Late period and negative pregnancy test | Mumsnet (2024)

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5 replies

Boymama26 · 17/08/2023 05:49

Hello all,

I am hoping to get some advice or insight into what might be happening. As anyone I try talking to this about doesn’t understand me.And I don’t talk to my mother and my MIL is dismissive.And I know calling a GP is useless because from what I’ve heard you need to miss 2 periods to get an appointment for check up.

I was due on my period 7 days ago, however still nothing. Usually day after my ovulation day I get very sore boobs, I can’t run, can’t walk down the stairs or lay on them because of how sore they are. Well this cycle I noticed that I didn’t get that, so I was very confused and already knew something was off.

Come to the day that I was meant to get my period and nothing, I am not like clock work as my Cycle is 29-34 days. I went about my days, but still took a pregnancy test to check 3 days after my period was due, it came back negative.

As of 2 days ago, so 5 days after my period was due, I started to get really achy boobs same as I would get after ovulation, and started getting all my usual period symptoms but still nothing.

Today I am cramping and feeling like I’m just seconds away from having period blood all down my legs, ew I know :D, and my boobs are achy and I’m breaking out on my face like usual before a period.

Can anyone please give me any insight as to what’s happening? Could it be hormonal imbalance? could I be pregnant?

May I add, I’ve had big stressful days this cycle. Plus I’ve lost some weight rapidly this month.

And I will buy a pregnancy test tomorrow to double check if nothing until tomorrow.

Also I never had this in my first pregnancy, no achy boobs, no period signs, and I tested positive the day before my period.

Sorry it’s so long

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maria2bela1 · 17/08/2023 06:16

Sometimes hormonal changes can cause periods to be out of whack. Generally speaking, if you miss your period due to pregnancy, it's because the body can recognise that your body is pregnant, and you would have HCG in urine. Of course there are some exceptions to this rule so definitely test again but if the next one is negative you likely need to look at other possibilities. Do you have PCOS?


Boymama26 · 18/08/2023 08:16

Sorry for late reply.

I haven’t got PCOS, and I don’t think that’s a possibility too.

I did take another test and it was very clearly negative with not even a faint line.

As well as still no period. Just that today my cramps have grown more intense and my boobs are starting to hurt less just like before my periods 🤷🏻‍♀️

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YouLetDougalDoAFuneral · 18/08/2023 08:25

I've been pretty regular at a 30-31 day cycle my whole life. Last month I was 2 weeks late with no signs. I did about 30 panicked pregnancy tests as it was the only thing that made sense, all resolutely negative except one crappy Asda one (DO NOT BUY THESE).

Came on 2 weeks late, and this month got my period bang on 30 days after the last one.

Other than stress I cannot account for the 2 week gap! But just to reassure you that random stuff like this absolutely can happen.


PickledScrump · 18/08/2023 13:10

It’s very normal for periods to be late or even missed all together even if it’s never happened to you. If you’ve had negative tests then you can be fairly confident you’re not pregnant and it’s just one of those things. Stress can often cause disruption to your cycles


Boymama26 · 19/08/2023 21:11

Thank you all for your replies.

I read them but haven’t had a time to sit down and answer.

Only recently have my cycles become all over the place. I used to be like clock work and after giving birth I became all over the place and then they became stable again. The past 5-6 cycles have been all over the place.

After 9 days late, my Lady in red decided to join me. Thank you all for replying to me, it’s kept me sane to not go and get expensive tests and check everyday :D

I am going to book an appointment with a private gynaecologist, to get checked out.

Once again, thank you 🙏🏼

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Late period and negative pregnancy test | Mumsnet (2024)
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