Best of 2019: Police blotter roundup (2024)

Best of 2019: Police blotter roundup (1)

Lantana — A motorist with his engine running and the car in drive fell asleep at a fast-food restaurant drive-thru in the 1400 block of West Lantana Road. Drivers in line behind him began honking their horns to get his attention. An officer checking on the man found a bag of pot on the passenger seat of his vehicle. The man was arrested and released with a notice to appear in court.

Jupiter — An intoxicated man decided to relieve himself on a fence in the 100 block of Fourth Street at the exact moment a police officer drove past. Upon seeing the officer, the man quickly pulled his pants up. Sort of. Despite his valiant attempt to conceal himself and his crime, his pants were only partially pulled up and his penis was still out. The man, who admitted to drinking five beers, was arrested and later released with a notice to appear.

>>Palm Beach County Booking Blotter: See who’s been arrested

Jupiter — Wearing only a light-colored hat, a fat, naked man was startled when he realized a woman had spotted him stretching on the beach in the 3000 block of South A1A. Quickly overcoming his shyness he began walking towards the woman in all his rotund glory. The woman said the man then began pleasuring himself and groaning while walking. She said she ran away to call the police and he ran into some nearby sea grapes. Police searched the area with negative results.

Lantana — A 41-year-old woman with an apparent penchant for celebrity fragrances stole several bottles, including Beyonce, Pitbull and Jessica Simpson sprays, with a total value of $126.18. As she left the store in the 1200 block of South Dixie HIghway, she was pursued by a loss prevention officer. The woman was arrested. A background check showed she had been convicted of shoplifting on three previous occasions. She was taken to the county jail.

>>Crime in Palm Beach County: Latest news, booking blotter, more

West Palm Beach — An intoxicated man in the 4500 block of Happy Landings Street threw a brick at his neighbor’s vehicle. He agreed to pay for the damage, and the neighbor agreed not to press charges.

Jensen Beach — After receiving a tip and a photo of marijuana plants, deputies went to a residence in the 2100 block of Northeast Park Street in Jensen Beach. A woman at the address explained that the plants were the result of her attempt to see whether some seeds she found would grow into mature plants. She admitted to having pot inside the house as well, and turned over a bag containing about 20 grams. She was arrested and taken to the county jail.

Palm Beach Gardens — With a hankering for seafood, an individual stole five frozen lobster tails and two bags of frozen shrimp from a store in the 4900 block of PGA Boulevard. The crustaceans were worth nearly $200.

Boynton Beach — A man went to a gas station in the 1100 block of South Federal Highway and asked about a job. He returned later, threatened an employee and demanded cash. He grabbed the money and drove off in a dark blue sedan.

Palm Beach Gardens — Arriving at a business in the 4400 block of Northlake Boulevard, a woman told the manager she was there to apply for a job. After speaking to her for a bit, the manager said she was being rude and would not hire her. The woman said she didn’t like that the manager said he would not hire her on account of her rudeness and slapped him in the face. An employee who witnessed the assault corroborated the manager’s account. The woman was arrested on a battery charge and later taken to the county jail.

Lantana — A 57-year-old man stuffed hot dogs and two packages of steak into his shorts at a store in the 1500 block of West Lantana Road. The hidden meat had a total value of $58.30. He was stopped by a loss prevention officer and the meat was removed from his pants. A background check showed he was convicted of theft four times previously. He was arrested and taken to the county jail.

Delray Beach — A 65-year-old woman was arrested in the 16100 block of South Military Trail after she threw a shoe at a 28-year-old woman, striking her in the face.

Fort Pierce — Three officers were on routine patrol when a woman approached their unmarked vehicle, saying “Hey” in a seductive manner. She opened the car door and hopped into the back seat, saying she wanted to party. She also noted that there were three passengers in the vehicle, but said she was OK with it. When one of the officers asked what she charged for three customers, she replied, “a lot.” She pulled up her shirt, exposing herself as a preview of the merchandise. When her good-willed gesture was met with silence, the woman realized the three officers were wearing tactical raid gear with police logos, along with full-duty belts. She asked if they were police, and they all responded in the affirmative. The woman, who apologized for soliciting the officers, was arrested and taken to the county jail.

