Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (2024)

15 answers /

Last post: 04/08/2021 at 6:06 am

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (1)

Samantha B(1738)

01/08/2021 at 2:54 pm

I am due my AF tomorrow and this week I’ve felt sick on and off. My sense of smell is hightened and been having cramps. There’s been no implantation bleed but it doesn’t always happens from what I’ve read. I’ve tested a few times this week all negative and thought I’d get a positive today.

am I out? Or should I wait for a missed period?

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (2)

Claire B(2997)

02/08/2021 at 10:20 am


I can't really help, I'm afraid, but didn't want to read and run. Did af arrive for you?

I am in exactly the same position. My af is due tomorrow. I've been feeling so nauseous, less appetite, twinges, headaches and backache but had a bfn this morning. I always spot a couple if days before af too but had nothing. So frustrating.

I'm losing hope but not giving up completely...we aren't out until af shows.

🤞 xx

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (3)

Samantha B(1738)

02/08/2021 at 10:24 am

In answer to

Claire B(2997)


I can't really help, I'm afraid, but didn't want to read and run. Did af arrive for you?

I am in exactly the same position. My af is due tomorrow. I've been feeling so nauseous, less appetite, twinges, headaches and backache but had a bfn this morning. I always spot a couple if days before af too but had nothing. So frustrating.

I'm losing hope but not giving up completely...we aren't out until af shows.

🤞 xx

Aww bless you!

AF is due today but she’s not arrived but I think she will with the cramps I’ve had. I had a bfn this morning:

it’s so frustrating! With my first I was nearly 7 weeks and absolutely clueless at 19 that I was actually pregnant 😂 wish it was that easy this time.

hopefully we get the bfp xx

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Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (6)


02/08/2021 at 4:00 pm

I'm two days late and only just started having positive pregnancy tests :). Just feel so nauseated all the time. No implantation bleeding. Some minor cramps. But bigger boobs. They aren't hurting but very tingly haha. So it's possible sweet :)

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (7)

Samantha B(1738)

02/08/2021 at 4:16 pm

In answer to


I'm two days late and only just started having positive pregnancy tests :). Just feel so nauseated all the time. No implantation bleeding. Some minor cramps. But bigger boobs. They aren't hurting but very tingly haha. So it's possible sweet :)

Aww that gives me hope! I’m so impatient I hate not knowing so many people find out so early.

I’ve waited nearly 6 years since my first so now I’m ready and want it now haha x

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (8)

Samantha B(1738)

02/08/2021 at 4:16 pm

In answer to


I'm two days late and only just started having positive pregnancy tests :). Just feel so nauseated all the time. No implantation bleeding. Some minor cramps. But bigger boobs. They aren't hurting but very tingly haha. So it's possible sweet :)

Aww that gives me hope! I’m so impatient I hate not knowing so many people find out so early.

I’ve waited nearly 6 years since my first so now I’m ready and want it now haha x

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (9)

Claire B(2997)

02/08/2021 at 4:23 pm

In answer to

Samantha B(1738)

Aww that gives me hope! I’m so impatient I hate not knowing so many people find out so early.

I’ve waited nearly 6 years since my first so now I’m ready and want it now haha x

I'm exactly the same! My lb is 5.

I had a MMC last October and a chemical in February this year, so desperately hoping to see a bfp soon. I'm also 40 next month, so don't really have time on my side 😔

I have everything crossed for you. X

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (10)

Samantha B(1738)

02/08/2021 at 4:34 pm

In answer to

Claire B(2997)

I'm exactly the same! My lb is 5.

I had a MMC last October and a chemical in February this year, so desperately hoping to see a bfp soon. I'm also 40 next month, so don't really have time on my side 😔

I have everything crossed for you. X

Oh bless you :( I hope you get your bfp! X

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (11)

Claire B(2997)

02/08/2021 at 4:36 pm

In answer to

Samantha B(1738)

Oh bless you :( I hope you get your bfp! X

Thank you 😃 I hope you do too. 🤞


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Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (14)


03/08/2021 at 10:38 am

In answer to

Samantha B(1738)

Aww that gives me hope! I’m so impatient I hate not knowing so many people find out so early.

I’ve waited nearly 6 years since my first so now I’m ready and want it now haha x

Honestly I was shocked. I've felt offish for almost a week now. But swear to go how can you ger pregnant from having sex once I don't know 😂🤣 so convinced myself it was in my head. All my strip tests have been negative but did others and they have been clearly positive. Plus having the symptoms really helps. I'm 4 weeks gone from the calculator due April. Can't belive I'm even saying that. I call the baby sticky bean already haha.

Can't find your answer?

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (15)

Samantha B(1738)

03/08/2021 at 10:52 am

In answer to


Honestly I was shocked. I've felt offish for almost a week now. But swear to go how can you ger pregnant from having sex once I don't know 😂🤣 so convinced myself it was in my head. All my strip tests have been negative but did others and they have been clearly positive. Plus having the symptoms really helps. I'm 4 weeks gone from the calculator due April. Can't belive I'm even saying that. I call the baby sticky bean already haha.

haha You must be so fertile! It definitely wanted to stick.

I was due yesterday and it’s not arrived yet. Still feel sick, cramps, sore boobs and today I have been so dizzy I’m glad I sit down for my job. I just don’t know wether to get a test or not feel like all I see of them is negative 😔

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (16)

Lotus L(2)

04/08/2021 at 2:20 am

In answer to

Samantha B(1738)

haha You must be so fertile! It definitely wanted to stick.

I was due yesterday and it’s not arrived yet. Still feel sick, cramps, sore boobs and today I have been so dizzy I’m glad I sit down for my job. I just don’t know wether to get a test or not feel like all I see of them is negative 😔

take test tomorrow / hopefully you will get bfp

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (17)


04/08/2021 at 5:27 am

In answer to

Samantha B(1738)

haha You must be so fertile! It definitely wanted to stick.

I was due yesterday and it’s not arrived yet. Still feel sick, cramps, sore boobs and today I have been so dizzy I’m glad I sit down for my job. I just don’t know wether to get a test or not feel like all I see of them is negative 😔

Well it's Deffo official. No mistaking that. Deffo get the sticks. I'm still showing up negative on those when clearly these are positive lol Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (18)

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Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (21)

Samantha B(1738)

04/08/2021 at 6:06 am

In answer to


Well it's Deffo official. No mistaking that. Deffo get the sticks. I'm still showing up negative on those when clearly these are positive lol Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (22)

I got a stick just a cheap freedom one but that was negative but AF still hasn’t come and I’m not spotting like I usually am either. I’m usually 23-27 days like clock work

Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (23)

Samantha B(1738)

04/08/2021 at 6:06 am

In answer to

Lotus L(2)

take test tomorrow / hopefully you will get bfp

I took a test this morning on a freedom one which was negative :(

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Day before period, pregnancy symptoms but negative test (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.