels in your urine which increase the longer you are pregnant.

When is a pregnancy test negative but no period? ›

It's important to know that false negatives are possible. Most of the time, they can occur when you take a pregnancy test too early in your cycle, or if you don't closely follow the manufacturer's instructions. Fluctuations in your menstrual cycle also could be at the root of a false negative.

Can you be pregnant and never test positive? ›

Overview. A cryptic pregnancy, also called a stealth pregnancy, is a pregnancy that conventional medical testing methods may fail to detect. Cryptic pregnancies aren't common, but they're not unheard of, either.

Can I still be pregnant if the test is negative and no period reviews? ›

If you're testing before the day of your expected period, you may see a negative result – even if you're pregnant – if: Your test wasn't sensitive enough for early testing. You didn't use the first urine of the day, so concentration of hCG in your urine wasn't high enough.

What are the chances of a false negative pregnancy test? ›

“The false negative rate, if done appropriately, is less than 1%.” If someone waits until the appropriate point in their menstrual cycle and ensures that their urine is concentrated enough at the time of testing, then it's highly unlikely that an at-home pregnancy test will provide incorrect results, he explains.

What are the symptoms of a hidden pregnancy? ›

The hidden pregnancy signs are: tiredness, bloating, twinges/cramps, mood swings, weight gain, reduced libido, anaemia and high blood pressure.

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