Royal Palm Beach — A patron of an establishment in the 10900 block of Okeechobee Boulevard wasn’t happy when the bartender announced “last call.” Although he had paid his tab, the man wanted the good times to continue. He attempted to punch the manager, but the manager ducked; the man hit the cooler instead. The cooler was not damaged. The manager requested the man be given a trespass warning from the premises for a one-year period.

Royal Palm Beach — A patron at an establishment in the 12000 block of Southern Boulevard created an uproar after he allegedly found a feather on one of his chicken wings. A waiter suggested the patron was just trying to get a free meal, which led to a shouting match. The manager told the patron to leave. A deputy who responded to the scene was given a description of the distraught patron and was able to track him down. At the request of the manager, the man was given a trespass warning from the establishment. He told the deputy he was OK with it, as he never planned to return to the spot.

Delray Beach — A man found what appeared to be narcotics in the pocket of a jacket he bought at a thrift store in the 1600 block of North Federal Highway.

Palm Beach Gardens — Two residents at a senior facility on Prosperity Farms Road decided to hash out their differences at the facility’s bar. After receiving a message from his lady friend that another resident was going to “poke him in the nose,” a man charged down to the bar for a face-to-face confrontation. There he advised the resident that if he had anything to say, to say it directly to him. As the face off was going down, the man who had been threatened with a nose poking said he lost his balance and began to fall. At that moment the other man began throwing punches. The man who threw the punches and had started the incident with the threat of nose poking was arrested for battery.

North Palm Beach — Believing he was in danger from an approaching hurricane, an extremely intoxicated man stripped off all his clothing then attempted to break into several cars at a business on Alternate A1A. The man, who was later apprehended running naked on Prosperity Farms Road, had attempted to punch his way into at least one vehicle and, for reasons unknown, also poured oil on and in several of them. He later told police he remembered the incident, but it was like a dream. He was arrested for criminal mischief and later, after being medically cleared, transported to jail.

Palm Beach Gardens — Dressed as women, two men strolled into a store in the 11200 block of Legacy Avenue and began selecting clothing designed for small dogs. After picking out their pet’s wardrobe, they proceeded to the back of the store. The manager, who had been watching the cross-dressing duo, said they then walked back to the front and then out of the store. Unable to find the missing merchandise in the back of the store, the manager suspected they hid the items in their purses. The manager was able to provide police with the make and model of their vehicle. The manager said that if the perpetrators are caught she doesn’t want to prosecute, but wants them issued trespass warnings.

Palm Beach Gardens — Patrons at an exercise facility in the 9800 block of Alternate A1A were treated to a show and a short escort as they exited the business. The show involved a man doing pushups on the sidewalk outside and then following the customers as they left. Police immediately recognized the individual and a records check showed he had an active trespass warning for the area. He was arrested for trespass after warning and released with a notice to appear.

Palm Beach Gardens — After entering an eatery in the 9900 block of Alternate A1A, a woman asked a customer to buy her a meal. The customer agreed to her request. Despite his purchasing her meal, the woman harassed the man to the point that one of the employees had to ask her to leave. Having consumed her food and now drinking a cappuccino, the woman demanded she receive a refund for her food if she left. The employee said he would issue the refund to the man who actually purchased the meal. Enraged, the woman threw her hot cappuccino on the employee. When interviewed the woman admitted throwing the scalding hot beverage on the employee, but emphasized that the cup did not hit him. The woman was arrested for battery.

