Are The Crystal Armours Worth Millions Of OSRS GP? (2025)

Here’s everything you need to know about the Crystal Armour pieces.

There are three pieces of crystal armours: the legs, the body, and the helm. While they are not tradeable, you can get crystal armour seeds from the GE for roughly 5m OSRS GP each. You will also need crystal shards to sing the armour pieces or to pay an NPC if you don’t have the Smithing and Crafting levels to make them yourself. You cannot buy crystal shards directly from the GE. However, you can buy various crystal seeds, which you can then exchange with an NPC (Amrod) for the shards. The least costly per shard is currently buying the enhanced crystal teleport seed, which will give you 150 shards for around 12k OSRS GP per shard.

You’ll Need Gold, A Lot of It

Suppose you don’t want to get the shards by engaging in various activities in Prifddinas. In that case, you will need two enhanced crystal teleport seeds to get enough shards for all three pieces of crystal armour, so you will be spending over 10m OSRS GP for the crystal shards alone. With the amount you’ll have to spend for the crystal armour seeds, of which you’ll need a total of 6, you will roughly spend over 40m OSRS gold for the full set. If that wasn’t obvious from the start, crystal armours involve a lot of gold.


Since you can only get crystal shards in Prifddinas, you must have completed the Song of the Elves quest, which unlocks this area, to get any crystal armour pieces. To start this quest, you will need many skills in the 70s, and to complete the quest, you’ll also need a high combat level, as you’ll have a few brutal fights during the quest.

  • 70 Agility
  • 70 Construction
  • 70 Farming
  • 70 Herblore
  • 70 Hunter
  • 70 Mining
  • 70 Smithing
  • 70 Woodcutting

If you want to save a bit and sing the armour pieces yourself, you will need specific Crafting and Smithing levels for each of the pieces:

  • Crystal helmet – 70 Crafting and Smithing
  • Crystal legs – 72 Crafting and Smithing
  • Crystal body – 74 Crafting and Smithing

To wear the crystal armour pieces, you will also need a defense level of at least 70.


As an ironman, you don’t have the option to buy the crystal armour seeds and the enhanced crystal teleport seed from other players, so you must drop all of them yourself. While you can passively get crystal shards by doing various activities around Prifddinas, such as training your woodcutting with the Teaks located in the North East of Prifddinas or training your Agility starting at level 75 on the Prifddinas course, the only way to obtain the crystal armour seed is by completing The Gauntlet or the more complex version, the Corrupted Gauntlet.

You have a 1 in 120 chance to obtain a crystal armour seed from The Gauntlet and a 1 in 50 chance to drop it from The Corrupted Gauntlet. You’ll also get 5-9 crystal shards each run, and you’ll potentially also get enhanced crystal weapon seeds, which you’ll need for some powerful complementary weapons.

Why You Should Get It

The crystal armour pieces complement two excellent ranged weapons: the crystal bow and the Bow of Faerdhinen. It will give you a 15 percent damage bonus and a 30 percent accuracy bonus when using either of the two crystal-ranged weapons. While even as ironman, you can buy the crystal bow, the Bow of Faerdhinen is only obtainable from the enhanced crystal weapon seed, a rare drop from The Gauntlet or the Corrupted Gauntlet with a drop chance of 1 in 2000 or 1 in 400.

Where to Use It

The crystal armour is perfect against a series of bosses. For example, combined with a crystal Bow or Bow of Faerdhinen, it is the best against bosses such as the Abyssal Sire, Commander Zilyana, General Graardor, and Phantom Muspah. It’s also excellent for tackling combat minigames like Fight Caves and Inferno. It is also a decent pick against Callisto, Cerberus, Chambers of Xeric, Dagannoth Kings, K’ril, Zulrah, or Tombs of Amascut. Many players also use crystal when farming Skeletal Wyverns, Basilisk knights, or Demonic Gorillas.


Starting February 2023, you can choose to recolor your crystal armour, and there are eight variations. To recolor each piece, you will need to buy a recoloring crystal from an NPC in exchange for 500k OSRS GP each, costing you 1.5 mil OSRS gold to recolor your full armour set. You can choose the eight colors: white, black, magenta, green, yellow, cyan, red, and blue, and you will need to buy a different crystal for each color. Besides getting a cosmetic upgrade, you will not modify the armor’s stats. You get a crystal and apply it to the crystal weapons in your OSRS accounts for sale to look cool.

