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18 replies
Mumtobe888 · 29/10/2023 13:21
after some advice please! So I’m five days late on my period (I’ve never been late before) and I took a pregnancy test which came back negative yesterday. I thought ah well I’m not I’m just late! But today I feel so emotional just like I was with my little boy. We went for breakfast this morning and I was in a really bad mood, once I finished eating I started to cry uncontrollably so now I’m thinking what on earth is wrong with me! I guess my question is wouldn’t a pregnancy test show positive by now? I got my first positive with my little boy two days before my period so maybe I am just late and emotional!
OP posts:
MolkosTeenageAngst · 29/10/2023 13:24
Have you taken more than one test? Have you tried one of the tests that advertises as being able to test early in case you have naturally lower than average hcg levels? I wouldn’t assume you definitely couldn’t be pregnant based on only one negative test, no tests are 100% accurate. I’d test again tomorrow straight after waking up with a good brand of test.
Mumtobe888 · 29/10/2023 13:27
@MolkosTeenageAngst i used a first response test but wasn’t with my morning wee so I’ll try again tomorrow if I don’t come on! I’ve been feeling cramps like my period is coming the whole time but it just hasn’t showed up.
OP posts:
Riverlee · 29/10/2023 13:28
Could you be emotional because you are sub-consciously worried about whether you are pregnant or not? Ie. The stress is causing these emotions?
nobleisle · 29/10/2023 13:30
The first month I started trying for my second I was 11 days late and had negative tests the whole time.. ive never ever been late before so it was really cruel!
Mumtobe888 · 30/10/2023 13:51
Hello, I meant to do a test this morning but was rushing around to get my son ready so forgot to do one! I’ve just taken a test after not having a wee all morning and this is the result, a very faint line I think but I’m not sure. I took another one five minutes after and that one was deffo negative!
OP posts:
Mumtobe888 · 30/10/2023 13:54
@nobleisle oh that’s awful! It’s horrible not knowing isn’t it!
@Riverlee it could be that, I guess I don’t feel like I’m stressed about it but I obviously am haha
OP posts:
fairymary87 · 30/10/2023 13:55
Test again tomorrow, I can see the faint line!
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Boymummyofone · 30/10/2023 13:58
This happened with me. Took a test as I wasn't feeling myself and it was negative, didn't think much of it as me and DH weren't TTC but then a couple of weeks later I took another one as I still hadn't come on my period and it was positive! Apparently it's common if the hormones are too faint to detect. Try again in a week or so
Mumtobe888 · 30/10/2023 14:15
@Boymummyofone its so weird, with my son I tested positive before my period! I constantly feel like my period is about to come any second and I keep going to the toilet to check, very strange!
OP posts:
TheShellBeach · 30/10/2023 14:19
You may be having a chemical pregnancy, OP.
See if the line gets even fainter tomorrow.
If it's a chemical, you'll start bleeding in the next few days.
On the other hand, you could be pregnant with a viable pregnancy and just have ovulated and implanted late.
Mumtobe888 · 31/10/2023 12:49
Hello, tested again this morning with a cheap one and it’s negative! So I’ll just have to wait for AF to arrive!
OP posts:
fairymary87 · 31/10/2023 15:37
Oh bless x sending love
Mumtobe888 · 03/11/2023 15:17
Hi ladies, me again! So still no period, took a cheap test again this afternoon and I could see a line within the time frame but I’ve just looked and it’s not there anymore. Can you see a line or am I seeing things haha
OP posts:
TheShellBeach · 03/11/2023 15:34
Hi @Mumtobe888 I think that as you're now 10 days late, you would have a blazing, obvious line if you were pregnant.
I can't see a line on that test, sorry.
I don't know why you've missed a period but you do not seem to be pregnant.
Are you tracking ovulation?
Akan · 20/03/2024 10:54
Hi @Mumtobe888
What it turned out for you? I am 2 days late for period with negative pregnancy test.
I always get my period on time. So not sure whats going on.
Lettywilliams · 20/03/2024 11:23
Mumtobe888 · 29/10/2023 13:21
after some advice please! So I’m five days late on my period (I’ve never been late before) and I took a pregnancy test which came back negative yesterday. I thought ah well I’m not I’m just late! But today I feel so emotional just like I was with my little boy. We went for breakfast this morning and I was in a really bad mood, once I finished eating I started to cry uncontrollably so now I’m thinking what on earth is wrong with me! I guess my question is wouldn’t a pregnancy test show positive by now? I got my first positive with my little boy two days before my period so maybe I am just late and emotional!
It sounds like you're going through a tough time! Remember, stress and other factors can sometimes delay your period, even if you're not pregnant. It's good you took a test, but if you're still unsure, it might be a good idea to see a doctor for more clarity and support. Hang in there, and take care of yourself!
Mumtobe888 · 20/03/2024 11:43
@Akan I was 14 days late!! Not pregnant unfortunately, had all the symptoms though I thought! That’s the first time I’ve ever been late on my period, they’ve returned to normal since x
OP posts:
ZZGirl · 20/03/2024 16:52
This is now me. I'm 3 days late. On average I'm a 27 day cycle. Came on a few days early last month, DTD twice this month protected and a negative test yesterday. I'm so sure im not pregnant but bought one more test for tomorrow morning
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