Palm Beach Gardens — Slamming into a median near the intersection of Northlake Boulevard and Keating Drive, a driver managed to destroy three of his four tires and rims and damaged the vehicle’s steering. Despite the near catastrophic damage the driver kept traveling west on Northlake Boulevard before he managed to turn onto South Military Trail. Though the responding officer had his lights on and siren blaring, the driver continued his slow-speed quest for over a mile before his wounded car finally succumbed to its injuries. Making contact with the demolition driver, police immediately noticed his slurred speech, bloodshot eyes and his struggle to answer basic questions. He declined to take part in a roadside sobriety test and was arrested for DUI.

Palm Beach Gardens — Attempting to prevent an argument between two neighbors in the 3000 block of Alcazar Place from turning physical, a man placed himself between the two women. This earned the chivalrous man a punch in the head from one of the less-than-ladylike women. The assault left the man with pain, redness and an abrasion to his left cheek, eye and forehead. The battering was witness by the other woman as well as a maintenance worker. The assailant was arrested for battery.

Palm Beach Gardens — After witnessing an individual at a gas station in the 2400 block of PGA Boulevard scream at and frighten an elderly woman, a man pepper sprayed the individual in the face. The two men then engaged in mutual combat. The pepper-sprayed individual’s girlfriend attempted to separate the men with little affect. A fourth individual who was witnessing the melee, then turned the threesome into a foursome while attempting to break them all apart. At that point the man with pepper spray unleashed another blast getting the individual again plus his girlfriend and the newcomer. The four were eventually separated and the man with the pepper spray was charged with battery. The other three were all treated by fire rescue.

Palm Beach Gardens — A woman with an active trespass warning against her, entered her neighbor’s property and posted a note on the front door. Police contacted the perpetrator and inquired why she violated the order. The woman stated that she posted the note at 4 a.m. and that it was an inquiry about the whereabouts of her cat. She said she thinks the neighbor has it and that she wants it back. When police contacted the homeowner and asked whether she wanted the woman arrested she said no and to issue a verbal warning that if it does happen again she will press charges.

Jupiter — Wielding a broomstick, a woman attacked her husband at their residence in the 400 block of Fern Street. When police questioned her she could not provide them with a coherent statement and just kept repeating that he didn’t help out around the house much. The husband, who had absorbed the blows with his now red and bruised forearm, confirmed that he had been beaten with a broomstick by his wife. He made no mention of his ability to help out around the house. The wife was arrested for battery.

Jupiter — Arguing over what he was going to wear out for the evening, a man said he became so upset at his husband that he threw all of their clothes onto the ground at their residence in the 300 block of Timberwalk Trail. Upon seeing the mess, the husband became angry and slapped the man. The pair then began wrestling for a bit before several friends, who were downstairs, came up to see what the commotion was. While talking to the police, the battered man became uncooperative when he realized his husband might be arrested. The husband later admitted striking his husband and was arrested. He was placed in handcuffs and taken to jail.

Jupiter — While receiving treatment at a medical facility in the 1200 block of South Old Dixie Highway an extremely intoxicated man grabbed a nurse by the buttocks. The nurse said she had turned away from the man for a second and that when she did he “grabbed my ass.” Despite the man’s actions, the nurse decided not to press charges.

Jupiter — Attempting to diffuse an escalating confrontation between her adult son and his ex-girlfriend, a mother stepped between the pair at their residence in the 300 Timberwalk Trail. Enraged that he had gotten his mother involved in their business, the ex-girlfriend lunged at the man while swinging her arms wildly. She missed the man, but managed to clobber the mom. Though the mom sustained an abrasion on her lip as well as abrasions to her forearm and knee, she declined to press charges because the ex-girlfriend is moving out soon and feels bad about the whole situation.

Jupiter — Waiting patiently for a gas pump at a station in the 9200 block of West Indiantown Road, a man became enraged when another motorist cut him off. No longer patient, the slighted man let the other motorist know just how deeply his feelings had been hurt. Not wanting to empathize, the motorist fired back with words of his own. This back and forth eventually led the pair to begin a tumultuous, heated, physical confrontation. The confrontation culminated with each getting cuts on their noses and claiming the other actually started the fight. Police could not determine a primary aggressor and no arrests were made.