Are The Crystal Armours Worth Millions Of OSRS GP? (2025)


How much to fully charge crystal armor in OSRs? ›

In order to add charges to the crystal body, crystal shards must be used on it (this can be done before it is inactive as well), with each shard granting 100 charges, up to a maximum of 20,000.

What is crystal armor good for osrs? ›

Each crystal armour piece has a bonus effect when equipped to give a damage and accuracy increase to the crystal bow and Bow of Faerdhinen, adding up to a total 15% damage and 30% accuracy bonus when the full set is equipped.

How many crystal shards for full crystal armor? ›

Armour information
Crystal body (Creation)74 743 × Crystal armour seed 150 × Crystal shard
Crystal helm (Creation)70 701 × Crystal armour seed 50 × Crystal shard
Crystal legs (Creation)72 722 × Crystal armour seed 100 × Crystal shard
Jul 24, 2024

How many shards to fully charge Bowfa? ›

The bow can be upgraded by bringing it and 2,000 crystal shards to a singing bowl. Doing so requires level 82 Smithing and Crafting (the levels can be boosted), and grants no experience.

How many crystal shards to corrupt a bow? ›

It can be corrupted at a cost of 2,000 crystal shards, which prevents the bow from degrading. The bow of Faerdhinen can be created with the singing bowl by combining 100 crystal shards and an enhanced crystal weapon seed.

What is the strongest armor in Osrs? ›

Justiciar armour possesses the best defensive bonuses in the game for melee and ranged. The armour requires level 75 in Defence to wear, and possesses a set effect that reduces damage taken when the player wears the full set.

Does crystal armor degrade in NMZ Osrs? ›

Crystal shields and armour no longer degrade when taking a 0 hit. Crystal equipment stats no longer become gradually lower as the weapon degrades, converting all imbued crystal shields into crystal weapon seeds and removing the ability to imbue them through Nightmare Zone.

How many shards to corrupt crystal armor? ›

A perfected corrupted body is a piece of corrupted crystal armour created within the Corrupted Gauntlet, made from 80 corrupted shards, 1 attuned corrupted body, 2 corrupted ore, 2 phren bark, and 2 linum tirinum.

How much are crystal shards worth in OSRs? ›

Crystal shard
Value10,000 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight0 kg
Advanced data
22 more rows
May 10, 2024

Is crystal armor tradable in OSRs? ›

While crystal seeds are tradeable, crystal equipment is untradeable except when it is purchased from Islwyn and sold without being used in combat.

Are Crystal Shard crystals worth it? ›

Crystal Shards have an unusually high sell value relative to their commonness, so farming them can be one of the most effective ways of making money throughout Hardmode.

Is Bowfa good without armour? ›

It's still very useful when corrupted even without the armor (I use it at shamans for example and it's fantastic). That being said, the armor seeds can be a relatively quick grind for quite the boost in damage and accuracy.

How many shards does it take to corrupt the blade of Saeldor? ›

The blade can be upgraded by corrupting it, which requires bringing the blade and 1,000 crystal shards to a singing bowl.

Can you turn crystal teleport seeds into shards? ›

If the player does not meet the Smithing and Crafting requirements, they can have Conwenna or Reese sing the crystal for them for an extra 50 crystal shards, for a total of 150. Players can also exchange the teleport seed for 150 crystal shards by speaking to Amrod in Prifddinas' Hefin Inn.

How many charges does a full crystal bow have? ›

Obtaining crystal bows

When the seed is re-enchanted by Ilfeen, it will have 2,500 charges. This will still cost 900,000 coins. Additionally, players can buy new crystal bows from Islwyn just north of the south-east Prifddinas bank for 900,000 coins each.

How much does it cost to recharge crystal shield? ›

The crystal shield can be imbued for 2,000 Nightmare Zone points per charge, requiring 20,000 points to imbue a fully charged shield.

How much is a crystal shard worth in OSRs? ›

Crystal shard
Value10,000 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight0 kg
Advanced data
22 more rows
May 10, 2024

How much is crystal impling osrs? ›

Loot. At current Grand Exchange prices, opening a crystal impling jar gives 78,529.00 worth of loot on average. If you include growing the Crystal acorns, you can use Crystal shards to create Divine potions, this increases the value to 109,708.00.

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