Jupiter — Skipping, dancing and jumping inside a store in the 2100 block of West Indiantown Road, an intoxicated man approached a female customer and informed her that he would like to kiss her. Several witnesses also said he grabbed another woman by the buttocks. When police arrived and stopped the man, he admitted consuming alcoholic beverages. Later while police were talking with him he attempted to walk away and intentionally bumped into one of the officers. He was placed under arrest for disorderly intoxication and resisting/obstructing an investigation.

Jupiter — Inviting a man into her home in the 1800 block of Center Street in order to pay him for transporting a new barbecue grill to her home, the woman said the man began kissing her neck and face. Simply wanting to give the man the $20 she’d promised him, the woman instead said “no” and kicked him in the groin. She then told him to get out. He complied and drove away in his truck. The woman told police she did not want to prosecute, but wanted them to “kick his ass.”

North Palm Beach — Driving his convertible with the top down, a man decided to enjoy a marijuana cigarette while traveling along Lighthouse Drive. Also traveling along Lighthouse Drive at the same time happened to be a police officer on a motorcycle. The officer smelled the freshly burnt marijuana and activated his lights to stop the convertible. Though the lights were flashing, the driver of the cannabis car traveled another several hundred yards before pulling over in the 600 block of Anchorage Drive. A freshly burnt joint was located in the cup holder in the center console as well as a second, unburnt one. The man was arrested for drug possession and later released with a notice to appear.

North Palm Beach — “You have no reason to ask me that” was a man’s response when a police officer asked him what he was doing hiding in the bushes outside a closed business in the 300 block of Northlake Boulevard. When the officer asked the man his name he refused to provide it. The officer then told the man he would be detained until he provided his name or they ascertained by some other means. The man refused to be placed in handcuffs and began resisting the officer. He was taken to the ground and eventually cuffed. He was arrested for loitering and prowling. A search of his backpack revealed multiple screwdrivers, a window punch, flashlight and gloves. He was taken to jail.

North Palm Beach — With a mouth full of mints and gum, a driver informed the officer who had just pulled him over “I just had like, a beer.” The man, who was stopped for speeding on North Military Trail, also told the officer “sorry man.” With speech that was heavily slurred and barely discernible through his mouth full of breath disguise, he said he’d come from a nearby restaurant. After noticing dirt on the man’s forehead and asking him about it, the man said “I wear hats that leave a mark.” He then changed that answer to “Oh, I just had a girl punch me in the face.” When asked whether he fell into some dirt after being clobbered he said “I don’t think so.” He then proceeded to give the officer inconsistent statements about the type of beverage he had been drinking, the amount and the locations where he consumed them. He agreed to take part in a roadside sobriety test and did poorly. He was arrested for DUI.

North Palm Beach — Discovered laying on the ground in front of a business in the 900 block of US 1, a man was asked what he was doing. The man informed the officer that he was just taking a break. When asked for his identification, the man said he didn’t have one and that the officer should “(expletive) off.” He then began walking away. Informed that he was not free to go the man challenged the officer saying “no, (expletive) you! You are not even a real cop.” Still attempting to leave the man was physically detained while screaming “(expletive) you” repeatedly. He was arrested for resisting an officer with violence and loitering and prowling. A short time later he was taken to jail.

Port St. Lucie — A man entered a fast-food restaurant in the 100 block of Southwest Port St. Lucie Boulevard, pulled a chair up to the surveillance camera and spray-painted the lens. He then stole cash, multiple cases of chicken and bags of chicken batter. There was no sign of forced entry to the eatery.

Compiled by Eddie Ritz and Sy O’Neil from the 2019 law enforcement reports.

Best of 2019: Police blotter roundup (2024)


How much do police officers make in Taylor Texas? ›

How much does a Police officer make in Taylor, TX? The average police officer salary in Taylor, TX is $54,148 per year or $26.03 per hour. Entry level positions start at $34,920 per year while most experienced workers make up to $65,863 per year.

How much do police officers make in Kissimmee Florida? ›

As of Jul 30, 2024, the average annual pay for the Police jobs category in Kissimmee is $53,291 a year.

What is the non-emergency number for Lake in the Hills? ›

If your message is time-sensitive during off-hours, please contact our Police Department at 847-658-5676. If this is an EMERGENCY, please CALL 911.

Who is the chief of police in Taylor Texas? ›

Fluck, Henry

Who is the highest paid police department in Texas? ›

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Law Enforcement Jobs in Texas
CityAnnual SalaryHourly Wage
6 more rows

Who are the highest paid cops? ›

High Paying Police Jobs
  • Police Captain. Salary range: $87,000-$172,500 per year. ...
  • Chief of Police. Salary range: $100,500-$165,000 per year. ...
  • Police Lieutenant. Salary range: $75,500-$149,000 per year. ...
  • Assistant Chief of Police. Salary range: $57,500-$139,000 per year. ...
  • Special Agent In Charge. ...
  • Sheriff. ...
  • Lieutenant. ...
  • Police Sergeant.

What state pays the best for police officers? ›

Based largely on compensation and training, California topped a WalletHub study as the best place to be a police officer in the United States. The average monthly starting salary of a police officer in California is a little over $5,500, the fourth-highest wage in the country.

How much do SWAT workers make in Florida? ›

How much does a Swat make in Florida? The salary range for a Swat job is from $41,605 to $56,570 per year in Florida. Click on the filter to check out Swat job salaries by hourly, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, and yearly.

How much does a fl State Trooper make? ›

How much does a State Trooper make in Florida? As of Jul 30, 2024, the average annual pay for a State Trooper in Florida is $48,441 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $23.29 an hour. This is the equivalent of $931/week or $4,036/month.

What is the non-emergency number for Howey in the Hills? ›


Phone the Howey Police Dept. for additional information: 352-324-2030.

What is the non-emergency number for North Richland Hills Texas? ›

Remember if you have any non-emergency police related issues to report, please contact dispatch directly 817-281-1000.

What is the non-emergency number for Dunnellon Florida? ›

Help us keep our communities safe by using our non-emergency line (352) 732-9111 for police assistance or to report a crime.

Who is the Chief of Police in Prosper Texas? ›

Kowalski, Doug

Who is the game warden for Taylor County Texas? ›

Taylor County Wardens & Offices
Game WardenPhone
Cummings, James G325-668-9939
Tidwell, Amelia940-329-0678

Who is the superintendent of Taylor ISD Texas? ›

“Megan's expertise in curriculum along with her successful leadership experience at all grade levels makes her the perfect candidate for Chief Academic Officer," said Taylor ISD Superintendent, Jennifer Garcia-Edwardsen. Her skillset will be instrumental as we take student learning to the next level.”

What is the hourly wage for police in Texas? ›

As of Jul 28, 2024, the average annual pay for an Entry Level Police Officer in Texas is $52,387 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $25.19 an hour.

What is the starting pay for a Texas trooper? ›

Salary Schedule for FY 2025
FY 2024-2025 (Effective 09-01-2024)
Progressive StepsBase SalaryYearly
Trooper-Trainee (During recruit school) Graduation Bonus (One-Time)$4,271.25 $5,000.00$51,255.00
Probationary Trooper (Upon being commissioned)$4,620.08$55,441.00
Trooper I (After 12 month probation period)$5,487.56$65,850.75
23 more rows
Jun 9, 2022

What is the average salary for a PNP in Texas? ›

Pnp Salary in Texas
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$173,287$14,440
75th Percentile$158,400$13,200
25th Percentile$102,500$8,541

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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